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  • Thread starter Scrunchy&Muffet
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Uhm, the problem is some people assume they know who they are talking to which is where things can go wrong. So I have to agree with Stephen here, if you unsure then ask, it save confussion and embaressment.

Afterall you don't want to have sex with the wrong person so best to get it right from the beginning
Reactions: Pearls


On setting up our account we made the error of presuming we needed separate profiles, which has caused some confusion early on but as hubby is in Africa it's actually ended up working better that way for us due to hubby on a different time zone and the site is another avenue for us to communicate with each other and both chat independently to other members who have become supportive friends. I know when I get kisses at the end of the message it's the lady I'm taking too. Xx


18 July 2015
It is common for couples to do it this way guys and of course you can flirt together also xx
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