Ok so this is all about health and safety of the spider world...
So I was made to believe that these little darlings can crawl about simply looking for a target, usually our limbs.. Now I have no problem with the little critters as long as my limbs are off the ground when some jolly great big hairy beast comes hunting which is what we all do.
Now this is where the situation takes a turn for the worse scenario

There I am painting my fence, enjoying the sun when something catches my eye, crawling in front of me I spot a quite innocent little black and white striped spider with 8 thick black legs and a red striped head.. I'm calm but think to myself this dude looks like an everton mint and he's quite pretty as spiders could be..
So I make the decision to let the little man just walk on by, rather than give him a headache.
The next thing I see him on the next fence panel, Wow how quick is he I thought to myself, but this black and white minstrel had something else than the power to be a quick little bugger on his 8 legs, as I watched... HE JUMPED from the panel to the post, (a good 5inches)
Now this leaves me not only shocked and stunned at the thought of a jumping spider that was only about 10inches from my face but I feel let down that I was unaware of such creatures in this country.
I leapt out a loud scream (as anyone would) and the next second I heard the howl of my neighbour screaming kill the Basstid quick

So without a second to spare I quickly grabbed my painting brush, Looked straight into his red angry eyes and took a leap of faith and swooped in with the brush and paint, shaking at the thought he could potentially leap at any time but I managed to out wit the git and splattered him in Ronseal....
So guys and girls be aware, they are out there and ready to pounce. Stay safe and always carry a brush. Just in case you face the same fate.