@Admin and I had a conversation a couple of weeks ago about dating and meeting perspective partners, now in our day it was easy, you get glammed up with the girls, boys the same and head off to town, hit the pub and on to a night club where you would dance and enjoy. You would have gents come up to you offering a drink or a dance, you could leave your bag and drink on the table while doing this. Then of course come the last dance of the evening where all the girls and boys join and smooch, if you fancied each other then home numbers were exchanged or you were offered a bag of chips and a lift in a taxi.
Now if you were lucky then a second date would be made and hey ho, start of something special...
So what do we have now for this generation of dating, computers, risk of rape, drugs, drink, now if you go to a club then men only want a shag and thats it....
I feel for you hun as today is not a safe place to meet a genuine guy but they are out there, now you would never chance getting in a taxi or take a drink for too many risk factors.
Very sad that we now live in a world of technology to get a date, I'm glad that I met my man at the right time and he is a true gent, I never go to a bar, he always walks on the outside of the pavement, opens the door, Finding this now is rare but they are out there looking for that special lady like yourself..
You will see it when you least expect it and bang.. You'll never look back