I haven’t made any New Year’s resolutions. Not because any of that “it’s only another day” nonsense; I notice that those who come up with that never say the same about their birthday and cards...
But I did come up with the following a while back when someone asked me for my wishes for the new year for A Thing.
I extend the same wishes to all of you.
- May you do something you’re proud of. Whether it’s something you do in your personal life, your professional life, your creative endeavours, or even something in your family life. Something that when you look in the mirror (to shave, put make-up on, etc), you can think about and not wince.
- May you know that some people like you, some people care about you, some people love you… and may you accept that knowledge without it freaking you out.
- May your friends know that you like them, you care about them, you love them… and may they accept that knowledge without it freaking them out.
- May you learn to take compliments gracefully, and even if you don’t believe them for a heartbeat… may you learn to reply in such a way that doesn’t make the other person feel worthless.
- May you understand that sometimes, just sometimes, you’re allowed to upset friends, knowing they’ll forgive you.
- May you quickly and honestly forgive your friends who upset you.
- May you know that when I say “sometimes, just sometimes“, that’s supposed to be an indication that it’s a rare, limited allowance; you’re not supposed to do it daily.
- May you remember that being inexperienced, being ignorant and being naive are three different things; may your response to each be different, and appropriate.
- May you be inappropriate; everyone needs to be sometimes.
- May you be able to make decisions quickly, and not second guess the hell out of every decision you make, and may you be able to deal with the consequences of those decisions.
- May you embrace the unexpected, enjoy the unanticipated, and live a year of wonder and dreams unimagined.
- May you have a wonderful 2018.