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15 September 2014
Look at you using the astrix..
Such a clever Admin..

Thank you so much for the lesson in grammatical uses..
I feel enlightend..
My pleasure. :D x

I almost said something else, but shall refrain... :whistle:

Lol @Admin just do it..
I'm sure it will be a welcome addition.
Indeed, will be adding a few things but it will be done one by one as we go on. Adding a page with new members registrations will be first, after making some adjustments to PV etc
ETA? ... ask me another. x
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My pleasure. :D x

I almost said something else, but shall refrain... :whistle:

Indeed, will be adding a few things but it will be done one by one as we go on. Adding a page with new members registrations will be first, after making some adjustments to PV etc
ETA? ... ask me another. x
Don't kill yourself ai..
Its the simple things my freind. X
Wasnae built in a day, neither was Rome. X


I do agree with tick boxes
re what people are looking for.
Which of course as the site grows/is doing I think will be, extremley neccesary.
Saves trawling through..lots of profiles, whom quite frankly are of no interest to you, and don't fit your criteria.. I guess its dependant on why you are here? To meet to socialise, both.
On the whole great idea.
As is a time restraint re how long it is since they have been active.


15 September 2014
I do agree with tick boxes
re what people are looking for.
Which of course as the site grows/is doing I think will be, extremley neccesary.
Saves trawling through..lots of profiles, whom quite frankly are of no interest to you, and don't fit your criteria.. I guess its dependant on why you are here? To meet to socialise, both.
On the whole great idea.
As is a time restraint re how long it is since they have been active.
This option is already there,

but what I can do is a simple page as well as, with a link to newly registered single gents, single ladies etc which will simply be in desc order from date joined. x
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Yes of course it is.
I forget, i dont search lol.
No need for me i pick my victims up in the forums. ;) x
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This option is already there,
View attachment 36753

but what I can do is a simple page as well as, with a link to newly registered single gents, single ladies etc which will simply be in desc order from date joined. x
Is always the way forward hun..
Keep it simple stupid
If people have to look they won't..
Not everyone talks in code like you...
People join expecting or hoping for something straight forward..

I struggle everyday bringing things down to a level that my workforce can understand.. I it does my head in when they still don't get it..
Sometimes what we think of as basic is beyond others..

26 July 2016
Your so gonna have to put that in a nutshell when you do it admin. My bloody heads spinning now lol. Think it was something to do with searching for something


15 September 2014
So an idea/mock for members newly joined;


PS on mobile of course ^^^ desktop is bigger. x
26 July 2016
I am gonna end up with a thread ban if I carry on. Every one I start dumps another months work on Admins desk.. Might start a Let's send admin on holiday thread see what happens
5 July 2016
Before I reply to everyone else's posts - to clear something up here, my post above was in relation to PV and what we've decided regarding the other thread and discussion. (y)

Hi both,
1, Sadly can't do it. Well I can but am not going to. ;) :D
Imagine status updates on profiles like this continuously;
:gimp::spank: :surprise: :serial_Flasher: :bondage_buddy:

Morning peeps :threesum: :spank::whipping: :doggy:

Would make the site and status updates look awful. So while I hear ya - it's been discussed before and can't happen, sorry..

2, everyone online has a green online dot marker. We can also add who is online on the map at a further point in time. Currently you can view list of online members, use chat as a guide of who is online too.

3, everyone has 4 minutes to edit posts. This is more than sufficient and we don't wish to extend it for some reasons, which are hopefully obvious.

4, That is a member driven situation.
The chatrooms and them being busy has always been an 'issue' - many people complain they're busy, I never see ANY members try and organise anything in the chatrooms to try and get them busy. Ever...
So that in honesty, is a member driven thing that should be organised by members.

Hi Sammy,
With this we have discussed some things regarding PV on another thread - which explains my post earlier in this thread (the one I have quoted above) and we have a decision about PV but will explain on that thread later.
RE Spam threads, there's threads like this;
Spam!!! Thread!! Knock Yourselves Out ;) Mwahhh Xxx
And an area just for off topic stuff here;

RE the chatrooms, please see #4 in my response above.
Chatrooms and the use of - are purely member driven. We have tried until we're blue in the face..

We did consider allowing member made chatrooms, but right now and due to the lack of use in chatrooms in general, it's not worth setting up.

Peeps the fact is some of this is member driven. We already provide everything requested above, aside from some additional ideas for PV etc. But the main fact is - we have them, but it's down to members to organise things, down to members to create situations where others wish to join in and participate.
It's great saying 'we'd like to see them busy, they're under utilised' but why aren't members doing anything about it?
We organise a weekly quiz, but where's everyone else's input? Why aren't members organising these things and contributing towards such ideas rather than asking us to do them?
Please don't think I am being insulting - I am not, but when you already have the tools there - why ask us to do things when members can already do it themselves?

Can take a horse to water and all that.

Exactly, you can invite up to 5 participants in PM's. The only thing currently not available is creating your own chatrooms.

Who'd monitor them? How would we prevent spammers coming in, inviting 20 people and spamming them?

This would be no different to member based started rooms?

Anyway there's some of my thoughts and direct responses so far.
Thanks for your input all. If I see anything that's not already there or is easy to implement and manage then I will consider it.
Right now, most of this is either there already or there already and not being used - which is down to members to do not us.. I know that sounds harsh or unfair, but that's the truth. :)
Admin x

Ooooff note to self - "Don't upset Admin first thing on a morning" :D.

Now then @Admin ol chum, guv'ner :tiphat: I'm gonna respond to your response but just stick to what we posted as our wish list to avoid confusion.

First I want to reiterate that this was just a wish list for us as the site evolves but in no way are we critising nor do we expect you to make these changes. Flaming heck man we don't think you're a machine ;).

1. We see your point on this and on reflection we agree that keeping this area emoji free might be best. I was thinking more simple smileys than emojis e.g :):whistle::sneaky: but fully understand why you want to keep this area tidy (y).

2. Tbh we're not fussed about the map. More that the members online doesn't seem to be totally accurate. However we're sure there are many people like us that stay logged in all the time, that throw the whole system off.

3. Yes I see the pitfalls in having unlimited time to edit a post. You'd be forgiven for thinking 4 minutes was sufficient time for editing a post. If we had a desktop pc we might agree. Mobile devices with their touchscreen keyboards take me a bit long to type. Oh and I also get "Daaaaad so'n'so poo'd can you sort it", "Daaaaad can you get me a drink", "Dad thingy just hit me". By the time I'm back to the edit, I'm locked out. Maybe this is unique to us but in response to the thread, it is on our wish list ;).

4. We take this back. You are quite correct, chatrooms should be a member driven activity. I would love to hear members ideas on this.

Remember this is a wish list, just hypothetical.
This is not "Come on Admin get cracking :whiplash:. Sleep is for the weak!"

Much love

B x
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15 September 2014
Ooooff note to self - "Don't upset Admin first thing on a morning" :D.

Now then @Admin ol chum, guv'ner :tiphat: I'm gonna respond to your response but just stick to what we posted as our wish list to avoid confusion.

First I want to reiterate that this was just a wish list for us as the site evolves but in no way are we critising nor do we expect you to make these changes. Flaming heck man we don't think you're a machine ;).

1. We see your point on this and on reflection we agree that keeping this area emoji free might be best. I was thinking more simple smileys than emojis e.g :):whistle::sneaky: but fully understand why you want to keep this area tidy (y).

2. Tbh we're not fussed about the map. More that the members online doesn't seem to be totally accurate. However we're sure there are many people like us that stay logged in all the time, that throw the whole system off.

3. Yes I see the pitfalls in having unlimited time to edit a post. You'd be forgiven for thinking 4 minutes was sufficient time for editing a post. If we had a desktop pc we might agree. Mobile devices with their touchscreen keyboards take me a bit long to type. Oh and I also get "Daaaaad so'n'so poo'd can you sort it", "Daaaaad can you get me a drink", "Dad thingy just hit me". By the time I'm back to the edit, I'm locked out. Maybe this is unique to us but in response to the thread, it is on our wish list ;).

4. We take this back. You are quite correct, chatrooms should be a member driven activity. I would love to hear members ideas on this.

Remember this is a wish list, just hypothetical.
This is not "Come on Admin get cracking :whiplash:. Sleep is for the weak!"

Much love

B x
Yes of course I know it's a wish list and no, wasn't upset or anything of the sort. To the point maybe, but nothing else. (y)
1, Agreed. It would look crud. I did try and test it a while ago, but it would look truly awful and messy. Not ideal at all in honesty.. People would abuse it - 100%. (especially those newbies who come on looking for instashag at 1am)

2, That is accurate but dips as people login/out. The reason for this is our cookie - we have a cookie with a long lifespan for apps and for general reasons really. Such as people don't get logged out after 10 minutes when refreshing a page or moving after chatting - it would be highly irritating. But will see what I can come up with. As you say, most don't log out. I certainly don't myself either - ever.. (unless absolutely strictly necessary and that's when making system changes that I need to see reflected on the fly)

3, 4 minutes I think is sufficient and fair. The problem here is, it's open to abuse which is why it's set to 4 mins.
Hypothetical situation. Jim and Bob have a flame war, to everyone else in the thread they saw Jim call Bob *insert derogatory term* etc etc. Then after a few mins of Bob ranting and rage quitting, to cover his own tracks quickly - Jim edits his post.
Other peeps sign in later on in the eve and see Jim's post totally out of context but only Bob raging at him who rage quite 5 hours previous.
This then stands valid for Jim who's been saying that Bob has been bullying him since Jesus was a boy.
Or worse, someone makes a post, many disagree and the thread goes Pete Tong, so the OP backtracks to hide what he did.
Yes yes I'm cynical. But enough time in this arena has made me this way.
This is why I am very reluctant to allow more.
Will see :whistle:

4, :tiphat:

Anything else?
Will see :D :whistle:
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5 July 2016
2. Don't change anything on our behalf seriously. There's bigger things in life to worry about. This is after all a free site, I feel we get our monies worth (y)

3. That Jim and Bob causing trouble again. Can't take them anywhere :rofl:.
Seriously though your example had already crossed my mind. Maybe 10 minutes for an edit would suit our lifestyle (what's 6 minutes between friends :D) but hey it's not life or death. This is your house, your rules. We're just signing the guestbook.

B x
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15 September 2014
No no... other stuff and members page, and simple check box search etc. I have said previously about this as you know.
Bloody plagiarism! Sheesh.. trouble aye.
Ooh I found that header I made for you not so long back too... can you remember it? x
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No no... other stuff and members page, and simple check box search etc. I have said previously about this as you know.
Bloody plagiarism! Sheesh.. trouble aye.
Ooh I found that header I made for you not so long back too... can you remember it? x
Should I be worried..

The Mr man one?


You got it! Not sure where it is now, but I will look again. Brilliant.. Double trouble I renamed the account... :D xx
I know not of which you speak..
You have me confused with someone else..
I am innocent..