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Figured I'd hold off a few more weeks to start meeting.It would give me the chance to lose the weight of a baby hippo,that I gained during lockdown.I lasted about a week ?
Lovely couple,met at Eurekas last year.Not alot in common but they're pretty so I ignored that trivial detail.Planned to meet up for a more personal interraction, when safe to do so.
Fast forward to May.You know when you get so close to the actual date ,you think to yourself "This isn't one of my best ideas" but you see it through because you're not a quitter? I was there.I've always preferred a more casual arrangement.Laid back, go with the flow. Recieving a full itinary two days before,really put the jitters in me.And I also should have paid attention when they told me they lived in Surrey.Nice place though.
Day arrives,my weekend bag is packed with essentials.And i'm on my merry way.Absolutely shit myself on the underground,but I survived.Get to the last stop and no one is there.Panic sets in,because as lovely as Surrey is,I didn't fancy being stuck their on my own.Luckily they did arrive and we made our way back to theirs.
I should have known it was going to be awkward,when I had to listen to Bach on the way.I should have also known to pay attention,when discussing finer details.Like how the lady of the couple,has never actually been with a woman.I am about 80% sure that wasn't mentioned.
I felt like I was in the Good life! Fish and chip supper and watching Parks and recreation on Netflix.I didn't know what to do with myself ?
In the end,being such an understanding person, I flat out said "what we doing?"There was no chance on earth I was travelling to Surrey,to eat fish and chips and chill with a couple on a Saturday night!
Alls well that ends well.Had a great time and I now know not to meet anyone with full length wardrobe mirrors, until I don't look like Shamu that's been beached.
The nerves are there.But I wasn't going to spend weeks, debating on whether to get back into the swing of things.The more you question whether its the right time,the more chance you have on missing out on golden opportunites xxEMxx
About author
Probably would help if I actually finished writing this ?
I'm Emma but everyone calls me Skippy, for obvious reasons.Been in this lifestyle for many years.Not sure how I managed to get people to like me,but what I lack in social skills, I make up for in awkwardness and humour ?
I enjoy a variety of fun.Ideally couples are what i'm looking for.i find it a major turn on being invited to be a part of their fun.Plus being bisexual, it's a double bubble.But saying that if I find someone attractive,i'm in their like a shot.
I'm pretty much laid back and easy.If something floats my boat, then I go for it.I'm not a big messeger or connection seeker.I don't get involved in the whole "sharing of lives thing".I just want distant friendships,with people who can happily have sex with me when the mood takes ?
Oh and I don't receive oral.I'm more of a giver ? xxEMxx

Latest reviews

Pros: Relaxed, humorous, normal and real
Cons: None
Loved reading this, I can relate to those feelings especially when meeting someone for the first time (I know you had met them previously at a club) the "will they show up" butterflies. I bet they had a fantastic time with you, and if she hadn't been with a woman before what a fantastic introduction! Very hot without getting into every detail!


As first timers it’s great to have some insight in this… we are a newbie couple looking for a female so reading your blog has given us some interesting thoughts
Loved this, mage me really chuckle!!
I’m also in Surrey but will travel too so if the mood ever takes you- please don’t hesitate to message!!
I love your stories

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