The All-new Social Swinging Chat Room Quiz!

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5 July 2016
You mentioned Wham! (Ok I know I'm clutching at straws here!)
Well if it's an 80's quiz then just hand me that crown right now!! I am the 80sbabe!!! :p

Yes @80sbabe be careful what you wish for...... see Balders' reaction to his oft-requested sci-fi theme - and it was all fair and square :sneaky:

@80sbabe unfortunately you have made a fundamental mistake in your request. When dealing with @meandlis you have to be very specific in requesting a quiz.
You have merely asked for an 80's quiz and haven't specified the century!:eek:Schoolgirl error!:palm:
You just know we're gonna get quizzed on pop music from the 1880's now. Expect questions about Mozart, Beethoven etc (were they 1880's? No idea).

B x


@80sbabe unfortunately you have made a fundamental mistake in your request. When dealing with @meandlis you have to be very specific in requesting a quiz.
You have merely asked for an 80's quiz and haven't speciefied the century!:eek:Schoolgirl error!:palm:
You just know we're gonna get quizzed on pop music from the 1880's now. Expect questions about Mozart, Beethoven etc (were they 1880's? No idea).

B x
Well I think there's an 1812 overture in there somewhere but I'm not too hot on the 1880's - must try harder!! :confused:


Nobody puts babe in a corner and makes them wear a slimy crown
:whistle: "I've had the time of my liiiiife, and I've never felt this way before":whistle:

B x
Quoting one of my favourite 80's films (but oh there's so many others too!)
"I carried a water melon!"


Stud Muffin
11 May 2017
Listen you lot Mork here and I have never done Nanu all over this crown...
You should be ashamed of yourselves for suggesting such a thing
At least a little... maybe

N xxx


Listen you lot Mork here and I have never done Nanu all over this crown...
You should be ashamed of yourselves for suggesting such a thing
At least a little... maybe

N xxx
Are you bringing it with you on Saturday?! :hmm: xxx
5 July 2016
Listen you lot Mork here and I have never done Nanu all over this crown...
You should be ashamed of yourselves for suggesting such a thing
At least a little... maybe

N xxx

Are you bringing it with you on Saturday?! :hmm: xxx

C'mon @Vanezza answer the question. Are you taking your slimy crown that Mork may or may not have Nanu Nanud all over, to the Social on Saturday? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

B x


Stud Muffin
11 May 2017
The crown may not be in @Vanezza 's possession by Saturday ;)
Why Saturday? I assure you its under lock and key under our somewhat battered bed :eek:
I have people looking after the attack dogs and machine gun nests to make sure it stays there until it gets wrested from our hands.

N xxx
5 July 2016
Why Saturday? I assure you its under lock and key under our somewhat battered bed :eek:
I have people looking after the attack dogs and machine gun nests to make sure it stays there until it gets wrested from our hands.

N xxx


B x


15 September 2014
PS it will be great seeing old and new faces alike. All are welcome. (y)

If it goes ahe... I mean it starts at 20:00 - usually I suggest being there if possible from about 19:30 onwards as it gives time for people to settle down catch up and whatnot, plus it gives me time to fix the damned thing before we even start. :D
So, it starts at 20:00 in the Cockwell Inn - ideally be there earlier please so I can make my list of names for scoring..

And no, @Nigel&Julie I won't shortfall you any more and steal you of your valuable points. :p :rofl:
Oh speaking of points, do the leaderboards still run?

If anyone is unsure of ze rules - now is the time to ask instead of asking as we're about to start. x