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9 September 2017
At the risk of ruining my reputation,
For me, it's simply the delight on the faces of children.
When my children were...well....children I absolutely loved making their Christmas as special as mine were when I was a child.
Why do they have to grow up? :(

Bloody hell I've gone and made myself all sad now :(:(
Don't suppose any lady out there fancies flashing her pussy to cheer me up do they? :sneaky::cool::D

No? Oh well :whistle:

Antogs xx
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I have not enjoyed Christmas for years especially now my kids are all adults and 2 grandkids are in Germany but this year I decided I would no longer be a “Bah humbug” I have booked a week off at the beginning of December to get the house ready and put the decorations up! Already got some pressies and plan to go to the German Christmas market in Birmingham just to get me in the mood.
I think planning is the key to having a good day and not feel like it’s a chore, especially as I have to work Christmas Eve.
18 October 2015
Not normally a massive fan of Christmas....all that time and effort for a few days of over indulgence that is soon regretted jn the new year. However I'm not going to be bah humbug about it this year as I have a granddaughter to take to see Santa and to spoil rotten. Even better next year when there will be double trouble....x
19 March 2015
:D Already got some of mine done :D
Yeah same here. We’re steaming ahead. :)

Not normally a massive fan of Christmas....all that time and effort for a few days of over indulgence that is soon regretted jn the new year. However I'm not going to be bah humbug about it this year as I have a granddaughter to take to see Santa and to spoil rotten. Even better next year when there will be double trouble....x
It’ll be amazing for you x
1 September 2018
Being self employed doing what I do I get sooooo busy it's ridiculous but I earn lots more each week than normal.
I work non stop till Xmas eve then we all have a week off. Pigging out , drinking lots and spending time with family and dear friends.
So until Xmas I hate it but then once the day arrives I am like a big kid and love it
14 February 2017
Not really a big fan of Christmas, really conflicted upbringing. Would rather not go into it as would just en up bringin everyone down. Suffice to say not my best holiday.

In other news, its Sinful Sunday and I'm horny as fuck ..anyone else feel the same? :)
9 September 2017
Oh yes, present buying.
When it comes to buying presents for people I am definitely not right in the head o_Oo_Oo_O

I just can't help it.
I love giving things to people.
When I had a family I was in heaven. We had to have two big Christmas trees, one in each reception room because of the number of prezzies I used to buy. :D:D

I recall one particularly amusing incident from the first Christmas after meeting the girl that later became my wife.
We met in May so had known each other for 7 months and were pretty crazy about each other.:love::love:

Now she was quite sensible (and I have to say totally lacking in imagination when it came to present buying).
Whereas I would remember any little remark she made expressing a liking for something or even something that she mentioned she needed (I'm talking a vacuum cleaner in this instance)
So yes, I did buy her a vacuum cleaner, a far flasher one than she'd have bought herself of course. :palm: but that was because I knew she needed one and would be really happy to have one as a present. :cool:

But I also bought her another 30+ presents, all beautifully wrapped.:rofl::rofl:
I remember turning up on her doorstep Christmas morning, my car bulging with prezzies for her.
She was as shocked as I'd ever seen anyone as I made several trips to the car as they just kept coming.

I realised on reflection of course that it put her in a bit of an awkward situation as she'd been sensible and bought me a couple of small presents (and even those didn't display much in the way of thought) :eek:
I did try to explain to her that it is just the way I am and, although it's a cliche, I genuinely am not bothered about receiving gifts.
My joy is in giving. :innocent:

Another example is, a few months ago I met a lady and we had a rather exciting time together sexually and she expressed a liking for various "toys". :Ohyessir:
Well, that was like manna from heaven to me. Hardly a day went by without a delivery of some new sexy implement.
She may have thought I was mad but I loved it.
In fact, I was still receiving stuff I'd ordered weeks after she'd had enough of me. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I was sad then as I had no-one to buy things for.
So what did I do? (and am still doing)
Why I started buying prezzies for myself.:D:D:D
Believe it or not, I even had a delivery today!! Yes, on a Sunday. A nice new suit for Antogs. Oooh, it's gorgeous.

Oh look, I seemed to have got carried away and gone off on a ramble, not like me. :palm:

So the thing that saddens me about Christmas these days is I don't really have anyone to shower with gifts.

On the bright side, I'm going to a naughty fetish play munch at Purple Mamba on Tuesday night and you never know I might find a lady or two with whom I'll be able to make use of all that unused kinky stuff I've got, :lashes::smackpaddle::spank:


antogs xiomara.png
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11 August 2015
Not a lot too like, rampant commercialism and peer pressure making people spend even if they can't afford things, drunken idiots falling over, spewing up or fighting and all for what?
Sorry about the rant but I like the family side of Christmas but the rest, nah, it crap ...... and gets in the way of birthdays:mad::rofl: