Single guys.

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Deleted member 16044

I came here as a SF for the first year ,got bombarded by pm,s , being bi and having media which confirms im not just talking the talk ,constantly asked to meet cples for ffm , i then met @Therapon and after a few meets we became a cple on here , now as staff on here we dont really get the wanna meet pm,s but when we do its usually because im bi and to be brutally honest if i as the female half were aware of any cancelled meets for him as a SG ,then even i wouldnt want to meet a cple who snubbed him previously
Recently we edited our single profiles and while i now get pm,s asking about meets again ,he gets very few if none and our cples profile gets hardly any requests to meet
but you and he are so lovely x

Deleted member 16044

I'm not sure what he means :cautious:

You are both one of the few couples where it's refreshing to see both partners getting actively involved and do not exclude the single guys (y)

I'd give both a gold star but someone who shall remain nameless keeps them locked in the staff safe.
and they welcome the newbies more often than me but My nose been buried last few days
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Deleted member 16044

why do single guys get bad press?

when I used to go to clubs more often I could pull a guy and I never saw any bad pressing going on we all got along with each other
since the internet arrived it has changed peoples attitude both males and females
we all spend time moaning over this and that and the other
single guy sends message to me I do not want likewise for single guys with cock pics unless you are bi and like a cock
this thing about being something and someone you are not sticks out more in my mind and my opinion

what you see is what you get with me
I also speak my mind but I back it up with evidence
plus sometimes single guys cannot handle rejection
but that would mean being man or a mouse
single guys we all love you faults n all! and women I love you too faults an all!
28 February 2017
Some clubs we’ve noticed have introduced throuple with weekend entry. Is it fair to only have one denomination being Ffm.
I thought it was a brilliant idea and it should be more welcoming with more clubs but what about Mmf scenarios.
Is it done for genuine reasons?
I wanted to take 2 male friends to a club a couple of weeks ago but was told no even though they would be staying with me. Very unfair on the guys. 'd like to meet single guys on a sat night too. Or arrange to meet one with my other half ?
24 June 2019
Weekend entry (pardon the pun :D) is generally only females and couples so is that actually anything different ?
MMF doesn’t suit clubs ... means letting the riff raff in .... you know those pesky cock wielding plonkers ...:palm:
So we were at a club last weekend and I asked this very question - how can a couple take a single lady into the couples' room but you can't take a single man?!! Apparently it's because the ladies don't cause a problem and are respectful.

However, we were in the couples' room and J was sucking my cock and a male from a couple left his female partner sitting on her own in the dark round a corner out of our sight whilst he came and leered (there is no other word for it!) at J in a really predatory fashion - really up close. It made us both very uncomfortable and we left the room. So it's not SINGLE gents that are a problem and also surely ladies could also have the potential to cause a problem or be disrespectful. R
28 February 2017
That’s another question on how guys feel.
So you comment on a profile post, say good morning.
You don’t even get a like let alone a comment back
Yet a couple or lady say the same thing and different story.
If you’ve made the effort to say hello or good morning then surely an acknowledgement isn’t too much to ask.
How do you guys feel?
I hold my hands up to sometimes not responding but it's normally cos I've not seen the message.......
Apologies to anyone that I've done that too ?? it's certainly not done on purpose and mostly because I've not had the time to get on the SS site properly. I love seeing the messages xxx
24 June 2019
I'm going to come at this from a slightly different point of view.
I am the Male half of a couple and tbh I don't bother with adding my own media anymore. Because it has tended in the past to go un-noticed, if I put a status update it's the same faces responding with a like or the odd comment However, when the Wife adds media or puts a status up, the notifications go through the roof. I'd humbly suggest that it is not just single guys who are ignored but Males in general. Now I understand that it is par for the course in this lifestyle but does that make it right or truly inclusive? Like women, Men can and do suffer from confidence issues, body image issues etc and when we take our time to consider a picture, then breath deeply as we hit the send button for ................. maybe one or two comments!! But a woman puts a pic of a nipple or her cleavage up and the whole site goes mental. It's a mentality thing really and one I'm not sure will change sadly But that's my two pennies worth.
I know that feeling, J puts on a picture of her leg and gets 15 like's and MOTM I dress up or down and look really good and only @Dangerous690 comments. Rx
26 December 2019
Don't ask me why but I don't comment on photos unless they really capture my imagination, I guess if goes back to the thread about what photos we like to see. I think I've replied to everyone politely who has messaged whether single or couple. Sorry if I have missed anyone. Don't think anyone should be treated differently and life is crap when it does happen. Like to think I treat each as individuals rather than tarring with same brush xcx


9 November 2015
Don't ask me why but I don't comment on photos unless they really capture my imagination, I guess if goes back to the thread about what photos we like to see. I think I've replied to everyone politely who has messaged whether single or couple. Sorry if I have missed anyone. Don't think anyone should be treated differently and life is crap when it does happen. Like to think I treat each as individuals rather than tarring with same brush xcx
We all know your shy ☺️.... commenting on photos is more a bloke thing .... or maybe just me :D You must think you have a stalker?
11 November 2019
Don't ask me why but I don't comment on photos unless they really capture my imagination, I guess if goes back to the thread about what photos we like to see. I think I've replied to everyone politely who has messaged whether single or couple. Sorry if I have missed anyone. Don't think anyone should be treated differently and life is crap when it does happen. Like to think I treat each as individuals rather than tarring with same brush xcx
Callie it’s the minority you are in the very large majority ??❤️


9 November 2015
I know this is a diffetrent thread :jacked: but if its that decent why have you not voted for it to be MOTM #justsaying
If everyone reading this thread goes and votes on your :arse: you’d be the winner:tiphat:#justsaying ... no I haven’t looked ,maybe while perving your good ladies media... purely by mistake you understand....i didn’t linger long I moved on as soon as poss:lol: