Euthanasia - do you believe in it or not?

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15 September 2014
Today, A brave man named Mr Simon Binner, is in Switzerland with his wife Debbie, for his assisted suicide, planned this afternoon.

Simon was diagnosed with Motor Neurons Disease only in January, so in this case it's very aggressive. I feel for him, and his family.
He even announced it on LinkedIn :(
Man on way to Swiss clinic has ALREADY announced death on LinkedIn

So lovely people - what are your thoughts on Euthanasia?
Do you believe in it? Do you think it should be allowed, most importantly do you think the people assisting the person, are accountable and should be held accountable - as they currently are here in the UK.

For instance an elderly woman recently was charged with assisted manslaughter, when helping her husband pass on, who was critically ill.

Your thoughts?
We've discussed religion, sex changes and more here and never had one issue on 'close to the bone' topics, so as ever please keep it clean and please think about what you've written before pressing send. ;)


Oh this is very close to my heart..YES without a shadow of a doubt.
I've witnessed, patients, tired of life and exhausted, begging to be let go! It breaks my heart, but no sorry no can do, you must suffer to the end.. You will not be allowed to die relatively pain free, surrounded by your loved ones, with some dignity intact. You have no quality of life, your hearts knackered it's had enough. But hey ho let's Thump it awake time and time again.. To cause you some more pain maybe even break a rib or too! But all in a days work, and if your really lucky, your 99 and we will open up your chest on Monday, and prolong your suffering with a pacemaker, wonderful!
I could go on and on about the protocols.. Re DNR forms etc.. Lol but I won't like I said touchy subject for me.. To preserve life, eliminate suffering, unfortunately preserving life doesn't always eliminate suffering.


18 July 2015
This is something that goes against everything I believe in and with that in mind I can not agree, however I see the pain and suffering that illness and disease brings.
Working in nursing @meet_the_fockers I fully understand your view but for me, my time will come and I want to go which ever fate is given to me and hopefully it will be peaceful and pain free :love::love:xx
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This is something that goes against everything I believe in and with that in mind I can not agree, however I see the pain and suffering that illness and disease brings.
Working in nursing @meet_the_fockers I fully understand your view but for me, my time will come and I want to go which ever fate is given to me and hopefully it will be peaceful and pain free :love::love:xx
That's your choice sweetie, and I fully understand it's you right, but it should also be yours/families right.. To choose an alternative path. Xxx
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15 September 2014
but it should also be yours/families right..
Hmm I don't quite agree with this.. Whilst I agree with your first reply, I don't think it's wise that any family member should really have the right to decide your fate. As far as euthanasia is concerned anyway..
vegetative states from say an awful accident etc, maybe or perhaps? Who knows... But hmmm not sure about allowing family members to decide your fate. :) x
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Well of course providing your loved one, is of sound mind. And it's been discussed by all, previously. Yes true this isn't always possible, but then I would hope/presume the medics, would have the judgement to ensure the relative, loved one NOK. Would be doing this for the RIGHT reasons :) x
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15 September 2014
This is a no brainer, agree with everything @meet_the_fockers has said, a cancer patient so badly eaten from the inside out and has nothing left to give, so high on pain relief that they have no clue any more what is going on, thats no dignity, see the family praying that the next dose of morphine will finally stop the heart.....

Indeed I also agree with this...
I think this is the kind of subject where there is no right answer.
We've seen loved ones suffer, and wonderful people like @meet_the_fockers who are front line nursing, see the damage this can cause when it an be stopped.

FWIW - I am pro euthanasia. x
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18 July 2015
Indeed I also agree with this...
I think this is the kind of subject where there is no right answer.
We've seen loved ones suffer, and wonderful people like @meet_the_fockers who are front line nursing, see the damage this can cause when it an be stopped.

FWIW - I am pro euthanasia. x
I wouldnt have said pro euthanasia, I have faith as you know Mr A and my fate will be decided even though I agree with some of the comments here, should I condemn myself to hell, no and I want to walk through those pearly gates xxx
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I won't bore you.. But DNR is of course slightly different to euthanasia.
OK scenario A
Your desperately I'll, you feel shocking. Etc etc you discuss the options, with your family and decided upon euthanasia. Your family is gathered round. You say your goodbyes, you kiss you hug. Morphine is administered, you die peacefully in no pain. With your family present.
Senario B
You discuss, you decide it's not for you, and want to let nature take its course.
It's 2.00am your BP dips, your breathing is laboured. The family is rang. It's time.
They jump in the car. They are delayed a road accident. They arrive, I'm so sorry.. Your love one passed away peacefully?? 10 mins ago.
OK now it's time to console the family, they are beside themselves they weren't there.
It's a huge subject.. And yes @Admin your right.. It will always be a subject with a massive agree/disagree debate.. A reason I feel it will never be legalised in this country. Rightfully? Wrongfully who knows?
Right I'm off this thread, it's taxing my brain and I'll be here all day!! :D xx
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I wouldnt have said pro euthanasia, I have faith as you know Mr A and my fate will be decided even though I agree with some of the comments here, should I condemn myself to hell, no and I want to walk through those pearly gates xxx
Pearly gates! Us lot?! With our lifestyle of debauchery! Ahem koff koff.
:rofl: mwahhhhh right I'm back off to la la land, to serious for me this :D :D

Deleted member 1463

This is a fairly easy answer for me too, each case should be taken on its own merit and a multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals/the person themselves and their families/advocates should be allowed to chose. We have human rights for nearly everything (and even people that dont deserve them) but when it comes to being really unwell, with a poor quality of life, maybe even in severe pain... you should be able to choose how your end of life care is managed.. including euthanasia.
I read that a nurse in her 60s went to Switzerland to the digitas clinic because she didnt want to get old and be a burden to the system (that was the gist i believe) and i thought, you know what.... its her choice.
I work with the elderly, its hard to watch people suffer at times, holding on to goodness knows what, and a gentlemen on a daily basis keeps bringing up that euthanasia should be legalised because his quality of life is poor being blind, almost deaf and nearly 100.. of course i cant tell him i agree, and certainly i wouldnt want to be a part of the decision making but i do strongly believe we should all have the right to choose.

Its the humane thing to do to put an animal down when in pain or with no quality of life, i'm not comparing us humans to animals ... and despite being brought up very religious until 16 i've gone against the grain in believing in this.


15 September 2014
Its the humane thing to do to put an animal down when in pain or with no quality of life, i'm not comparing us humans to animals ... and despite being brought up very religious until 16 i've gone against the grain in believing in this.
It is the humane thing to do. It's awful when we don't have what I feel should be the RIGHT to decide our fate. I think anyway..
And can any one of us imagine life, at 100, blind, mostly deaf? That's not a quality of life.

Miss Shell, same as @Pearls - you have (or had?) faith and a belief. So it conflicts, I get that.
I just think if we can die suffering and in misery, surely it's right to have the option of a dignified way, of going to somewhere calm, peaceful - with your chosen loved ones, and quietly go to sleep.
Else, what are the alternatives?
Jump under a train and have it splashed all over the news how commuters were SO angry because they were delayed by an hour as the result of a jumper.

I feel for this man, he's going a dignified way and with courage.
I lost a family member to MND, he was an exemplary engineer, served WWII, was in the masons, had a fortune... but ended up even trying to communicate with a piece of chalk and a small blackboard.
Where's the dignity in that?

I know how I'd rather go.
Sad topic indeed, but a worthy one I think - in light of today's events in Switzerland..


11 August 2015
They jump in the car. They are delayed a road accident. They arrive, I'm so sorry.. Your love one passed away peacefully?? 10 mins ago.
OK now it's time to console the family, they are beside themselves they weren't there.

This is difficuly and still a little raw butI've been in that situation, arriving too late to say goodbye to my brother. The only consolation was the fact he had been in a coma for a few days and it wasn't unexpected but it is something I have had difficultly forgiving myself for. Would I have agreed to euthanasia had the subject been brought up, Yes I believe I would if he had been in severe pain with no possibility of a remission. I'll leave it there, off to take the dog out.
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This is difficuly and still a little raw butI've been in that situation, arriving too late to say goodbye to my brother. The only consolation was the fact he had been in a coma for a few days and it wasn't unexpected but it is something I have had difficultly forgiving myself for. Would I have agreed to euthanasia had the subject been brought up, Yes I believe I would if he had been in severe pain with no possibility of a remission. I'll leave it there, off to take the dog out.
Xxxx you know where I am if you need a sounding board.
19 March 2015
Such a thought provocking thread ... hmm .. our life is surely our own .. I have had very bad things happen .. and if you have you will know that you are alone at those times .. society is a myth .. so why does society have the right to dictate .... it does not and the strong in us will take our own way .. so that leaves the weak as always ... hmmm nothing to be proud of xx

Sorry I disagree hun my brother's wife as very advanced MS and as asked when the time comes for him to help her go quick and painless ,does this make him/them weak never in a million years it takes a strong love,bond and so much trust to put the ending of suffering into another persons hands ,and to even agree to this is such a strengh of the person ,I have so much adoration for anyone in this situation
You've missed the point :) x ^


Ohhh no I canae cope with this again. Such a huge Grey area..
Guess in my line of work, i have become hardened, i am always honest but i am truthful.
They are dying let them go..
Ease their pain? Morphine oromorph.. yes.. drug them so much they no longer have their faculties, or have the ability to recognise their world that sits next to them?
For fucks sake lets watch them.. be reduced to a shadow of what they once where? Bollocks let then go with dignity, let then be a person, goodbye i love you..
I cant count how many arguments ive had in work re this very subject... :mad: