Gallery Photo's - What Do You Like To Perv?

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11 August 2015
OK, I admit it's a hard life having to check through the gallery, and despite what my big sis @meet_the_fockers says, it part of my job to review (I never ever perv:p) the photo's.

In the galleries we have a great mix of photo's from face close up's to full body nude poses so what is it in these pics that makes you think -Wow?

For me it has to be a pic of lady in underwear/stockings, you know the usual male fantasy stuff - but it's a fantasy for a bloody good reason. I think we all have good imaginations but for me that little bit of mystery just adds something. To all those that have added photo's - thank-you and keep them coming, I like my job. :rolleyes:

So come on you lot, what type of photo's do you like in the gallaries and why do you like them? Are there any types you want to see more of/less of? Over to you, have fun :D


OK, I admit it's a hard life having to check through the gallery, and despite what my big sis @meet_the_fockers says, it part of my job to review (I never ever perv:p) the photo's.

In the galleries we have a great mix of photo's from face close up's to full body nude poses so what is it in these pics that makes you think -Wow?

For me it has to be a pic of lady in underwear/stockings, you know the usual male fantasy stuff - but it's a fantasy for a bloody good reason. I think we all have good imaginations but for me that little bit of mystery just adds something. To all those that have added photo's - thank-you and keep them coming, I like my job. :rolleyes:

So come on you lot, what type of photo's do you like in the gallaries and why do you like them? Are there any types you want to see more of/less of? Over to you, have fun :D
Arty sexy, imaginative, black and white.. less is more.. keeebabs n plonkersss dont really do it for me.. well maybe not photos of them. X

Deleted member 1030

TBH, I'm up for a bit of anything! Some 'kebabs and plonkers' shots leave me cold, while others are incredibly horny. Some B&W pics are sexy, others are just borrrringzzzzz. I do like to see full body shots though - it gives a good impression of what the person actually looks like, more so than a face pic. In my pervy opinion, of course ;)


TBH, I'm up for a bit of anything! Some 'kebabs and plonkers' shots leave me cold, while others are incredibly horny. Some B&W pics are sexy, others are just borrrringzzzzz. I do like to see full body shots though - it gives a good impression of what the person actually looks like, more so than a face pic. In my pervy opinion, of course ;)


Everything can be done with taste, if thats what you want to do, some people prefer down and dirty shots, i don't, the mind is the heart of passion, so entice the mind. A really good boudoir photographer can allow the mind to tell a story behind a photo, much more than a close up of a minge can :)
9 January 2016
I like my gallery pics in much the same way i like my life, with a bit of variety.
As you say, there is a great mix, different looking women showing off different parts of different looking bodies; couples in the throws of horny sex (you know its horny because they took a picture right ;) ), then throw in a few face shots of a woman smiling, or looking seductively out at you; its all good.

Deleted member 2610

Hard questions as it's great to let people see the pictures and thank you for that. Love the bw shots with a bit of what's to come. There are so many gorgeous ladies here that each one is different. So I think I'll continue to perv as it makes an'older man' happy xxx


I get hung up on B&W photo's, i love colour, and i tend to bring up the colour saturation on most shots i edit, but then you get the odd one that just screams to be converted to a black and white image. I love the contrast on greyscale, but i really struggle at times getting the image balanced correctly. Below is a shot i adore in colour, but i recently did a B&W conversion on it and i can't decide which i like better, i love the face of the model in colour, but i love the contrast of the whole photo in B&W. The point of focus has changed on the B&W one too, the face in the colour photo, the tattoo in the B&Wedit 6-horz.jpg