One of my dogs has been vomiting since Sunday afternoon. She can't keep anything down at all, so I took her to the vets last night and because she's abdominally guarding (when they palpate the area) they think she's got foreign body in her stomach that's causing a blockage. She's also a litle dehydrated so they took bloods, gave her a strong painkiller to help her with the pain. But in general she's alert, takes an interest in food and generally being a little shit.
All day today, she's been lethargic, uninterested in food, hasn't toileted, I haven't seen her drink and she hasn't moved from her bed. Blood results came back negative, but they wanted me to take her in for x-rays, which came back negative. Other vet gave her an ultrasound which showed she's got alot of fluid in her stomach which is just sat there and not moving.
So they've admitted her overnight for fluids and obs, gave her an abdominal kinetic which should get things moving, but if she goes downhill then at least she's in the right place. They're going to scan her again tomorrow afternoon to see what's happening. If nothing, then they're going to have to do an exploratory surgery because they're quite concerned. So vet nurse is going to text me around to let me know if she's okay, if she's eaten anything etc.