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Yet people disappear into chat all the time....
So what changes other than having organised areas?
As for volumes in one room... Don't we already have a group chat anyway?

So I am looking for a single male..
A single male is looking for a couple..

How many times have I actually been bothered to search profiles...?
It's getting to a point where I have stopped...
I know others feel the same too..
As for chat rooms, this was given as an example.. Stop being so literal...
I am suggesting a gathering point for such people.. Could be a list in forums or at tab button...
Somewhere at a glance we can see all single men active and looking for couples..
In a techno world people are looking for simple, easy and fast...
No one can be bothered to research.. If they could they would read profiles before making fools of themselves and not use member names such as dickwanker....



15 September 2014
Yet people disappear into chat all the time....
So what changes other than having organised areas?
As for volumes in one room... Don't we already have a group chat anyway?

So I am looking for a single male..
A single male is looking for a couple..

How many times have I actually been bothered to search profiles...?
It's getting to a point where I have stopped...
I know others feel the same too..
As for chat rooms, this was given as an example.. Stop being so literal...
I am suggesting a gathering point for such people.. Could be a list in forums or at tab button...
Somewhere at a glance we can see all single men active and looking for couples..
In a techno world people are looking for simple, easy and fast...
No one can be bothered to research.. If they could they would read profiles before making fools of themselves and not use member names such as dickwanker....

I still don't follow. You can search on the members page - single gent and see all single guys listed..
That in honesty, couldn't be easier..
Unless you mean separate areas for single guys, couples and ladies etc.


I still don't follow. You can search on the members page - single gent and see all single guys listed..
That in honesty, couldn't be easier..
Unless you mean separate areas for single guys, couples and ladies etc.
Let's call it a list then..
One click(not a neo click) that allows you to see all couples looking for couples weather active or not.. Singles looking for dog walkers.. Whatever..
The site already gathers the information on the profile tabs so it should be easy to populate them to tabs..
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Let's call it a list then..
One click(not a neo click) that allows you to see all couples looking for couples weather active or not.. Singles looking for dog walkers.. Whatever..
The site already gathers the information on the profile tabs so it should be easy to populate them to tabs..
This is a fast forward idea.. Not a decision for today but more a step of evolution..
OK I am going back to being blonde now...
Soooo have a nice day yall

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Before I reply to everyone else's posts - to clear something up here, my post above was in relation to PV and what we've decided regarding the other thread and discussion. (y)

Hi both,
1, Sadly can't do it. Well I can but am not going to. ;) :D
Imagine status updates on profiles like this continuously;
:gimp::spank: :surprise: :serial_Flasher: :bondage_buddy:

Morning peeps :threesum: :spank::whipping: :doggy:

Would make the site and status updates look awful. So while I hear ya - it's been discussed before and can't happen, sorry..

2, everyone online has a green online dot marker. We can also add who is online on the map at a further point in time. Currently you can view list of online members, use chat as a guide of who is online too.

3, everyone has 4 minutes to edit posts. This is more than sufficient and we don't wish to extend it for some reasons, which are hopefully obvious.

4, That is a member driven situation.
The chatrooms and them being busy has always been an 'issue' - many people complain they're busy, I never see ANY members try and organise anything in the chatrooms to try and get them busy. Ever...
So that in honesty, is a member driven thing that should be organised by members.

Hi Sammy,
With this we have discussed some things regarding PV on another thread - which explains my post earlier in this thread (the one I have quoted above) and we have a decision about PV but will explain on that thread later.
RE Spam threads, there's threads like this;
Spam!!! Thread!! Knock Yourselves Out ;) Mwahhh Xxx
And an area just for off topic stuff here;

RE the chatrooms, please see #4 in my response above.
Chatrooms and the use of - are purely member driven. We have tried until we're blue in the face..

We did consider allowing member made chatrooms, but right now and due to the lack of use in chatrooms in general, it's not worth setting up.

Peeps the fact is some of this is member driven. We already provide everything requested above, aside from some additional ideas for PV etc. But the main fact is - we have them, but it's down to members to organise things, down to members to create situations where others wish to join in and participate.
It's great saying 'we'd like to see them busy, they're under utilised' but why aren't members doing anything about it?
We organise a weekly quiz, but where's everyone else's input? Why aren't members organising these things and contributing towards such ideas rather than asking us to do them?
Please don't think I am being insulting - I am not, but when you already have the tools there - why ask us to do things when members can already do it themselves?

Can take a horse to water and all that.

Exactly, you can invite up to 5 participants in PM's. The only thing currently not available is creating your own chatrooms.

Who'd monitor them? How would we prevent spammers coming in, inviting 20 people and spamming them?

This would be no different to member based started rooms?

Anyway there's some of my thoughts and direct responses so far.
Thanks for your input all. If I see anything that's not already there or is easy to implement and manage then I will consider it.
Right now, most of this is either there already or there already and not being used - which is down to members to do not us.. I know that sounds harsh or unfair, but that's the truth. :)
Admin x

Morning Sir
Didn't find anything you said insulting in the slightest

Absolutely I'll have a read on the links ... not seen them before I don't think ... tooo early to even try thinking

As for use of the chat room
I wasn't necessarily meaning that you guys n team need to be responsible for making the use of the larger chat rooms on weekly basis , as a community we are all responsible for creating an social envirnoment
Happy to help in any way shape or form

And you can't bring the horses to water but yes you can't make them drink , sadly this is always the case
When I open my eyes properly lol I'll get reading

And as for the chat function. As I said to kwaka , dohhhhh yes I've used it but never thought of using it in that way
Dohhhh how silly

Thank you again
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26 July 2016
Come on folks chill everyone seems a bit feisty this morning. Maybe when I posted this I was trying to look too far ahead and maybe should have gone with what's the next move title. I am thinking the next move is admins to bring about the new rules for newbie's whatever they turn out to be. Then I think its down to us lot to have a big push for new members as new folks are the life blood of any site no


15 September 2014
Let's call it a list then..
One click(not a neo click) that allows you to see all couples looking for couples weather active or not.. Singles looking for dog walkers.. Whatever..
The site already gathers the information on the profile tabs so it should be easy to populate them to tabs..

You mean like this;

As this is precisely what that does (what you're saying above).. All fields get populated by what people add in their info and chosen preferences etc. Honestly that couldn't be any easier.
I've even filled it in there in the screenshot above, to your preferences to give you an idea?
Have a look here;

As for use of the chat room
I wasn't necessarily meaning that you guys n team need to be responsible for making the use of the larger chat rooms on weekly basis , as a community we are all responsible for creating an social envirnoment
Happy to help in any way shape or form

And you can't bring the horses to water but yes you can't make them drink , sadly this is always the case
When I open my eyes properly lol I'll get reading
As I said, the chats and using the rooms etc is purely member driven.. We can't do everything. Members here need to actually give a bit more input into things if they want them working better.
There's nothing stopping any member going into say, general chats, and inviting a load of other people to get chats on the go.
I never see it happening though. x

I am thinking the next move is admins to bring about the new rules for newbie's whatever they turn out to be. Then I think its down to us lot to have a big push for new members as new folks are the life blood of any site no
Yes that's what we're currently working on Mr B based on your OP in this thread and the chats on the verification thread last night. (y)
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You mean like this;
View attachment 36726

As this is precisely what that does (what you're saying above).. All fields get populated by what people add in their info and chosen preferences etc. Honestly that couldn't be any easier.
I've even filled it in there in the screenshot above, to your preferences to give you an idea?
Have a look here;

As I said, the chats and using the rooms etc is purely member driven.. We can't do everything. Members here need to actually give a bit more input into things if they want them working better.
There's nothing stopping any member going into say, general chats, and inviting a load of other people to get chats on the go.
I never see it happening though. x

Yes that's what we're currently working on Mr B based on your OP in this thread and the chats on the verification thread last night. (y)
Never mind..
Too simple for you to understand neo
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18 July 2015
Ok there are a few points about PV that we need to think about, I am happy to set the registration to get PVed first but that can go against us also, if genuine though most won't have a problem and as @Admin has just pointed out, most people now are doing a PV as soon as they join. Fakes will just be banned, end of.

As for off topic for banter, member can create new threads for chats there and talk about anything you like, remember you have the tools to create new threads so use them.

Same goes for chat rooms, so far the only people that have got in there and done anything are us! Again members can create an evening of fun or frolics in there.

I believe @Admin has made this site where you guys are your own moderators and in doing so, you have everything you need to start new threads, create messages that have 10 people in them if you wish. perhaps have a play about, nothing more fun than having a few members in a PM for an evening and chatting about... Well what ever you wish. Same for the chat room, organise evenings where you can all meet up, have a naughty bingo evening, and so on.

You are very lucky here to have so many options, you wouldn't get this anywhere else. Look about the place in detail and see what you guys can do.
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15 September 2014
Let's call it a list then..
One click(not a neo click) that allows you to see all couples looking for couples weather active or not.. Singles looking for dog walkers.. Whatever..
The site already gathers the information on the profile tabs so it should be easy to populate them to tabs..

Okay one thing I wanted as @Pearls will tell you in the page but forgot to add (due to time) , is a checkbox list for new couples/gents/ladies/Tv/TS etc and clicking submit takes you to the newest registrations from date..

So my thinking is either extend the page we have now to include a separate area with the checkboxes
or two pages, simple search - one click to list all, (regardless of date or media or preferences etc) and an advanced search with what we currently have as the members search page.

It's not quite what you're suggesting, I know that.. but it is something we suggested before but of course it needed to be more extensive.
I could look at possibly extending the simple search page further (down the road) to add simple checkboxes like so;
Search for Single gent []
Who is seeking: Couple [] , single female [] , single gent [] , TV [] etc etc etc
But that will not feature any of the extensive search features we currently have.
I did a search for SG's right now, and there's 177 pages, so the only way from there would be to list newest registrations > oldest.
Would that help/be more beneficial? x


Seriously hun it is Sooooo unimportant..
Really not worth the time

Think more filofax..
So quick tab buttons.. The search system is fine as is.. Ish..
But the search area is more specific and does what it needs

Think of a common meeting place for people with similar interests..
Grouped but not isolated from the pack..

Old school.. Quick tab buttons..
Also new members while we are on the subject get a limited view time on the photo grid..
Once new members join they drop further down the grid and finally into oblivion unless they have managed to navigate the site and become active within the time frame, which as you know can be days before they loose their mugshot..
This would benefit in being extended.. To new members this month.. In essence we could create a calender of member start dates by picture.. Gives more of a fighting chance for newbies..
Two years on and its only now I realised duck is here...


15 September 2014
Okay one thing I wanted as @Pearls will tell you in the page but forgot to add (due to time) , is a checkbox list for new couples/gents/ladies/Tv/TS etc and clicking submit takes you to the newest registrations from date..

So my thinking is either extend the page we have now to include a separate area with the checkboxes
or two pages, simple search - one click to list all, (regardless of date or media or preferences etc) and an advanced search with what we currently have as the members search page.

It's not quite what you're suggesting, I know that.. but it is something we suggested before but of course it needed to be more extensive.
I could look at possibly extending the simple search page further (down the road) to add simple checkboxes like so;
Search for Single gent []
Who is seeking: Couple [] , single female [] , single gent [] , TV [] etc etc etc
But that will not feature any of the extensive search features we currently have.
I did a search for SG's right now, and there's 177 pages, so the only way from there would be to list newest registrations > oldest.
Would that help/be more beneficial? x

Think more filofax..
So quick tab buttons.. The search system is fine as is.. Ish..
But the search area is more specific and does what it needs

Think of a common meeting place for people with similar interests..
Grouped but not isolated from the pack..

Old school.. Quick tab buttons..
Also new members while we are on the subject get a limited view time on the photo grid..
Once new members join they drop further down the grid and finally into oblivion unless they have managed to navigate the site and become active within the time frame, which as you know can be days before they loose their mugshot..
This would benefit in being extended.. To new members this month.. In essence we could create a calender of member start dates by picture.. Gives more of a fighting chance for newbies..
Two years on and its only now I realised duck is here...

Did you see my previous reply?
I'll get back on the rest.
I have a few ideas here that I can add, as well as what I have already mentioned.
Biggest issue will be keeping the menu suitable for mobile devices, but after some playing and chopping/changing am sure I can find an easier solution. xx


18 July 2015
Did you see my previous reply?
I'll get back on the rest.
I have a few ideas here that I can add, as well as what I have already mentioned.
Biggest issue will be keeping the menu suitable for mobile devices, but after some playing and chopping/changing am sure I can find an easier solution. xx
Go and have a shower :D


15 September 2014
Did you see my previous reply?
I'll get back on the rest.
I have a few ideas here that I can add, as well as what *I* have already mentioned.
Biggest issue will be keeping the menu suitable for mobile devices, but after some playing and chopping/changing am sure I can find an easier solution. xx
I meant as you have already mentioned there ^^ @The_Bibas not *I* x
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OK figured it out.. Well the last one.. *1*
Cock and balls?

Oooo the first one ^^... Eyebrows..

So someone.. Me... raised their eyebrows when they saw cock and balls..
Well naturally..
It's what I do
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In my post I highlighted I to stand out. Just *like this you see?

*like - used to draw attention to the nature of an action or event x
Look at you using the astrix..
Such a clever Admin..

Thank you so much for the lesson in grammatical uses..
I feel enlightend..