Yes that old question ?
Do you worry about getting older in this scene?
When we started I was a young hottie at 30 ? now I’m looking like granny grimbles and thinking am I too old for all this, it’s also annoying that his nibs is younger and still looks 30 ? just why in it?
Over to you ?
I know there’s the old “age is just a number” answer.
My only problem with that is “well, yes, but when one number’s two or three times as big as the other…”
To be honest, yes, my getting older
would bother me… if I was still genuinely active in the scene. I’m not, so it doesn’t. Not much anyway.
But yeah, as a single M, who was always honest about my age, I was very much
more than aware that every birthday took me out of the search criteria for women looking for fellas.
Vanishingly few women and couples set their
lower age preferences older than I was, but many, many,
many set their upper age at a number I soon approached… and passed.
Most people have their preferences - whether it’s age, size, race… - and no-one has the right to tell others that their preferences are wrong… but age is the obvious search restriction on many sites,
So, yeah, if I was still actively on the scene, I know that there would be far, far fewer looking for (or would be happy with) a single fella in his mid-50s, than a bloke 10, 15, or 20 years younger.