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15 September 2014
Hello all and good morning..
Firstly Happy St David's Day, secondly today is our first birthday!

We started the ball rolling in July/August 2014 after months of discussions with others, and we went live on March the 1st 2015. St David's Day which seemed very apt being Welsh ourselves.

So @Pearls and I want to thank all of you from the bottom of our hearts, for your continued support and show of strength on this site, for real swingers who need a real swinging site and a change in our online worlds.

It started out pretty tough and it's remained tough. None of this has come easy. The sweat blood and many tears have paid off and we made it through our first year.
Tricky times such as summer holidays, half-terms, Christmas and so on, have always been nerve wracking for us - but as always I have been proven wrong as you've always been there.

We've had many many laughs, and the site continues to build in numbers, strength and overall quality.

This site is always evolving and so are our members. We have support from clubs, we have socials, parties and events - happening everywhere. The clubs we work tirelessly with and we promote them as much as they promote us.. A solid working partnership indeed!

A huge thank you to the clubs who show solid and continued support;
@TheVA @Mingles @TownhouseTwosome @Xtasia @BiZarreEvents @CatEvolution @Arousal @Fetishswingers
Thank you SO much for your continued support and friendship with Social Swinging xxx

Our staff are a solid team who know just how much it takes to run things here and how hard it is too.. It's far from an easy job and it's flat out, 7 days a week. So @Pearls and I would like to also show our gratitude to all the staff;
@meet_the_fockers @zebo @Therapon @ShhhAgonyAunt
Thank you all for your continued support, dedication and promotion of our site, ethos and aspirations!

And finally a huge thank you to YOU our members.. Without which this site wouldn't be anything at all.
Build it they will come. Well I did - and here you are.
So thank you so much for everything you all do here, the support you show and the continued promotion of this site to your friends and swinging circles, of which we are extremely grateful and cannot tell you how much it means to us.

This last year has been amazing, the next year is going to be outstanding!!
Thank you all so so very much
Admin & @Pearls xxx

Social Swinging!

The most modern, cleanest and stylish swinging site on the Internet
Built by swingers, for swingers, with a genuine interest in providing a safer, cleaner, modern and more user-friendly site.
27 April 2015
Hello all and good morning..
Firstly Happy St David's Day, secondly today is our first birthday!

We started the ball rolling in July/August 2014 after months of discussions with others, and we went live on March the 1st 2015. St David's Day which seemed very apt being Welsh ourselves.

So @Pearls and I want to thank all of you from the bottom of our hearts, for your continued support and show of strength on this site, for real swingers who need a real swinging site and a change in our online worlds.

It started out pretty tough and it's remained tough. None of this has come easy. The sweat blood and many tears have paid off and we made it through our first year.
Tricky times such as summer holidays, half-terms, Christmas and so on, have always been nerve wracking for us - but as always I have been proven wrong as you've always been there.

We've had many many laughs, and the site continues to build in numbers, strength and overall quality.

This site is always evolving and so are our members. We have support from clubs, we have socials, parties and events - happening everywhere. The clubs we work tirelessly with and we promote them as much as they promote us.. A solid working partnership indeed!

A huge thank you to the clubs who show solid and continued support;
@TheVA @Mingles @TownhouseTwosome @Xtasia @BiZarreEvents @CatEvolution @Arousal @Fetishswingers
Thank you SO much for your continued support and friendship with Social Swinging xxx

Our staff are a solid team who know just how much it takes to run things here and how hard it is too.. It's far from an easy job and it's flat out, 7 days a week. So @Pearls and I would like to also show our gratitude to all the staff;
@meet_the_fockers @zebo @Therapon @ShhhAgonyAunt
Thank you all for your continued support, dedication and promotion of our site, ethos and aspirations!

And finally a huge thank you to YOU our members.. Without which this site wouldn't be anything at all.
Build it they will come. Well I did - and here you are.
So thank you so much for everything you all do here, the support you show and the continued promotion of this site to your friends and swinging circles, of which we are extremely grateful and cannot tell you how much it means to us.

This last year has been amazing, the next year is going to be outstanding!!
Thank you all so so very much
Admin & @Pearls xxx

Social Swinging!

The most modern, cleanest and stylish swinging site on the Internet
Built by swingers, for swingers, with a genuine interest in providing a safer, cleaner, modern and more user-friendly site.
Wow how the time has flown, and we've loved being a part of it, Happy Birthday Social Swinging !!! (y)(y)


18 July 2015
Omg I am still alive... still married, how did that happen? Wow what a year, fights tears and hard work.
Really I have to thank @Admin he was the brain behind this, I was quite happy doing my own thing when he decided to take me on as a member of staff.. We have always worked together just not so much as now, any regrets? None, he is an amazing man with amazing talents, this is only the beginning.
Thankyou all and @Admin you promised me that pay rise :love: Love you Boo boo :love: xxxxxxx


Hello all and good morning..
Firstly Happy St David's Day, secondly today is our first birthday!

We started the ball rolling in July/August 2014 after months of discussions with others, and we went live on March the 1st 2015. St David's Day which seemed very apt being Welsh ourselves.

So @Pearls and I want to thank all of you from the bottom of our hearts, for your continued support and show of strength on this site, for real swingers who need a real swinging site and a change in our online worlds.

It started out pretty tough and it's remained tough. None of this has come easy. The sweat blood and many tears have paid off and we made it through our first year.
Tricky times such as summer holidays, half-terms, Christmas and so on, have always been nerve wracking for us - but as always I have been proven wrong as you've always been there.

We've had many many laughs, and the site continues to build in numbers, strength and overall quality.

This site is always evolving and so are our members. We have support from clubs, we have socials, parties and events - happening everywhere. The clubs we work tirelessly with and we promote them as much as they promote us.. A solid working partnership indeed!

A huge thank you to the clubs who show solid and continued support;
@TheVA @Mingles @TownhouseTwosome @Xtasia @BiZarreEvents @CatEvolution @Arousal @Fetishswingers
Thank you SO much for your continued support and friendship with Social Swinging xxx

Our staff are a solid team who know just how much it takes to run things here and how hard it is too.. It's far from an easy job and it's flat out, 7 days a week. So @Pearls and I would like to also show our gratitude to all the staff;
@meet_the_fockers @zebo @Therapon @ShhhAgonyAunt
Thank you all for your continued support, dedication and promotion of our site, ethos and aspirations!

And finally a huge thank you to YOU our members.. Without which this site wouldn't be anything at all.
Build it they will come. Well I did - and here you are.
So thank you so much for everything you all do here, the support you show and the continued promotion of this site to your friends and swinging circles, of which we are extremely grateful and cannot tell you how much it means to us.

This last year has been amazing, the next year is going to be outstanding!!
Thank you all so so very much
Admin & @Pearls xxx

Social Swinging!

The most modern, cleanest and stylish swinging site on the Internet
Built by swingers, for swingers, with a genuine interest in providing a safer, cleaner, modern and more user-friendly site.
Blimey! You aint at the oscars you know.
No id like to thankyou, For all the lectures, the headaches, the heated erm debates..The banter, the slapped wrists, the codes, being thrown into a control panel thats larger than the ocean where i shit my pants and ran..and its still running.. i didnt press any buttons honestly :D id like to thankyou for just NOT listening when you know im right.. lol women are always right :whistle: :D
Its a pleasure i say through gritted teeth :D
Nice to be part of a super team. @Admin @Pearls @zebo @Therapon..
Its a learning curve, thats for sure.
Thankyou too our members for also giving me most of the above..
Its been outstanding long may we prosper and grow.
Mwahhhh x


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18 July 2015
Blimey! You aint at the oscars you know.
No id like to thankyou, For all the lectures, the headaches, the heated erm debates..The banter, the slapped wrists, the codes, being thrown into a control panel thats larger than the ocean where i shit my pants and ran..and its still running.. i didnt press any buttons honestly :D id like to thankyou for just NOT listening when you know im right.. lol women are always right :whistle: :D
Its a pleasure i say through gritted teeth :D
Nice to be part of a super team. @Admin @Pearls @zebo @Therapon..
Its a learning curve, thats for sure.
Thankyou too our members for also giving me most of the above..
Its been outstanding long may we prosper and grow.
Mwahhhh x
Thankyou hun, what a year and it has flown, now where is that Oscar? :whistle: This has been a blast even the ups and downs, tantrums and laughs, it will only get better xxx


Well its only been 5 months since i joined this barmy place, and every day i say to myself ' . . . . . why ???'

Well thats easy, i have made some terrific friends and met some right loonies who i have come to know and love. From day one i was made to feel like part of the family, and nothing has changed except maybe i am viewed as the deranged grandpa these days, and its not just on the site. The 10pm phone calls from Admin asking "WHAT DID YOU DO NOW !!'', the despair at seeing @Mootje on line and knowing thats my evening fucked, ( just kidding @Mootje i love you really ), the sultry Welsh tones of @Pearls interrupting every phone call with @Admin, @meet_the_fockers sense of humour, and my mate @Therapon the only member of staff left with a trace of sanity.
But its mostly you folks, the members, who make this place such a joy to be a part of, and i think its quite fitting that the upcoming social is going to bring a lot of us together in person for the first time, its going to be excellent !!


Awww a big thanks from the Muffetts. We love it here and we are part of the furniture now. You just try getting rid of us lol. We were made so welcome from the very start and we have made some wonderful friends. So thanks to Admin and all staff for a wonderful job and long may it continue xxxxxxxx


Damn do i have to Quote you ALL, FFS, with your fancy Sophisticated Brit tongues, errrmmmm, Guess you all know wat i mean, as a blOody stranger of the Brit community, I would really Say thank you to all of you @Admin @Pearls @Therapon @meet_the_fockers "my deleting post shadow" and last my Teddy blOody old lovely Teddy Bear @zebo " i love you more than all em u know" hehehehehe'
Damn to be honest I do feel i am among Friends in the "mad house" and i am very very happy to see the site growing on and on daily even not on hourly,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ALL YOU GUYS, I know how hard tough and so difficult to get it up n running how much of sweat tension tears laugh it comes along the road to SUCCESS..
NOW LETS FOOKEN PERV and HAVE FUN weehhhhhhaaaaaaaaa " mOot the Madhouse Principal"
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


I think i would add that a thank you should be addressed to the blOody hell sexy wild crazy @Mr-Biba fpr her continous support and if i may add, if we can all of us on twitter have the SWINGING CLUB logo as a header for our twitter maybe this will help us promote the lovely forum to more open minded people, its just a thought up to @Admin to discuss it over ... XXX


Well its only been 5 months since i joined this barmy place, and every day i say to myself ' . . . . . why ???'

Well thats easy, i have made some terrific friends and met some right loonies who i have come to know and love. From day one i was made to feel like part of the family, and nothing has changed except maybe i am viewed as the deranged grandpa these days, and its not just on the site. The 10pm phone calls from Admin asking "WHAT DID YOU DO NOW !!'', the despair at seeing @Mootje on line and knowing thats my evening fucked, ( just kidding @Mootje i love you really ), the sultry Welsh tones of @Pearls interrupting every phone call with @Admin, @meet_the_fockers sense of humour, and my mate @Therapon the only member of staff left with a trace of sanity.
But its mostly you folks, the members, who make this place such a joy to be a part of, and i think its quite fitting that the upcoming social is going to bring a lot of us together in person for the first time, its going to be excellent !!
Teddy you say the nicest things :D


Although I've only been part of social swinging for a short time after @Fortynflirty found the site . We have now made the site our online home , we are looking forward to meeting you all on sat . So happy birthday!! And thank you for all your hard work!!
from air to base Via Mars headquarters I see you , over and out "Saturday"
Oh and damn she is the p[erfect perv @Fortynflirty WOMEN omg LOLOLOLOL


I think i would add that a thank you should be addressed to the blOody hell sexy wild crazy @Mr-Biba fpr her continous support and if i may add, if we can all of us on twitter have the SWINGING CLUB logo as a header for our twitter maybe this will help us promote the lovely forum to more open minded people, its just a thought up to @Admin to discuss it over ... XXX
Oh aye twinkle the bain of my exisitence indeed. :D


15 September 2014
Thank you all for such lovely messages of support and thanks. You have helped make this site what it is and I will say now, I am extremely proud and humbled with what we have and where we're going with this.

Your feedback, comments and very kind words, are appreciated very much and I consider myself privileged to have such a good site and such good friends too.
Roll on the weekend and I look forward to meeting you all, we both do.
Thank you all again for the very kind words and wishes xx


Thank you all for such lovely messages of support and thanks. You have helped make this site what it is and I will say now, I am extremely proud and humbled with what we have and where we're going with this.

Your feedback, comments and very kind words, are appreciated very much and I consider myself privileged to have such a good site and such good friends too.
Roll on the weekend and I look forward to meeting you all, we both do.
Thank you all again for the very kind words and wishes xx
Thank you both along w the lovely gang of Admins


18 July 2015
Well its only been 5 months since i joined this barmy place, and every day i say to myself ' . . . . . why ???'

Well thats easy, i have made some terrific friends and met some right loonies who i have come to know and love. From day one i was made to feel like part of the family, and nothing has changed except maybe i am viewed as the deranged grandpa these days, and its not just on the site. The 10pm phone calls from Admin asking "WHAT DID YOU DO NOW !!'', the despair at seeing @Mootje on line and knowing thats my evening fucked, ( just kidding @Mootje i love you really ), the sultry Welsh tones of @Pearls interrupting every phone call with @Admin, @meet_the_fockers sense of humour, and my mate @Therapon the only member of staff left with a trace of sanity.
But its mostly you folks, the members, who make this place such a joy to be a part of, and i think its quite fitting that the upcoming social is going to bring a lot of us together in person for the first time, its going to be excellent !!
Thankyou Mr Z for those kind and wonderful words, Oh and interrupt... Moi xxx

I think i would add that a thank you should be addressed to the blOody hell sexy wild crazy @Mr-Biba fpr her continous support and if i may add, if we can all of us on twitter have the SWINGING CLUB logo as a header for our twitter maybe this will help us promote the lovely forum to more open minded people, its just a thought up to @Admin to discuss it over ... XXX
Love the idea Mr Moot xxx