Same sex

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17 August 2021
Those who study sex and human behavior will tell you society determines whether sex with your sex is acceptable or not.
It has nothing to do with your feelings.
If you were in a guy ancient Rome you would have sex with men, not because you liked it, but because society said that was what you had to do. Sex with women was seen as necessary to have children, but it was secondary. They laws that required a new wife to dress and act like a man for the first few times she had sex with her husband to lessen the shock and allow the man to adjust.
I would never have sex with a man.
Or, at least, I would be never admit it if I did.
17 September 2020
Those who study sex and human behavior will tell you society determines whether sex with your sex is acceptable or not.
It has nothing to do with your feelings.
If you were in a guy ancient Rome you would have sex with men, not because you liked it, but because society said that was what you had to do. Sex with women was seen as necessary to have children, but it was secondary. They laws that required a new wife to dress and act like a man for the first few times she had sex with her husband to lessen the shock and allow the man to adjust.
I would never have sex with a man.
Or, at least, I would be never admit it if I did.
How do you know this shit 🤣
  • Haha
Reactions: Pearls and DebE
17 August 2021
How do you know this shit 🤣
Most of it I make up.
Makes me sound intelligent.
Some of it comes from reading articles and watching documentaries.
The sex lives of ancient Romans is well documented. In the ruins of Pompeii they found drawings and statues of penises everywhere. Everyone was very fond of penises.


9 November 2015
Magic No GIF by Morphin


18 July 2015
Most of it I make up.
Makes me sound intelligent.
Some of it comes from reading articles and watching documentaries.
The sex lives of ancient Romans is well documented. In the ruins of Pompeii they found drawings and statues of penises everywhere. Everyone was very fond of penises.
And the smaller the penis the more powerful was the man. That’s why the statues showed very small penises 😎
17 August 2021
Men having sex with men and with children was not seen as bad or a crime ot hurting someone. It was life.
Again, society.
Society in ancient Rome said you had to teach a boy about many things so he could become successful and one of those things was sex with a man.
When the Roman army left on a campaign for several years they took boys with them that were too young to start training for combat but old enough to start the training of adjusting to army life. They would watch the wars and watch the soldiers train and assist the soldiers with non combat duties.
And, have sex with the men as part of their military training.
Again, what society said was necessary for survival back then, they say is illegal today.
17 August 2021
And Pompeii is considered perverted by our standards today.
When it was first discovered in modern times they were so shocked at the pervsion in the art work and statues that they would re- bury those parts and not tell anyone they found them.
What we consider obscene today women and children saw everyday in Pompeii and thought nothing of it.
17 September 2020
Men having sex with men and with children was not seen as bad or a crime ot hurting someone. It was life.
Again, society.
Society in ancient Rome said you had to teach a boy about many things so he could become successful and one of those things was sex with a man.
When the Roman army left on a campaign for several years they took boys with them that were too young to start training for combat but old enough to start the training of adjusting to army life. They would watch the wars and watch the soldiers train and assist the soldiers with non combat duties.
And, have sex with the men as part of their military training.
Again, what society said was necessary for survival back then, they say is illegal today.
Didn’t realise Jimmy saville ruled the Italians for a period
17 August 2021
Didn’t realise Jimmy saville ruled the Italians for a period
He died in 2011.
It was a crime and socially unacceptable in 2011.
Here is how society works.
Today, if your 10 year old comes home and tells you an adult male taught him something that he will need later in life, you are happy that the shared his experience with your son. You are happy, your son is happy.
If a man has sex with your son, you are mad and call the police. Your son is mad and hurt and scared.
In ancient Rone if your 10 year old son told you a great Senator and General had sex with your son, you are happy that this great man taught your son something that he will need later in life. You are happy and your son is happy.
To put it in today's terms, your 16 year old son has sex with his female school teacher and you congradulate him. Your 16 year old daughter has sex with her male school teacher and you want to kill the teacher.
Our society says boys do not get hurt and are not taken advantage of in this case, but girls are taken advantage of and get hurt.
Society sets these rules.