A secret life

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31 July 2022
I think our lifestyle is a wonderful thing but it is the one thing I am unable to share. It is a secret from all but one friend, and when I'm asked what have you been up to? I always have to say 'not much'. When what I really want to say is I have had the best time and have had the most amazing sex. I have been lucky to have made some of the most wonderful fun friends as well. It is not just from vanilla friends, I can't post face pictures on any public forums as I work in an extremely high profile corporate job and would be dismissed if they knew what I do. Hence only people I have private conversations with get sent face pictures.
Do any of you share the details of your lifestyle with other people? and what have the reactions been. Once you have shared the secret you can't take it back.
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31 July 2022
I don't share anything with any friends of this lifestyle. It would be lovely to tell friends but people are very judgemental . Xxx
You are right scully1973 the one friend I have told has said that I should keep it to myself as other people would not understand. The friends in the swinging world are all so open with each other and you can talk on a completely different level.
26 July 2016
Growing up in a vanilla household I experienced how swingers where percieved and talked about behind their backs and it wasn't pleasent. Back in the 60/70's it was well known that there where swingers in town and the gossips would speculate who was or was not a swinger. Sometimes someone would be outed, some swingers didn't care for others it was disasterous. So when I started I decided I would tell no one, keep out the conversations in the pub about swinging only discussing it and related topics on forums like this. I can't say no one ever found out my dear old mum figured out I was "up to no good" keep dissapearing at odd times night and day.


31 July 2022
Growing up in a vanilla household I experienced how swingers where percieved and talked about behind their backs and it wasn't pleasent. Back in the 60/70's it was well known that there where swingers in town and the gossips would speculate who was or was not a swinger. Sometimes someone would be outed, some swingers didn't care for others it was disasterous. So when I started I decided I would tell no one, keep out the conversations in the pub about swinging only discussing it and related topics on forums like this. I can't say no one ever found out my dear old mum figured out I was "up to no good" keep dissapearing at odd times night and day.
It’s perfectly natural to have sex, and enjoy it so I wonder sometimes if the people that look down at swingers are secretly jealous because they’re to scared to try it themselves.
26 July 2016
It’s perfectly natural to have sex, and enjoy it so I wonder sometimes if the people that look down at swingers are secretly jealous because they’re to scared to try it themselves.
Many of those who look down on us are hypocrites and the biggest deviants going. Just because they do it in private behind closed doors they think they are better than us.
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25 February 2016
Yes, the lifestyle is absolutely wonderful. Sharing it is difficult, but not impossible for me - I have told four people in the last year, it is fairly easy for me to approach the subject.

I live in a small Spanish village where the culture is about 500 years out of date. I kid you not. So when people ask me about where I live, some may know the village, others may not. I say that it is very pretty but that I do not fit in with the people. A bit of background - I was sent to Coventry for about a year by the locals when my wife left in 2015 and I was (publicly) highly criticised. I was not "in control" of my wife. Sexual equality here is not accepted, the men are extremely sexist and the women are only here to cook, clean, raise children and provide sex when told to. Sex is a right for the men, it's a duty for the women. I could (maybe should) write a book about it. I would call it, "Driving over nuts" to follow Chris Stewart's book called, "Driving over Lemons." However, I would be referring to men's nuts.

A bit more background - I had a Spanish girlfriend from my village for around four years, we always went out together out of the area, because she is one of the few professionally employed women here and it would have destroyed her reputation if it got out she was seeing a foreigner - worse still - me. She was in her late 40s and had been in an abusive marriage for 25 years. She had 3 children, who are now all grown up. The first time we had sex, she had an orgasm. It was the first on she had had in her life. The second time we had sex, she climaxed again, and promptly burst into tears. I was really concerned, I thought I had hurt her, but after sobbing for some time she finally told me that she figured that I would think she was a slut. Women aren't allowed to enjoy sex in this culture. It took us about two years before she was able to enjoy, and actually want (and initiate) sex.

So now you know a little of my situation. When people ask my why I don't fit in with the locals here, I simply tell them. It's easy to add that I believe in sexual equality. Comparing men and women, for example - if men can have many sexual partners (which some of the married men here do), why are married women not even allowed to talk to a man in a bar unless she is with her husband? (Domestic abuse is common here, both physical and psychological, and I know of a woman who was given two black eyes by her husband because she dared to talk to me when her husband was not present.) So I am opening the door to people to enter into a discussion on this subject, and I can see if people are in agreement or not. This allows me to gauge whether or not I tell them more.

Fortunately for me, I live near a nudist beach where there are also swinger's bars and clubs where I can go if I really want to. However, I actually spend most of my time in the capital, which also has good beaches.

PS - My ex-girlfriend, since dating me, has been seeing a local man here for several years. She suffers worse abuse from him now than she ever did from her husband.

PPS - I was told by a local woman that I will never have a Spanish girlfriend. When I asked her why she thought that, she said, "Because you are not masculine enough."
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25 February 2016
It’s perfectly natural to have sex, and enjoy it so I wonder sometimes if the people that look down at swingers are secretly jealous because they’re to scared to try it themselves.

Culture, or brainwashing since childhood, I think has an effect on what people think. Some accept what they see at home during childhood as being normal, others rebel against parts of it. I was the latter type, but that is in no way a criticism of my upbringing. My parents were both an only child, and from very religious backgrounds. They brought me up in the same way, and I have no complaints about it. We are all individuals capable of deciding what we want/like/is acceptable as we mature. I have just posted how one woman thinks on this subject - as I do not behave in the way she accepts is normal, she thinks that I will never have a Spanish girlfriend.

To me, sex is the greatest pleasure there is. Maybe some are scared to try swinging, or maybe some think it is too kinky or even immoral.
25 February 2016
RagdollJ I have realised that I haven't answered one of your questions, which is "...and what have the reactions been?" Two of the people with whom I have shared my love of swinging are twin ladies of 32 years of age, my son's age. Both of them have a young child but both now are separated and live with their children and their mother. The fathers of their children (one of whom unfortunately died) treated them with the lack of respect that many men of the village do. They have no transport, so I take them to the capital to shop, or take them and their children to the beach, which is a real treat for all them (not to mention me, as I am a big kid anyway!).

So, to their reactions - they have been extremely positive. They like that I accept them as people, not objects, who have feelings, desires and fantasies. They have thought about the type of relationship they want, and the type of men they want as a partner. They realise that life is for enjoying, and that's by women as well as men. I have told them about some of my experiences, and they have listened intently (one even has said that she would love to try a threesome with two men). They are starting to talk more about their fantasies, which I think is great. (They don't see me as a threat, probably because of the age difference between them and me.) I try to give them balanced advice, pointing out the social dangers and also those from STDs.

If I have helped them to realise that they do not have to be with partners who don't treat them with the utmost respect, then great. I just wish I was 20 years younger! 😂😂😂

As for negative reactions - if anyone doesn't agree with my views on equality and/or they are not clean and discrete, they don't get to hear about my lifestyle. As you say Julie, once you have shared the secret, you can't take it back.
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25 February 2016
... and I was explaining how I got to know them when I was talking about taking them to the capital or the beach.

Sorry, I can be a bit useless at explaining myself at times
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31 July 2022
I hate secrets, they always come out and it’s usually when you are not ready for people to know.
I’m not ashamed of anything I do, my life since I have started swinging has changed so much and I’m happy. The one thing it has taught me is that it’s ok not to be perfect, and I’m learning to not hit the self destruct button so much and be a bit kinder to myself. When you are naked with a play mate there is no bull shit, it’s just the two of you.
One day I might be brave enough to tell my friends….
25 February 2016
I hate secrets, they always come out and it’s usually when you are not ready for people to know.
I’m not ashamed of anything I do, my life since I have started swinging has changed so much and I’m happy. The one thing it has taught me is that it’s ok not to be perfect, and I’m learning to not hit the self destruct button so much and be a bit kinder to myself. When you are naked with a play mate there is no bull shit, it’s just the two of you.
One day I might be brave enough to tell my friends….

To me, keeping secrets is akin to lying when you are talking to your partner. While not saying something that is true, we are hiding a part of ourselves which presents a false impression - so what we present to them is untrue.

I can't lie because I can't hide the fact that I'm lying - I'm just an open book!


31 July 2022
To me, keeping secrets is akin to lying when you are talking to your partner. While not saying something that is true, we are hiding a part of ourselves which presents a false impression - so what we present to them is untrue.

I can't lie because I can't hide the fact that I'm lying - I'm just an open book!
I do agree with what you say, but sometimes you don't say things because you are scared of the consequences and do not want to turn your life upside down. Nothing to do with swinging but I hid a secret from everyone, even my own family for a very long time and it almost killed me, the secret came out accidentally but looking back it was the best thing that could have happened to me. Secrets are very powerful things.... but humans are very complex creatures.
17 September 2020
I think our lifestyle is a wonderful thing but it is the one thing I am unable to share. It is a secret from all but one friend, and when I'm asked what have you been up to? I always have to say 'not much'. When what I really want to say is I have had the best time and have had the most amazing sex. I have been lucky to have made some of the most wonderful fun friends as well. It is not just from vanilla friends, I can't post face pictures on any public forums as I work in an extremely high profile corporate job and would be dismissed if they knew what I do. Hence only people I have private conversations with get sent face pictures.
Do any of you share the details of your lifestyle with other people? and what have the reactions been. Once you have shared the secret you can't take it back.
No i dont tell anyone
26 July 2016
Since my last post on this thread I've been thinking and remember an elderly gentleman who was considered by many in town to be a pillar of society, he wasn't a swinger but he did have a proclivity he kept secret very badly and would deny if challenged. He was into cottaging, the road I live on is next to a park, in the park where public toilets 'cottage' long since demolished. He and his distinctive car would be seen frequently circling round the crescent as he scoped out the 'cottage'. It was apparently a well known cottage and attracted visitors from far and wide, it's popularity was ultimaley it's demise. This wasn't his only haunt in the town centre next to the Library is a public toilet, he'd be seen parked in the Library car park with a good view of all the comings and goings.

Now I don't have a problem with this particular kink, it was the hypocrocy of the man that really got me.
10 March 2015
We have only ever shared what we get up to with swingers we have made friends with.
Part of the thrill of swinging for us is having a "secret second life", in vanilla world we are Mr and Mrs boringly average, but we get to sneak away and have the kind of fun that would blow our neighbours tiny little minds!
10 April 2023
I'm still on the sideline.. wondering how I could reconcile what I'd like with how I'd do it. There couldn't be any public profile, like others on here I've a high profile job that can't be threatened. I wonder if face to face at a club might be a good start, but I'm reserved about going for the first time.
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18 July 2015
I'm still on the sideline.. wondering how I could reconcile what I'd like with how I'd do it. There couldn't be any public profile, like others on here I've a high profile job that can't be threatened. I wonder if face to face at a club might be a good start, but I'm reserved about going for the first time.
A high profile job would mean if anyone on here would see you then they’re in the same position, there are barristers and a very high profile judge who is an acclaimed author but they’re here because who ever sees them here would be in the same position so don’t sweat it. Just my opinion 👍🏻
17 September 2020
A high profile job would mean if anyone on here would see you then they’re in the same position, there are barristers and a very high profile judge who is an acclaimed author but they’re here because who ever sees them here would be in the same position so don’t sweat it. Just my opinion 👍🏻
Yeah haha. Im going to be an accountant by the end of the year and certainly would be under threat if they saw my profile on here..... but the only reason anyone would be on here is if they were of the same orientation anyway haha


31 July 2022
I have been reading back over some old threads.
As an update on this ..... I have told a couple of people, the response has been ok.

Two gay friends - amazing response, very supportive (gay men give the best advice)
One female friend - really wants to do the same but not brave enough
One guy I used to work with (I think is in the lifestyle) guessed somehow and starting bugging me on Insta, so I blocked him.

That's it for now, I think in time I might tell more friends if I think I can trust them.
12 January 2016
Only a couple of our old friends know anything at all about our more innovative lifestyle choices and the rest simply wouldn't get it at all. The upshot has been we've rather drifted away from most of them, but we've made more, better, and much closer friends within the lifestyle.
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