I do understand Ste
@SteLinda that, as a white male, you have been oppressed for hundreds of years

you must be getting pretty fed up of it!
Look, first of all, equality
does not mean treating everyone the same. There is a
huge balance to be redressed - women have been very badly treated for a
very long time (as have people of colour, LBGTQ folks etc.). I don't mean they're bored of having doors held open for them, or sick of being called 'luv' or 'darling' - a quick dip into history will show you that it has been far more pernicious than that; forced sex, subjected to extreme violence, mental cruelty, incarceration, being considered
a possession by law..... and the scary thing is, I could continue with that list for quite a while and point to
current examples. Now, in
very recent times, that way of thinking has started to die out, but we are a long way from true female equality - the pay gap between men and women
still exists, for example, as do other workplace inequalities. In this day and age. I find that simply incredible - it would take a braver and more idiotic man than me to say that women do less work than men or that the work they do is, somehow, less worthwhile.
Getting rid of page 3 girls pinned up in the workplace is a small step forward - but, yes, it is a step forward. Whinging about it shows that we still have a long way to go.
You seem to be saying that, because one young girl was rude to you, that that somehow negates any equality claims - is it across the board on dating sites? Are
all young girls rude to you, when you view their profiles? Is the age significant to your argument or just to that particular example? Have you never had an older woman or even a man being rude to you? Your logic doesn't seem to be very scientific.
Are you really always labelled as 'the baddie'? I must admit, I don't often see people discriminated against for being a white male (no matter how slim). We do get accusations thrown at us, as 'groups' of people, usually by the media (apparently, as white working-class, I'm responsible for Brexit, a Tory government and obesity - but as a namby pamby soft Southerner from that London, I'm also a liberal elitist and an enemy of the people. Go figure), but that doesn't mean we can negate women's rights just because someone was a bit mean to us.