Bareback? Thoughts on it and why/why not?

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Okay all,
Risque subject but let's see what people think.

We know the risks involved, but do you go bareback or not?
Do you prefer bareback and do you do it with people you 'trust' to be safe?


I am safe all the way.. But I know it's a good topical debate.
What say you sexy people?
Cottons xx

Lil miss giggles

When I get checked which is every 2 months I have the full works including swabs at the back of the throat:)


Yes that's the best way. Yeah this topic has been discussed considerably and is a hot topic.
Always good to see other people's points of view. :)


Well I and my wife are the same as you giggles as wee think it's the safest not just us but others

Bomber 81

I really don't mind if it's bare back or not you have to have that little but of trust in the other person xx
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I think as well we must mention how long you have know that person and more important is how well to

Mite be a me thing lol
10 March 2015
No glove... no love... we save bareback for us only.

When we first started swinging, the subject came up about condoms for oral, so we did some research.
Although still theoretically a risk, the chances of catching anything are extremely low, and so long as you are sensible, i.e. dont do oral if you have cuts, sores, ongoing dental work or ulcers in the mouth, or around the lips, then the risk is very low.

I'm not saying you will not catch something, but, in six years, we've never caught anything, and we don't know anyone who has either.

Regular checks, being sensible, and giving your playmates equipment a quick visual check (I'm just admiring the way the light shines on the moisture in your crevice darling!) all help to reduce the risks, but bottom line, the only safe sex is no sex!:cautious:


Okay all,
Risque subject but let's see what people think.

We know the risks involved, but do you go bareback or not?
Do you prefer bareback and do you do it with people you 'trust' to be safe?


I am safe all the way.. But I know it's a good topical debate.
What say you sexy people?
Cottons xx
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19 March 2015
Safe all the way but when it comes to oral if fells weird if the man has something on it lol

Yeah good point @whytestuff
Oral has always been a question for us, because - let's face it, it is still a risk no matter what.
As sthwalescpl mentioned earlier, cuts, ulcers or anything like that can cause issues.

So be honest, or as honest as you can be lol - where does oral lie with you all with protection?
I'll be truthful, even though it does cross our minds, it's not something we lose sleep over.. But we do think about it.

After all, it is still an exchange of bodily fluids.
What's the best way of working with this then?



Working the pic well with protection if the woman likes to swallow or spit but I think it's rude to spit bit then again it's not for everyone but protection is the most key thing to do when ur swinging with or couples xx
22 March 2015
It just spreads disease and ruins it and then gives a bad name to swinging in my opinion x
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Has to be safety first, unless you've known someone a long time and there's a relationship of sorts. As for oral, has to be trust and instinct. Its also down to personal standards, if you're not fussy.........
Can't imagine giving oral with a condom on, defeats the object
27 April 2015
Good Morning all, We have a rule of thumb, which for us to press has worked very well, If its a full married couple we meet, that after initial meets etc seem steady committed and confident, we completely go with the flow, bareback or not, we are happy, where practical we will always use them, but in the heat of the moment and spontaneity it often truthfully goes out of the window. If we meet a single guy, we ALWAYS play safe. our thoughts are this, If your in a swinging relationship that's committed, you are aware of the risks fully, and a husband and wife team will not want to be passing things between each other when not swinging, as that causes all sorts of issues and untold problems, however, if a couple play alone, or seem hesitant about anything at all, We play safe FULL STOP and with singles, well the fact they are single says it all.
Yes we know bodily fluids are exchanged in and during foreplay, orally and otherwise, and that this is as dangerous as full bareback penetration, so as a lot of others here that are sensibly minded do, we have full checks every 2 months, (Most serious Stds have a 4-6 week development) and we have our own swab kits for water infections Etc, that we use weekly on both of us to ensure safe play for everyone we play with (Available at the chemist Lol) and to be really honest, there is nothing sexier than feeling your self explode deep inside your partner or feeling it trickle out after an amazing session to remember lol !!!


Yes I usually get checked every few months. Bare back is only for trusted individuals. Anything random should always be safe. Don't get me wrong I love bare back but unless I really know you it is a no go. Not worth the risks. Even if I know you real well, I drool want you too be tested regularly. I know done prior will say always play safe, I am just being honest. Right now I play safe with everyone. There is no one that I trust and know well enough not to.
22 March 2015
I prefer going bareback! I've always went bareback with other men, even when not on any birth control. It adds to the excitement of it. Plus it makes it more errotic. I do get checked regularly, and disease free.
Well you have been lucky and stay safe xxxx
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15 August 2015
I think most people honestly would prefer bare if there were no risks involved (feels so much better) - BUT real life isn't like that and so protection is the way to play. However, a long term play partner is a different issue - but trust is key in that case. But for casual/ club/ new meets then it's only safe play for penetration. Oral, however, just doesn't seem right with a condom
Mrs P x