Forgetting the situation right now, if you could be anywhere in the world either for an extended break or to move perhaps, where would it be and why?
I’m thinking of a place we visited on Honeymoon (many moons ago ?) called Catalina Island in the Caribbean, part of the Dom Rep.
White sands, crystal clear blue/green waters. Huge palm trees!
Fresh lobster off the BBQ on the beach. Rum literally all day. Swimming in sea like a bath with fish all around you. Bliss.
I’m thinking of a place we visited on Honeymoon (many moons ago ?) called Catalina Island in the Caribbean, part of the Dom Rep.
White sands, crystal clear blue/green waters. Huge palm trees!
Fresh lobster off the BBQ on the beach. Rum literally all day. Swimming in sea like a bath with fish all around you. Bliss.