Legalization Of Drugs

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It is indeed @Pearls but above are just some of my thoughts.. Not everyone feels the same way.
On the whole though, I do believe most do. ;) x


I have read the entire thread all the way through. 'Dibbed and dabbed in my youth' is not addicted to class A to be honest. I have lost friends to Alcohol and I have seen what class A does to a family and how it changes a person. Alcohol is here to stay I don't see any reason to legalise anything else and facilitate the use of much harder, faster acting more damaging drugs. Legalising class A's will create far more problems than it will solve and wreck even more families lives. I've got nothing else to add to this thread people so have fun all.
Dibbed and dabbed is just expression I do not feel the need to go into my full past on this thread. But that is just what it is. My past.x
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15 September 2014
Dibbed and dabbed is just expression I do not feel the need to go into my full past on this thread. But that is just what it is. My past.x
Exactly. And with this in mind, I will add that if this is the case (what you've mentioned) then I want to thank you for sharing it with us all, and congratulate you on getting clean.
I'm not going to dispute anything or question anyone or in fact question the thread's topic (as long as it remains legal as I mentioned in the first post) but I will congratulate you on getting clean and getting straight.
Not an easy thing to do at all. So well done! (y)


It is indeed @Pearls but above are just some of my thoughts.. Not everyone feels the same way.
On the whole though, I do believe most do. ;) x
My thoughts are something has to change. Nothing about the present system works and the death and violence will continue as long as we shut our eyes and say its the junkie fault or lock them up and throw way the key. Radical change is needed.x
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11 August 2015
The only change that will make a difference is when those individuals realise that they need help and are prepared to do something about their addiction. I have worked with addicts (alcohol and drugs) and it was great to see the difference it made to their lives once they decided to enter a recovery program. Yes some failed, some died but others have managed to become drug free and remain so but as they admit when in addiction they really couldn't care about the law, the effect on their families or their health, drugs came first no matter what.
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22 March 2015
I don't believe for a second that legalising drugs will cure a whole lot of problems here. A larger can of worms will be opened or should I say Pandora's box.
As some may know my partner is a nurse and spent many years in A&E, one of the reasons for leaving was because of the amount of drug abuse and victims of. We have a huge problem but no to making drugs legal. X


No, not at all not ever. Legalise drugs and you end up with an highly addicted reckless nation, a total meltdown of our social standing, high mortality and a huge drain on all of our emergency through the stupidity that drugs bring. And then where does it end? Drugs are for idiots who lack both in moral fibre and personality who refuse to face up to the responsibilities of living in the real world.


I think to say drug users lack moral fibre and personality is a little harsh and off topic. Not not really the question that I asked.
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No, not at all not ever. Legalise drugs and you end up with an highly addicted reckless nation, a total meltdown of our social standing, high mortality and a huge drain on all of our emergency through the stupidity that drugs bring. And then where does it end? Drugs are for idiots who lack both in moral fibre and personality who refuse to face up to the responsibilities of living in the real world.
*emergency services. Apologies. :)


I think to say drug users lack moral fibre and personality is a little harsh and off topic. Not not really the question that I asked.
No it isn't harsh and it isn't off topic as its an opinion. Post a controversial thread then expect controversy.


15 September 2014
No, not at all not ever. Legalise drugs and you end up with an highly addicted reckless nation, a total meltdown of our social standing, high mortality and a huge drain on all of our emergency services
I think to say drug users lack moral fibre and personality is a little harsh and off topic. Not not really the question that I asked.
I will say to point out that I agreed with the post, based on the above information in Mickey's quote. :)


I don't think this is that controversial in today world. It's a very common problem across Britain and the world.


15 September 2014
The problems predicted from legalization are already part of our society.
It's not for me to debate, but perhaps it is.. in fact we know it is..... but maybe not as much as you may perceive it to be.
Anyway I have to remain impartial so I will just continue to watch and explain why I may agree/disagree to posts etc.


By your own admission it's a problem. So why on earth exacerbate it by legalisation?
To control the flow, take the money form the dealer intent on keeping junkie in a spiralling downwards, use the money for rehab and re education, stop gang violence and fund the N.H.S


As has been said already... if some complete idiot legalises class A drugs, and others too.... then they should be put against a firing squad!


If you are in that category.... well you know my opinion.

Going to leave this thread now before I say something that I later may regret.
Ok guys its a sensitive subject, please be mindful... x


To control the flow, take the money form the dealer intent on keeping junkie in a spiralling downwards, use the money for rehab and re education, stop gang violence and fund the N.H.S
Well the NHS will certainly require the extra funding that it desperately needs to cope with a pandemic of smack heads that legalisation will bring. I'm intrigued as to what social, mental and physical benefits that heroine brings to the user once made readily available - particularly young children? Please enlighten me/us?


Because it is not readily available now? A legalize product would be free of all the extras mixed in by the presence suppliers I.e rat poison and bleach which in themselves lead to many of the death from the addiction.
They are there if you want them already. We have tried educating against the harms of drugs and it obviously is not working. So control the supply.


15 September 2014
Okay we've allowed this thread to run for freedom of speech within our rules.
We have allowed this.
Given the fact that we are faced with some heated exchanges and some posts removed, I now feel and find it necessary to have to close the thread.
I am sure you will understand why.
Drugs and the discussion of such matters will always be a sensitive subject to someone. Someone....A person.. a human being who has more than likely seen and witnessed first hand, the devastating effects that drug use (of any or all forms) can cause to other people and families.

I am all for freedom of speech (within the rules - which we are governed by) and freedom of expression. I am also all for allowing others to express their points of view.....
However, I have also been using the Internet for more than I care to remember and know when a decent discussion soon becomes heated enough to turn into a flame.
As the owner, it is my ultimate responsibility for the overseeing of the site and you - our members. If I see something 'going south' I must and will act on it.
And unlike other sites, I won't condone the locking of threads, discussions or freedom of speech, without explanation of sorts.
The fact is, we have seen and heard points of views from many members.
The fact is, the thread is now going in circles and the only outcome I see - is a flame.
My job is to prevent that and that's exactly what I am doing.

Admin. x
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