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4 January 2018
Then sense and value is lost due to commercalisation.Christmas isn't about what the latest toy fashion and gadgets you can purchase it about bringing families together making memories x
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18 July 2015
Not a lot too like, rampant commercialism and peer pressure making people spend even if they can't afford things, drunken idiots falling over, spewing up or fighting and all for what?
Sorry about the rant but I like the family side of Christmas but the rest, nah, it crap ...... and gets in the way of birthdays:mad::rofl:
So do you like it then. :whistle:
1 September 2018
Then sense and value is lost due to commercalisation.Christmas isn't about what the latest toy fashion and gadgets you can purchase it about bringing families together making memories x
And swinging. Christmas is all about swinging right. NO?
Well it should be, let's change the meaning of Christmas. If we all try really hard at the same time all together then we can achieve anything. Lol

Deleted member 1030

People seem to have this idea that I'm 'bah, humbug' about Chrimbo - but it's not true, I love it. I love the deccys and the lights and the parties and the fun and the laughter and the presents and the posh cheeses and the whiskey and the port and the kids and the carols and the excitement and the.... well, let's just say I'm a big fan of most of it.

There are some bits of it that really grind my gears; the ridiculously early start to the build-up (the word shouldn't even be mentioned 'til after bonfire night), the so-called 'traditions' that have only been around for the last few years (yes, John Lewis ads and the Coca Cola truck, I'm talking to you), the once-a-year drinkers (find a feckin corner to fall over in, not in front of the bloody bar), Christmas cards (what a bloody waste of paper, ink and effort - all in the name of politeness and etiquette) and the state of panic that people - especially mums - get themselves into.

However, it's the 6th of November now, so........ Nadolig Llawen i pawb! :D
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8 July 2018
And swinging. Christmas is all about swinging right. NO?
Well it should be, let's change the meaning of Christmas. If we all try really hard at the same time all together then we can achieve anything. Lol
I’ll try, but it’s going to be really, really Hard :whistle:
Tiger xx
9 November 2018
I am not a festive person at all so for me its just being able to do as I wish last year I slept through it but when you go down the high street people interact say hi etc whereas normally they just look and stare
5 July 2016
The John Lewis Ad #EltonJohnLewis
You know it reminds me of when I was little and my grandparents had this electronic organ with music books.
I became obsessed with it but I couldn't (and neither could anybody else in the family) read music, so I numbered all the keys with stickers. White keys were a number and black keys were a number with a +symbol.
I had one music book with numbers above the notes, and using that book as a guide, I meticulously wrote numbers above the notes in the other books.

Unfortunately I never became good at playing all the I could play "Those magnificent men in their flying machines" and "The Entertainer".

#wastedtalent :D



18 July 2015
You know it reminds me of when I was little and my grandparents had this electronic organ with music books.
I became obsessed with it but I couldn't (and neither could anybody else in the family) read music, so I numbered all the keys with stickers. White keys were a number and black keys were a number with a +symbol.
I had one music book with numbers above the notes, and using that book I meticulously wrote numbers above the notes in the other books.

Unfortunately I never became good at playing all the I could play "Those magnificent men in their flying machines" and "The Entertainer".

#wastedtalent :D

Never too old to learn something new :D


11 August 2015
You know it reminds me of when I was little and my grandparents had this electronic organ with music books.
I became obsessed with it but I couldn't (and neither could anybody else in the family) read music, so I numbered all the keys with stickers. White keys were a number and black keys were a number with a +symbol.
I had one music book with numbers above the notes, and using that book as a guide, I meticulously wrote numbers above the notes in the other books.

Unfortunately I never became good at playing all the I could play "Those magnificent men in their flying machines" and "The Entertainer".

#wastedtalent :D


Maybe you should have learnt to count first, then it might have worked better