How many of us suffer from this ? And what's the impact if you do suffer from dyslexia do you find the following difficult.
1 posting new posts in forums you know what you want to say however when you type the word in its not what you really wanted.
2 spell check can only work if the key lethers are there ie does it begin with e or i
3 how you feel when people point out your mistakes
4 does it stop you engaging in the forums? in case you say the wrong thing or use the wrong word due to spell check whilst not even realising the wrong word had been picked up eg friend fiend.
5 do you avoid posting pms messages? Incase you look stupid or eliterate therefore missing out engaging with people you would love to meet.
6 looking at the words that are offerd in spell check and not knowing which one to pick. I have on ocassion used a completely different word because I don't recognise the one I want. This can have the effect of completely altering the sentence.
This is not a rant against those who find grammar easy it really is a genuine question from the hart p's I used g for question and got guesting.
1 posting new posts in forums you know what you want to say however when you type the word in its not what you really wanted.
2 spell check can only work if the key lethers are there ie does it begin with e or i
3 how you feel when people point out your mistakes
4 does it stop you engaging in the forums? in case you say the wrong thing or use the wrong word due to spell check whilst not even realising the wrong word had been picked up eg friend fiend.
5 do you avoid posting pms messages? Incase you look stupid or eliterate therefore missing out engaging with people you would love to meet.
6 looking at the words that are offerd in spell check and not knowing which one to pick. I have on ocassion used a completely different word because I don't recognise the one I want. This can have the effect of completely altering the sentence.
This is not a rant against those who find grammar easy it really is a genuine question from the hart p's I used g for question and got guesting.