Chinese viruses

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19 March 2020
Why do most viruses come from this country
China is a very densely-populated country. A perfect breeding ground for viruses to mutate. Most viruses will be benign, or not really affect its host that much, so will go unnoticed when it spreads across the world. Only the occasional virus spreads for fame and fortune.

are they trying to wipe us out?
China is the "factory of the world". Who would they then export to? They have bombs for that which are faster anyway. And, this virus has been studied, intensively, and it's been concluded that it isn't man-made.

Should all countries ban all trade and isolate them completely as punishment for infecting the planet?
Last edited:
7 January 2017
Fun fact, it's perfectly legal to call a British person, a "Brit", or a Scottish person a "Scot", but illegal to call someone from Pakistan, a "Paki".
It's more to do with the racist connotations from the 70s/80s.
But I understand where you're coming from. A friend of mine of Pakistani decent (she was born in the UK) calls herself a "Paki".
19 March 2020
It's more to do with the racist connotations from the 70s/80s.
Exactly, politicians like to win brownie points with the public and they overreacted, like making illegal all those weapons shown in Kung-fu films popular at the time. Except a bo I believe (big long wooden pole made of hardwood that could easily crack a skull)
24 November 2015
Why do most viruses come from this country and are they trying to wipe us out?
Is this virus and many others man made or natural?

Should all countries ban all trade and isolate them completely as punishment for infecting the planet?

Over to you. ?
Ive got to ask how do you know it came from the actual chinese people for all we know a brit or other nationality could of been carrying a gene and passed it on to the chinese , blaming them when there is no concrete proof is absurd


18 July 2015
Ive got to ask how do you know it came from the actual chinese people for all we know a brit or other nationality could of been carrying a gene and passed it on to the chinese , blaming them when there is no concrete proof is absurd
Don’t think it’s absurd really when we have the government telling us it originates from there or have I got it wrong?
24 November 2015
Yep very true but I’m guessing it’s the Chinese that only eat bats for a giggle! ?
But this is a wrong statement ,how do we or anyone know it wasnt a brit or an american or another country who tried the chinese delicacy then infected the chinese population thus putting thier country plus many others in danger
24 November 2015
See. Conspiracy theories, lots of them about but the Chinese are notorious for being dirty and eating dirty animals.
Lol ive worked in a slaughter house , believe me when i say there is not much difference really ,pigs squealing as they defficate on themselves then being hung while the blood is drained to help make black pudding ingrediants, it runs down their bodies , which i might add were not pre cleaned prior to this
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18 July 2015
Lol ive worked in a slaughter house , believe me when i say there is not much difference really ,pigs squealing as they defficate on themselves then being hung while the blood is drained to help make black pudding ingrediants, it runs down their bodies , which i might add were not pre cleaned prior to this
Me too ??
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19 March 2015
Ive got to ask how do you know it came from the actual chinese people for all we know a brit or other nationality could of been carrying a gene and passed it on to the chinese , blaming them when there is no concrete proof is absurd
I don't think anyone said "Chinese people"....
But, this virus has most likely come from China. Wuhan province in fact..
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It's not helpful to label a virus on a country of origin, viruses know no borders only a very few care for ethnicity and quite a few don't even give a fuck about species. Where ever its from its doing what viruses do, making billions of copies of itself in every host, and if it finds a better way of spread in and replicating that's the new enemy. Blaming China because they eat bat's is just as dumb as if it started here and China blamed us for eating dairy. How it got here is irrelevant, its what we do as a species to save ourselves that's important!