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18 October 2015
Have to go with the comments above but I guess unfortunately its what many of us have come to expect as normal in the swinging community. Have to admit however sometimes I can dislike someone but cant explain why. The best thing about this site is though is most of the fakes, idiots and crude members are prettly quickly weeded out.
I'm glad its not just me! I too on a very rare occasion take an instant like to someone for reasons unknown. Like the rest of you I too cannot abide liars, people who are disrespectful and I also have a major issue with people who are up themselves :eek: other than that I love the whole world :rofl::D
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Deleted member 1030

Fake 'alpha' males. The type of guy who constantly tells you how many women he's slept with, how many other blokes he's had fights with, what he'd do to the women he hasn't slept with or blokes he hasn't fought, how he's so popular and has everything he wants and how great his life is. It makes me want to violently empty my stomach.
And bigots. Feckin hate bigots.
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Fake 'alpha' males. The type of guy who constantly tells you how many women he's slept with, how many other blokes he's had fights with, what he'd do to the women he hasn't slept with or blokes he hasn't fought, how he's so popular and has everything he wants and how great his life is. It makes me want to violently empty my stomach.

There a guy I work with who really thinks he's gods gift, just last week he was bragging that I wouldn't believe how many women he's shagged & once he shagged 3 women in one day. I couldn't help thinking to myself nevermind 3 in a day, try 3 in a room :sneaky:;):D
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Clingy is a big thing, we have dealt with this first hand and the lady in question turned bunny boiler which I have said in other threads, the answer is to share everything and when you start things as individuals, this is where problems come in, be honest at all times with you're partner and keep bunny boilers at arms length :whistle:;)
I didnt think i was that bad!! :D :whistle:


My pet hates.. hmm..
Attention seekers, oh woa is me..
Liars!! Worse than a theif..
Back stabbers... keep your freinds close and your ememies closer.
Shit stirrers and gossiper,s
Just call a spade a spade for god's sake!!
Be friggin honest!! ;) xxx
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27 April 2015
Hmmm, we agree, liars is the biggest of our pet hates, and also decent, we also see jealousy a lot within swinging, which is a shame, as really these things should be sorted out long before people start meeting, drivers using Mobile phones, should be banned for 10 years oooooh I could so go on lol xx
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(Her as usual)
Great thread and couldn't agree with u more
As a newbie I try to join in with the threads and acknowledge someone when they have mentioned me/us in one of them However there is a certain person/male/female/couple who I must say did catch my eye to begin with That has blatantly ignored any likes or comments I have made to them and I now think what an ignorant ugly person u r.
I understand I am not everyone's cup of tea, I am a terrible flirt and a bit of a tart but I don't deserve to be ignored. I wouldn't give this person the time of day now let alone be a guest in my mouth x
Sorry rant over :X3:
His loss can only be my gain, does that mean I move up the queue of eager pleasers? ;)


What do you dislike in people? What puts you off meeting anyone after that first conversation or behaviour that would make you think... No way would I want to meet you.

For me I detest ignorant people, even if I'm really busy I will try and respond to everyone and second people who can't stop talking about themselves... Me me me types, you know the ones, okish on the outside but ugly inside and only want people to devour them with attention...:rolleyes:
Well I'd say I'm like marmite with SS members as I'm probably an acquired taste. Not fishing for compliments or putting myself down but whilst I am fairly active here and come across as a bit of a class clown I'm also a down to earth guy. But one thing I certainly agree on is ignorance. I have little tolerance for it and will block ignorant people without question.
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Ohhhh and those people who always have some reason ot circumstance why they can't spend time with a partner.

Finally I promise men who claim not to want children but refuse to wear a condom or get the snip.
You worried you'll get pregnant mate? :p
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Liars....detest it with a passion.
Clinginess......youve been talking occasionally and they think youre the love of their life etc. Im sure weve all had them.....wannabe stalkers lol.

Thats my main ones xxxx
What???....you mean to say I'm not the love of your life? I've been camped outside your home for the past 4 months and for nothing. How rude!!!
No Christmas card for you madam! :D


What???....you mean to say I'm not the love of your life? I've been camped outside your home for the past 4 months and for nothing. How rude!!!
No Christmas card for you madam! :D

Hahaha dont you bloody start weirdo!! Hahaha. Thought i was feeling a bit " Rockwell" lately lol ;):rofl::love: xxx


Liars, arrogance, show offs, lack of respect.

On the scene. Pushy ppl, fake, the couple or single female that is actually a single guy, pic collectors. Bad body odder.