Yeah it really is. The guy I mentioned earlier was an ex Leuitenant in the army. Well educated... gay and a party animal. Got off his face regularly. Then one night was straight at a party and witnessed what was happening. He went on to write a book and set up a campaign about it. I wish I could find the info.
But Joe it seems it’s the same old thing aye: sex drugs and rock and roll.
It's more than that and less than that.
I like sex. I like drugs. I like having sex with men... I've met people on the chem sex scene on more than a few occasions and witnessed it a handful of times. Um. I've been around the block and I've seen some amazing/outrageous/unbelievable things but, bottom line, I know myself well enough to know when I feel uncomfortable with the risks in any given situation and the chem sex scene poses some serious risks for participants.
1/ drugs - weed is one thing, or a bottle of wine with an evening in anticipation is one thing - but the GMTV combo (GHB [sexually enhancing downer], mephedrone [speed-like upper], "tina" [aka crystal meth] and Viagra [to keep you going] is quite a heady one. People get addicted. Not nice. I've worked with addicts.
2/ unprotected sex with multiple partners who you've maybe just met - can be accidental or intentional but is common. Bad idea. And the use of PrEP (wonder pill supposed to stop you from catching HIV) doesn't protect against other STIs.
3/ it leaves a hole where 'normal' sex is concerned. Chem sex is so overwhelming, intense, immersive - swimming in an expanding pool of physical and mental pleasure - that normal sex can feel dull. I've met people who rhapsody about what, objectively sound like a pretty horrid experience, because of the sensations and they struggle to enjoy sex unless they're in that mode.
4/ You never fucking cum. Just annoying.
It's nihilistic.
* that said, try sex on mushrooms with someone you love.... grrrreat!!