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Driving Whilst On A Mobile


18 July 2015
If my dad saw a hottie he'd drive up and down the road twice or keep going around a roundabout until she went out of site


When you get behing the wheel, you are of course in charge of a lethal weapon.
Using a mobile whilst driving is a mindless selfish act.
When i see them.. i feel like shoving their phone up their arsses..
My son was texting yes bloody texting.. on his super duper new I-Phone..whilst driving. I was a passenger.. i said over and over.. put your phone down.. watch the road...
He rolled his eyes.. so as soon as he put it down in the middle console.. i promptly disposed of his shiney new I-Phone out of his shiney cars window.
Hes speaking to me again now... just..
7 January 2017

Brutal! But fair enough!

I don't answer text messages but if I'm expecting a phonecall then I'll turn on my bluetooth. I mainly use my phone as a sat nav however. It's on its own mount and if there is a call from someone important (e.g. mum) then I put her on speaker.

But generally, blatanly using your phone without due care and attention to the road really winds me up. Same wtih drink driving.
Reactions: Pearls


18 July 2015
Who the hell would text and drive, even having hands free is distracting, if you have an emergency then pull over or just put the phone away on silent until you get to where your going. Simple. xx


Used to work for the Department for Transport, and their advice was not to use a phone of ANY sort while driving. Quite a few studies had shown it was extremely distracting, whether hand held or not, although hand-held is obviously much more dangerous. Our blood turns to water if we look in the mirror and see we're being followed by a white van man with one phone clapped to his ear. Even saw one once holding a phone with one hand and lighting a fag with the other... so we let him overtake!
Reactions: Therapon and Admin
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