I honestly believe that it's down to the fact that "big" women have empowered themselves by telling the world that it's ok to be fat.
As usual, men are pussies and daren't stand up themselves and say being a big, fat man doesn't mean you are unattractive and useless in bed. It's all about perception.
I, myself prefer slimmer women, but that's all it is, a preference. I almost feel ashamed or scared of causing offence by saying it but really it's no different to say, preferring redheads rather than blondes or tall women rather than short women. Don't get me wrong, I can still find bigger women very attractive and would not hesitate to have a bit of fun with them (if, of course, they wanted to have a bit of fun with me
) Let's face it there are some gorgeous "larger" ladies and some damn ugly slim women.
I don't think a woman would have any problem or concerns about telling me that she likes me but sex is not going to happen because she prefers bigger built men and that she thinks I'm too skinny. And that's as it should be and it wouldn't upset me but can you imagine the consequences of telling a woman you were not attracted to her because you felt she was too overweight, or too big or God forbid, too fat for your taste?
The very sexy Biba, for example, had no problem telling me quite bluntly that I was too old for her as she prefers younger men. Same thing as far as I'm concerned.
I'd only suggested she might want to sit on my face, what relevance is my age in that circumstance? Sorry, I seem to have gone slightly off topic.
The point about the fairly recent rise to prominence of the BBW culture is an excellent one. No way would the larger males have come up with that. Sheer brilliance. Men are basically children whereas women are all grown up
I suppose the other point women have in their favour is the fact that men are men!! As you so eloquently stated yourself "I'll have any female with a pulse" and your certainly not alone in thinking that way as a man.
Women tend to able to afford to be just a tad more discerning. It's a simple fact of life that ANY woman, no matter what shape or size she is, even if she's unfortunate enough to have a face like a bag of spanners and a pussy resembling a badly packed kebab knows for certain that on any given night she can walk out of her house, take a bus into the city centre and go into one or two bars and she will be able to have sex with some random man. Even the best looking, most confident man can't say that.
So I'm afraid to say that, as in most things in this world, men just have to accept the fact that as long as women have pussies they will remain in control and there's nothing the males of the world can do about it.
Meanwhile, I'm just grateful that they occasionally let us play with them because there's always the danger that one day they'll just decide to play amongst themselves, and then we'd really have something to cry about.
Bloody hell, I can tell I've not slept in ages, I've just been rambling on, basically having a debate with myself and writing a bloody dissertation. I think some of the points I made were relevant and maybe the others will widen the debate