Usage for hash tag: Covidiots

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  1. Lips_Pearls

    What have you learnt from 2020

    #Covidiots right there aye. Typical mumsy FB posts. ??‍♂️? It did get a bit stressful towards the end of lockdown but overall, we had a blast here. Yes we did education: how to set up hot tubs. How to BBQ, how to cure headaches the following morning. How not to behave after drinking...
  2. Lips_Pearls

    Covid conspiracies ?

    I’m sick and tired of listening to coronavirus conspiracy theories. Especially from friends who have too much time on their hands. #Covidiots xx
  3. Lips_Pearls

    Here goes... Coronavirus.

    Agreed. People needed to listen and do what we were told back in March. I cannot fathom this whole “Keep Britain Free” campaign. They’re #Covidiots ??‍♂️