Ok Just A Thought..

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11 August 2015
Right back on thread.

My personal opinion is that an avatar on a swinging site should reflect swinging and I don't mean something lifted off the internet. Why would anyone want to use an avatar of a car or plane or scenic view, what does it say about the person?
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15 September 2014
On a serious & genuine note,
In my honest opinion, no it shouldn't be allowed and people shouldn't be encouraged or allowed to upload false, lifted, or shitty profile pics and whatnot.
What we and everyone else wants to see, is real people.

The situation of having dogs, ice-creams, boats and silly little images of random stuff is unbelievable. This is a swinging site, not a Chelsea FC supporters site yeah? :p

Added too is from the lady herself Pearls;
"Miss sexy bum, I fully agree that internet pictures shouldn't be allowed - because this is the first thing people will see when they click on the name etc"
:) xx
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