Profiles - honestly are you interested or not?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 3175
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15 September 2014
Same, wank bank material??? Sorry I know that’s blunt but it just seems that way with some of them xxx S x x
I think sometimes people just think log on create account to try get a meet/shag I don’t actually think they realise what the sites about. It’s more of “social” site that can lead to more rather than just a meat market. To be able to be amongst other people who share the same interests and “saucy side” :lol: to us is something that just isn’t around in any other sites xxx S x

Honestly, some people.
I have to add to this.
I've just received a complaint that members here are not single guy friendly....
LOL This is probably the most single guy friendly site on the Internet!
He only joined recently and no interaction, media set to private (and of genitals) and nothing to show that he's a genuine person, looking for genuine fun, in a genuine swinging way.
So chances are, he falls into this ^^ precisely. x

Deleted member 3175

The site is really easy to navigate..I don’t think that is the main’s not just new members though you see some on here who have been away from the site for a couple of years and their info profile is blank..there’s so many profiles on here with no activity at all..even the ones from other sites send random messages before deleting accounts..if mrs h can navigate the site it must be easy..W.. :rofl:
:rofl: she’ll get ya for that! Lol! I think some people just don’t want to put the time in, but as before it’s defo their loss S xxz

Deleted member 3175

Honestly, some people.
I have to add to this.
I've just received a complaint that members here are not single guy friendly....
LOL This is probably the most single guy friendly site on the Internet!
He only joined recently and no interaction, media set to private (and of genitals) and nothing to show that he's a genuine person, looking for genuine fun, in a genuine swinging way.
So chances are, he falls into this ^^ precisely. x
We can only hope it will change but let’s face it it’s an up hill struggle S x x.

Deleted member 11852

The site is really easy to navigate..I don’t think that is the main’s not just new members though you see some on here who have been away from the site for a couple of years and their info profile is blank..there’s so many profiles on here with no activity at all..even the ones from other sites send random messages before deleting accounts..if mrs h can navigate the site it must be easy..W.. :rofl:
Oooi cheeky bugger, but you are right lol xxx


I think sometimes people just think log on create account to try get a meet/shag I don’t actually think they realise what the sites about. It’s more of “social” site that can lead to more rather than just a meat market. To be able to be amongst other people who share the same interests and “saucy side” :lol: to us is something that just isn’t around in any other sites xxx S x

Honestly, some people.
I have to add to this.
I've just received a complaint that members here are not single guy friendly....
LOL This is probably the most single guy friendly site on the Internet!
He only joined recently and no interaction, media set to private (and of genitals) and nothing to show that he's a genuine person, looking for genuine fun, in a genuine swinging way.
So chances are, he falls into this ^^ precisely. x

This site is extremely welcoming and open to SG's I remember my first social with this site with very fond memories. Swinging sites are like first dates you want to get to know the person see if there is an attraction on both sides but realise not being attractive to someone isnt a bad thing just be understanding patient and respectful

Deleted member 11852

Honestly, some people.
I have to add to this.
I've just received a complaint that members here are not single guy friendly....
LOL This is probably the most single guy friendly site on the Internet!
He only joined recently and no interaction, media set to private (and of genitals) and nothing to show that he's a genuine person, looking for genuine fun, in a genuine swinging way.
So chances are, he falls into this ^^ precisely. x
I can’t believe that all the single gents you speak to on here say how well they get treated compared to other sites..we have met quite a few from here both socially and for fun..they have always been polite and considerate and a pleasure to be @the usual horny couple have said..some people are just not prepared to make the effort..W..xx


9 November 2015
Honestly, some people.
I have to add to this.
I've just received a complaint that members here are not single guy friendly....
LOL This is probably the most single guy friendly site on the Internet!
He only joined recently and no interaction, media set to private (and of genitals) and nothing to show that he's a genuine person, looking for genuine fun, in a genuine swinging way.
So chances are, he falls into this ^^ precisely. x
As a single bloke I’ve always been welcomed and accepted and through some tough times this site and the support of everyone has been welcoming, it takes work to be accepted anywhere, this site is second to none in that respect ...



Handsome and Debonair
25 November 2017
I think that the site works well and It is really easy to navigate and text to others members. And about this I assume I'm the best tester because I'm a stranger! Actually SS is quite different from other swingers' site and I love it because of this. Here are amazing people who are both friendly and transgressive. Moreover even though I don't usually write to anyone because I live far away (maybe not too far by plane :)) and I speak another language so it might be difficult to talk together, "old members" treat me really well and I have always felt welcomed because If I hadn't feel that I would have left the community time ago. Obviously ,someone don't care about me, but I assume It's normal, I'm not Queen Elizabeth ?.....maybe!


There's will always bu some who fill in the barest of details (probably made up) and expect everyone to dive on them on tha basis of the username kingkongcock, that's fine, the are doing the swinging equivalent of darwinism, it's waving a huge red flag while shouting over here they will get bored and go away soon enough, the serious ones, guys like Mp386 (other single guys are available) who put effort in, are genuinely nice people are the ones we want to stay anyway. You can lead a horse to water.....


9 November 2015
It’s been said before but the site is like a shop window , it’s the start to what can be an exciting life style, so filling in some details isn’t all that difficult, give someone something to look at (yes I know I have a horrendous amount to trawl though if your brave enough :eek:) but from a single blokes POV is not going to drop in your lap as much as you’d probably like it to:sneaky: it does take some effort to get involved and hopefully things happen... just flopping your cock out however impressive probably not going to seal the deal ?
So “ PIM “ profile,information,media 3 small things to start your journey ...
disappointments happen,just move on and try again ,and we used to have an emoji.... it was stolen :lol:
FTL ...... #FeelTheLove :tiphat:

Deleted member 16044

Hello both,
Do you think a ‘site tour’ would help?
Imagine a tab or link, which when clicked, would give you an on screen tour of the site. This can include how to add media, add a thread, add info and so on.
Each stage you then have to click next, which takes you on the site tour again.
Returnable easily by clicking the link, as often as needed..
that would be grand x
great idea x
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Deleted member 16044

So with that, as there’s two separate components going on, I already have one thing I can immediately kind of implement which could help there.
What I would need is a list of prospective interests to input there.
As for getting people to fill out their information field, that’s something else entirely and having tried so many various options - I can only suggest a site tour or guide of sorts, with a ‘click next’ approach literally spoon feeding how people can do these things and suggestively.
Again I know your post was more aimed at discussing what and why etc, but this has long been a bit of a problem.. so it could be good to add some easier ways, to show people, how to do them.
brilliant idea x
not everyone is a computer tech wired for sound engineer in navigating sites that includes me
sometimes it takes me hours to figure somethings out I get there in the end
It is knowing how to get there that really helps
for example I needed to burn some CD's and ages since I have done anyway I added and took off loads of so called online apps that said they would burn a cd for me but most of them were returned because they did not do what they said they would on the tin
All organised now though, time and patience is all it really needed
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Deleted member 19022

I always read people's profiles, I find it stops a lot of time wasting. If I find a profile with no information I usually take that as they are not really serious about swinging. I'm looking for friendliness and humour in a profile. Arrogance and huge egos are a turn off.

When filling out my own profile, I tend to do a rough draft first. When I think its suitable I then post it. I try not to come across as too keen or a totally knob. Straight to the point and honest. If I have achieved that, only the people who view it can say