why do you swing?

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Society dictates, it's wrong, it's promiscuous, and cheating.
Do you have a specific reason... Does it add to an already, fun sex life? For the singles, does it provide you with intimacy, when there's no incling or time for a relationship..?


18 July 2015
Good question Miss Sparkles and for us we are just having fun and its also a great lifestyle for meeting crazy people like yourself, we love socialising and entertaining and add to that some kinky fun then you have the perfect combination :love:xx
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Good question Miss Sparkles and for us we are just having fun and its also a great lifestyle for meeting crazy people like yourself, we love socialising and entertaining and add to that some kinky fun then you have the perfect combination :love:xx
Couldn't have put it better myself! Crazy? Excuse me lol. No we love the social side.. And if it progresses then so be it. I love the ladies, this is a great way to meet like minded ladies and people. We have a brilliant sex life already, people, I think tend to think, people especially couples who swing, must have something lacking in their own lives. You and I both know this is not so. Its just an extension, it's bloody fun!! And hot!! Besides caring is sharing. Who ever said 3,s a crowd?? Some numptie I guess definitely not a swinger. :rofl: thankyou for your reply


I've never really classed myself as a swinger, but I've always been sexually curious. I've used the internet to explore various avenues for over ten years and met some great people (but also some knackers - goes along with the territory!) so swinging was just a continuation of this. I've never seen any of my explorations as wrong and feel I would've been only cheating myself if I hadn't of gone for it.
Swinging is more social than I've been used to in the past (I tend not to be one for being part of groups) but I'm a sucker for a good laugh and occasionally dancing around in my under crackers, so it suits me just fine ;) D7
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18 July 2015
Couldn't have put it better myself! Crazy? Excuse me lol. No we love the social side.. And if it progresses then so be it. I love the ladies, this is a great way to meet like minded ladies and people. We have a brilliant sex life already, people, I think tend to think, people especially couples who swing, must have something lacking in their own lives. You and I both know this is not so. Its just an extension, it's bloody fun!! And hot!! Besides caring is sharing. Who ever said 3,s a crowd?? Some numptie I guess definitely not a swinger. :rofl: thankyou for your reply
Very true and we a lot that are in the game to save a relationship..Our sex life is amazing and we have never lost that in 15yrs, this job has its bonuses mind you and three is not a crowd..Just more fun and we love meeting others with different kinks and so on, Its an interesting world out there.
Im being to serious today and normal...:rolleyes:xx
22 March 2015
Well I got into swinging many years ago as a single lady, the reason being I enjoy sex but didnt want a relationship and have always put my career first, now Im older and met someone its more about meeting people and having some fun as a couple when we get chance lol, xxx


I recently read this:

Christianity: The sexual morality of Christianity did not come from Jesus. It instead came from his followers whose main interest was the control of the masses.

Thanks to widespread illiteracy - or apathy, whatever the Church said was now law. Intercourse was no longer natural and good, sex was dirty and only for procreation. Celibacy was the new standard for the clergy. And it was a great money maker! If you sinned by enjoying sex, you must come to the Church for repentance which required a donation to demonstrate your faith. What a perfect way for the Church to raise capital. Make everyone a sinner because of their innate sexual desires, and then offer to absolve them for a sizable donation.

Ironic when you consider that religion and it's leaders knowingly hide and protect so many peodophiles?!

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15 September 2014
Very true and we a lot that are in the game to save a relationship..Our sex life is amazing and we have never lost that in 15yrs, this job has its bonuses mind you and three is not a crowd..Just more fun and we love meeting others with different kinks and so on, Its an interesting world out there.
Im being to serious today and normal...:rolleyes:xx

Of course, I agree with my wife Mrs A.. :D
We enjoy meeting people, socialising, we have an amazing sex life.. we genuinely do. And we're not in the relationship stage where we want to add that extra something to save our marriage, or fix us or anything like that.. Far from it.
For us, it started accidentally but naturally - about umm 13 years ago? And we had an excellent time, with a couple who were friends (really good friends) and it happened naturally and we had this dynamic for about 18 months.. We all enjoyed and that was it for us.

But we love being around and with, like-minded people so we can be ourselves too.
Sexually speaking of course, it's Über kinky, bloody good fun and sex laughs are more natural and fun when in the right company..
3 is definitely NOT a crowd in our case and we just really do love the click that happens and the dynamics of it all.

For me though, I am definitely head fucks first, I get turned on immensely by intellect, intelligence which leads to a deeper psychological connection with which the physical sexual art of it all is a secondary.. But that's for me personally.
Hope this gives some insight?

As for religion, paedophilia and so on.. Well sadly it does exist way more than we realise too.. Will it ever stop?
I don't know. I only wish it would. Sadly and I mean it's very sad, but it seems to be the norm in this theatre of career?? :( :(


I am unsure why we swing, other than we enjoy doing so and have always done so, I have always enjoyed the attention of men and my husband has always encouraged me too. It is not something that we have started doing, we have done it since before we got married.

Rules of society are there to keep order, as we grow up we are either allowed to run naked and free or told that our bodies are shameful, some will experiment with sex at an earlier age than others and slowly as we go into adulthood some of us will do our own thing and explore our sexuality, even if it is against our own upbringing.

But is society getting more promiscuous?

Sarah x x x[/QUO
I am unsure why we swing, other than we enjoy doing so and have always done so, I have always enjoyed the attention of men and my husband has always encouraged me too. It is not something that we have started doing, we have done it since before we got married.

Rules of society are there to keep order, as we grow up we are either allowed to run naked and free or told that our bodies are shameful, some will experiment with sex at an earlier age than others and slowly as we go into adulthood some of us will do our own thing and explore our sexuality, even if it is against our own upbringing.

But is society getting more promiscuous?

Sarah x x x
On the whole I'd say yes, or maybe society have always been.pretty promiscuous, it's perhaps not been as open, (accepted) as it is these days, pre-internet... Pre-acceptance of homosexuality etc etc..
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For me its a way to scratch an itch without being in a relationship. After a divorce a few years ago I don't really want a relationship but obviously the usual urges remain,.. plus, .. well.. its fun haha
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For me its a way to scratch an itch without being in a relationship. After a divorce a few years ago I don't really want a relationship but obviously the usual urges remain,.. plus, .. well.. its fun haha
Love it.. Honest simple and how it is! X
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Society dictates, it's wrong, it's promiscuous, and cheating.
Do you have a specific reason... Does it add to an already, fun sex life? For the singles, does it provide you with intimacy, when there's no incling or time for a relationship..?
Well why not!!!! We are new on here and have to say you can't beat swinging.....everyone is there for the same thing and nobody gets hurt!!!' Enjoyable, sexy and lots of fun can't be wrong lol xxx


Lifestyle for me and never wanted a relationship for many years down to career so this just worked for me, things being slightly different now with lace but we still love the fun side of things and meeting new people xx
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i swing because my predominate tendency is for er unusual sexual relationships with my partner and then have the odd er flirty play away but my basic thing is i like to serve and please and swinging gives me this great opportunity to do that. Get down and lick or if required suck but as long as it pleases i get my kick :)
27 April 2015
We love to love to learn from our experiences, good or bad and use them to full effect the next time with new partners, and also with each other xxx we love the feeling of sharing in a controlled environment and the pleasures that can be achieved and shared with new partners xxx
The A Team xxx
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Well I've been swinging 6 years and into BDSM for 17. I guess swinging maybe longer but I'm talking clubs socials etc. I first started with my wife at the time as we loved sex and wanted more enjoyment so this was the next step. We had a couple of bad meets where the guy of the couple harassed my wife so we stepped back from The scene. With me working long hours as the harassment from this couple we ended up Splitting up. I won't go into details but it put her off the scene.
So for me going back Into the scene was to Scratch that itch, I love meeting new people and having fun. Love sex and this worked well. I met my new partner out of the scene but we both lived this lifestyle. Now we have an open relationship, if we are horny we go have fun. But we spend important time together which does make the difference. Sex is enjoyment so why not enjoy it with more people. The person you cuddle up to at night is the person you are with. That connection Doesn't change when your honest from the start. So live free and have fun ;)