Orgasm Denial

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Deleted member 6127

I love edging (y) But walk off and deny me and you'll be edged off a cliff :rofl: Cx


I utterly love orgasm denial, edging and chastity devices.
to give control of your orgamsms too another person is liberating, scary and ironically empowering.

plus the longer you go without out, the longer you are edged that day, (then when you are given permission) when you finally cum the volume makes it extreamly powerful, longer and more intense.
9 September 2017
If done correctly(and by that I mean the person doing the denying has to be strong enough not to give in to the begging and pleading of the denied) it can be truly mindblowing (y)
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10 January 2018
Newcastle upon Tyne
Well every day’s a school day! Never done denial (after finding out the true definition reading this thread!) but edging does bring a certain satisfaction. Although I do find it difficult to control sometimes, I just can’t help myself!


18 July 2015
Orgasm denial, edging takes time to master correctly, you both have to have complete control, edging for example, the person edging has to know everything about the other. If done correctly you can learn to control for hours even days, days being more extreme but very much worth the wait, don't forget this technique can be very exhausting for both parties involved ;)
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Deleted member 8626

I know what you mean about making your plums ache. I really love It when your denied for days on end and the person or with really plays on the fact it hurts by teasing you in inappropriate places while your out somewhere, where there is nothing you can do about, but OMG when she finally gives you that release it feels like your orgasm will never stop. Well worth the training.
The only problem I find is that you get body memory and sometimes you came cum when you'd like to most because you've trained not to.
We both do this to each other on occasion when the mood is right.

I love making k squirm and writhe about and she enjoys doing it to me. She stops as I tense up and vice versa.

The senses get really heightened by denying an orgasm (but it can make the plums ache a bit). The result can be a huge crescendo of an orgasm, or if I can hold on long enough she can have large osgasms one after another after another.

I would highly recommend (y)

B x


11 December 2016
I love it tbh. Last night we were having some fun with her in total charge and being brought to the edge of orgasm only to be denied is frustrating but also exciting as you know you can be brought to that edge again and again.
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