Days Of The Week - Accessaccess

  • Thread starter Deleted member 3411
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17 March 2017
For me I don't join in daily however if you wish to you can depending on time and mood or anything else.. If you wish to add a pic for a particular day and subject IE Wednesday is normally Hump day you can if you wish but you have 24 hrs to do so I haven't personally found to many restrictions....... Hope this helps
Hi John are you saying you only put pictures on , on a Wednesday and not the rest of the week ?


18 July 2015
The theme for these photos are descibed in the title, Monday Motivation for example can be anything to get you motivated and so on, we are not saying contribute every single day but make the effort, if anyone thinks one photo will give you access then you are wrong, the rules are there for the reasons I have given, I hope now you can understand and this is now closed. Thankyou.


18 July 2015
Have the rules been put up I dont know ?
Ok I have explained now many times, this thread has all the information you need, follow the days of the week theme to see what photos are required and contribute as much as you can. Thankyou.

Deleted member 1030

OK folks. I am going to close this thread for now. Later on we will clarify the rules for access to the Days of the Week threads.

In the meantime, please bear in mind that any rules put in place are only there to protect the privacy and security of our members.
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