The All-new Social Swinging Chat Room Quiz!

  • Thread starter Deleted member 1030
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15 September 2014
OK Folks, it is with great pleasure - and a slight semi - that we announce
The All-New Social Swinging Chat Room Quiz!

This will take place in the chat room at 8 p.m. on Thursday and we've had a bit of a makeover on the format.

We will have three rounds of ten questions plus a bonus question - based on something from a previous round, so you'll need to pay attention - which is worth 5 points... this will mean that there is everything to play for, right up to the last question.
In the rounds, I will post a question and you will have 13 seconds to answer. Any answers given after I say 'stop' will not count. The bonus question will be a first-to-answer deal with a one minute limit. You must not answer the bonus question before it has been asked. Even if you guess correctly, beforehand, your answer will not count.

The winner of each week's quiz will not only gain the respect of their peers and admiring glances at all the best parties, but will proudly display a shiny new quiz winner's badge on their account for the duration of the following week!
The scores each week will be accumulated and we will publish the league table here.

There will also be free booze
*, dancing girls**, peanuts***

Hope to see you all there! :D

*If you bring your own.
**Subject to availability. We may have to imagine these.
***Again, bring your own snacks. It just makes things easier, to be honest.
I've just realised, the new chat room quiz was 1 year old in October... Sorry @meandlis - didn't even cross my mind. Flown hasn't it? You were then and are now, definitely the man for the job with your trickery. :sneaky:

I still think it's too easy for people. :whistle: :D
5 July 2016
You wouldn't be trying to, subliminally, put ideas in my head there, would you? :cautious:
Me? The very thought of it :eek:.

Wait a minute......
You wouldn't be using reverse psychology to try and get me to subliminally suggest something you've already planned like THE BIG FAT SOCIAL SWINGING QUIZ OF THE YEAR would you?o_O

B x

Deleted member 1030

Me? The very thought of it :eek:.

Wait a minute......
You wouldn't be using reverse psychology to try and get me to subliminally suggest something you've already planned like THE BIG FAT SOCIAL SWINGING QUIZ OF THE YEAR would you?o_O

B x
Oh.... er, I'm not sure now o_O:cautious:o_O

Am I?