Armchair swingers

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19 March 2015
I think I've written something similar before; but are there too many armchair swingers?
They're the ones who are online, chat about it, fantasise about it, share it, but don't participate.
In clubs; at the bar, drinking away, or at the pole, dancing but more club like.. or even just watching things like couples' play room and not getting involved.
Talk the talk, but not walking the walk, to coin a phrase.
So are there too many armchair swingers? x
25 January 2020
I don't know about the swingers clubs yet, not been to any, the clubs I have been to you need to be in gear or your not getting in, which stops people just being viewers as they have to have made an effort.
As for online, yes there's a lot, when they message as well you usually know as they ask things like "tell me what your gunna do to me" or similar they get the same response "I'm not gunna give you something to wank over" I by far prefer face to face than virtual.
19 March 2015
I don't know about the swingers clubs yet, not been to any, the clubs I have been to you need to be in gear or your not getting in, which stops people just being viewers as they have to have made an effort.
As for online, yes there's a lot, when they message as well you usually know as they ask things like "tell me what your gunna do to me" or similar they get the same response "I'm not gunna give you something to wank over" I by far prefer face to face than virtual.
That's shocking man...
okay the site is coming up to 5 and still have many things to learn I think, expansion definitely.
But you won't get that here I hope.
In fact I am sure 100% you won't. If you did, it would be sorted ASAP!
25 January 2020
That's shocking man...
okay the site is coming up to 5 and still have many things to learn I think, expansion definitely.
But you won't get that here I hope.
In fact I am sure 100% you won't. If you did, it would be sorted ASAP!
Thankfully they are few and far between, as they have normally tried others before they get removed or delete themselves as no one bites. But you also get the others the flakes, those who message, who you have seen at events, they message about meeting then fail to last minute, after you have prepped everything, which happened today, but their loss as they were due at another session I'm going to on Friday, with someone from London, so instead of 4 of us there will be 3 having some fun.
19 March 2015
Thankfully they are few and far between, as they have normally tried others before they get removed or delete themselves as no one bites. But you also get the others the flakes, those who message, who you have seen at events, they message about meeting then fail to last minute, after you have prepped everything, which happened today, but their loss as they were due at another session I'm going to on Friday, with someone from London, so instead of 4 of us there will be 3 having some fun.
Absolutely. That's it see, bollocks to the wasters, more love for the realists and enjoyers.
24 June 2019
We were discussing this with some other members the other day by message. Not sure really how it is online, haven’t really got a feel of that yet . However we have noticed that there are a huge amount of people watching, dancing and drinking in the clubs we have been to who are ‘almost’ treating it like any other ‘clothey club’ (as we call it!) that you could go to. Club we went to on Saturday night had about 8 rooms and well over 200 people in the club but most of the rooms empty ... couples room hardly used. We were in there twice, both times there were only a couple of other couples and playing in couples, watching each other rather than any ‘joined up activity’ - ?. all fine and it takes all sorts but we were wondering the percentage of people who are going along but not participating! J x
19 March 2015
We were discussing this with some other members the other day by message. Not sure really how it is online, haven’t really got a feel of that yet . However we have noticed that there are a huge amount of people watching, dancing and drinking in the clubs we have been to who are ‘almost’ treating it like any other ‘clothey club’ (as we call it!) that you could go to. Club we went to on Saturday night had about 8 rooms and well over 200 people in the club but most of the rooms empty ... couples room hardly used. We were in there twice, both times there were only a couple of other couples and playing in couples, watching each other rather than any ‘joined up activity’ - ?. all fine and it takes all sorts but we were wondering the percentage of people who are going along but not participating! J x
Exactly that. This is what I mean and it stemmed from a post the other day RE: a change in club attitude. We often wonder if there’s an increase in the amount of peeps just ... how can I explain, wanting to be involved in the naughty chats, enjoying the pics, enjoying the fuss that kind of comes with it - but then when said & done, nothing happens.
As @SteLinda (I’m sure it was Ste but may be wrong) mentioned in that thread, plenty of girls are dolled up and propping you the bar looking good, but the only time they leave the bar is to go to the smoking areas etc. It’s a shame in one respect.
Similar to more and more ‘straight’ people attending LGBT clubs. After a while, it gets to the LGBT peeps who the clubs are for. X
19 March 2015
Exactly that. This is what I mean and it stemmed from a post the other day RE: a change in club attitude. We often wonder if there’s an increase in the amount of peeps just ... how can I explain, wanting to be involved in the naughty chats, enjoying the pics, enjoying the fuss that kind of comes with it - but then when said & done, nothing happens.
As @SteLinda (I’m sure it was Ste but may be wrong) mentioned in that thread, plenty of girls are dolled up and propping you the bar looking good, but the only time they leave the bar is to go to the smoking areas etc. It’s a shame in one respect.
Similar to more and more ‘straight’ people attending LGBT clubs. After a while, it gets to the LGBT peeps who the clubs are for. X
My apologies, it was @Brumcouple2013

Deleted member 3411

My apologies, it was @Brumcouple2013
Indeed. I was about. and yes is Ste here. One difference with us is at the moment I guess I AM an armchair swinger, but not by nature, only by default. We'd love to get back into actual club meets and that wish we had of a group of regular friends we visit or have stay over, but until family matters resolve it's the armchair that beckons. THE factor that matters is that the armchair guys (And girls) swing in their minds or chat away thinking this makes them swingers, or even visit a club... but never get involved. I guesss if they don't go further out of fear or nerves that's understandable, but can't get those who want to call themselves swingers, but have no intentions of er.... swinging.
9 February 2020
See. I'm the sort of person that doesn't make the first move in a club. I'm too shy for things like that. I'd be sat at the bar waiting for someone to come to me.
That way I don't seem overkeen and pushy like I've heard a lot of men are, which I believe can be frowned upon in the swinging scene.

I've just left a 20 year relationship so I'm free and single now but it's going to take me some time to get used to getting back out there and looking for someone, whether it be for fun or for something more serious.

Deleted member 11852

Not sure if we would be classed as armchair swingers..we do have meets and lots of naughty fun but we don’t really go to clubs ..we have only been to one club and that was the birthday bash last year..I don’t think we would play in a club we prefer the intermacy and privacy of a hotel room..I think we are going to try and be a bit more adventurous this time at the birthday bash..I say hopefully..W.. :tiphat:
6 February 2020
Live and let live, I say. For us the important thing is enjoyment of whatever the situation is, be that flirting, exhibitionism and voyeurism on a website or a play meet with a like minded group or anything in between. Like a lot of people the club environment isn't our favourite - trust me, we've tried it a LOT - but that's more about our inability to comfortably control the participants than anything else. Not that we have a problem saying no, but excluding people can create an atmosphere that isn't conducive to having fun, and even being watched by some of the gobby and often drunken idiots you find in clubs can be a complete turn-off let alone being pestered by them too. As a lot of people have said before, just because we swing it doesn't mean everyone is entitled to swing with us. We mean no offence (usually :rolleyes: ), but some people just aren't our type. The same should apply to swinging websites really, but most are designed for hookups alone and don't give us enough discretion over who we choose to interact with and who we don't. That's why we're trying SOCIAL Swinging. Again, no offence but we're hopeful that our own way of turning each other and selected others on will find some fellow feeling on here and not subject us to the kind of criticism and pushiness from those who don't agree with it that we've had on other sites.

And so far, so good :) we've already been made very welcome by many of you good and respectful people who are allowing us the space to find our feet.

Regarding "armchair swingers" - as long as a person or couple is honest about their level of swinging experience, their intentions and their expectations of us we can get along. Sometimes we can't be arsed to get off the sofa either ;) but we might still be on here having a bit of fun. And the number of times we've spent nights in a club and not had the inclination to play with anyone far outnumbers the number of times we've played in clubs, but we've met people we've become friends with and played with later, many times, and still do.


9 November 2015
I think I've written something similar before; but are there too many armchair swingers?
They're the ones who are online, chat about it, fantasise about it, share it, but don't participate.
In clubs; at the bar, drinking away, or at the pole, dancing but more club like.. or even just watching things like couples' play room and not getting involved.
Talk the talk, but not walking the walk, to coin a phrase.
So are there too many armchair swingers? x
Since starting this clubs haven’t been my priority, I have been to some of the events organised here ... the last club visit I made was last year and it was tbh nothing much at all going on ... either that or it was happening where I couldn’t go ... clubs are not my favourite places I have to say much prefer more intimate meets ...
Obviously everyone can’t get to every organised social ,due to distance,dates,time and all the other associated problems with normal life commitments... so I guess you can be seen to an armchair swinger .... if time and circumstances don’t make it possible to take part ...
From my point of view ,taking part in a club requires someone who wants to do whatever with me being a single , I have found that club regulars tend to distance themselves from new faces , which can be part of the not getting involved..
Not everyone is confident enough to participate in clubs which I guess is a factor to ... your always get the “Uber Swingers” strutting their stuff in clubs .... are they the type to be here on line on a regular basis ?
you know the type ,join... I’m here let’s meet ,10 minutes later they are gone because everyone hasn’t dropped to their knees for them ..,

I do this for an escape,for fun .... I do participate sometimes when the opportunity arises ,but I spend a lot of time here so am I an armchair swinger ... probably ?


18 July 2015
I would say most of the problem today is clubs. As mentioned in another thread, a lot of people just attend for freebies and attention with no intention of doing anything, we’ve seen a huge change in the past two years with more and more watchers, not sure why though.

As for the Uber swinger, I can only go on experience from meeting one or two. They are the beautiful people that show no faces in media but have great media, only love to talk about themselves, you know the type. I’m hot and the Most gorgeous person in the room. Then you meet them and you know why they don’t show face pics, never meet, just want to adored by all. That’s Uber armchair swingers :D

As for online. I think a lot talk the talk but that’s it. Why? I have no idea. o_O


9 November 2015
I would say most of the problem today is clubs. As mentioned in another thread, a lot of people just attend for freebies and attention with no intention of doing anything, we’ve seen a huge change in the past two years with more and more watchers, not sure why though.

As for the Uber swinger, I can only go on experience from meeting one or two. They are the beautiful people that show no faces in media but have great media, only love to talk about themselves, you know the type. I’m hot and the Most gorgeous person in the room. Then you meet them and you know why they don’t show face pics, never meet, just want to adored by all. That’s Uber armchair swingers :D

As for online. I think a lot talk the talk but that’s it. Why? I have no idea. o_O
Right ok .... let’s see if I fit the criteria :D
im not beautiful, I show my face ,I have loads of mediocre media ,I hate talking about myself ,I’m not hot or gorgeous. that’s official im not “Uber”??
6 February 2020
One thing we have noticed over the last couple of years been clubs hosting a lot of events that are organised by third parties, and a lot of those are full of (no age-ist offence meant) full of hot young things doing a lot of posing, a lot of drinking and a lot of shouting across the room trying to make themselves heard over the Techno. It's like regular clubbing with the added possibility of a live and potentially interactive sex show.

I predict that when this trend hits Swingfields there will be no need for Glastonbury.

Deleted member 16044

I would say most of the problem today is clubs. As mentioned in another thread, a lot of people just attend for freebies and attention with no intention of doing anything, we’ve seen a huge change in the past two years with more and more watchers, not sure why though.

As for the Uber swinger, I can only go on experience from meeting one or two. They are the beautiful people that show no faces in media but have great media, only love to talk about themselves, you know the type. I’m hot and the Most gorgeous person in the room. Then you meet them and you know why they don’t show face pics, never meet, just want to adored by all. That’s Uber armchair swingers :D

As for online. I think a lot talk the talk but that’s it. Why? I have no idea. o_O
Agree with you
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