Bring it back

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Deleted member 11852

Talking of butlins they should bring back the cable cars,, monorail,,, and miniature railway oh and all the outdoor pools.. We can use them in the UK again now with our summers getting warmer.. .. W.. :rofl::rofl:
10 March 2015
If you could
What would you bring back from the past that we don’t see or have any more
It could be a telly programme, a sweet, a band etc

What would it be?

I miss ruffle bars, can you still get them? :D

I loved those chewy bars, Texan, nearly lost one or two teeth trying to wolf one down lol.
Big fan of the mayhem that was Tiswas, not sure a TV company would get away with any of that these days!

Jaynes huge crush is on anything to do with Black Beauty, she loved the tv series'.
10 March 2015
Used to love going door to door as kids, pulling a crate on a go kart (home-made, no brakes, and string for steering, remember building them?) collecting the pop bottles to get 10p back, taking them down the shop, and cashing them in.
Me and my cousin would then get chips and a can of coke.
Then we would raid the back yard of the shop for a few more bottles that had been crated and stacked ready, and cash them in too lol.
11 November 2019
Used to love going door to door as kids, pulling a crate on a go kart (home-made, no brakes, and string for steering, remember building them?) collecting the pop bottles to get 10p back, taking them down the shop, and cashing them in.
Me and my cousin would then get chips and a can of coke.
Then we would raid the back yard of the shop for a few more bottles that had been crated and stacked ready, and cash them in too lol.
We called that 'A dandy'no brakes?you never needed brakes then??