Oh yes, present buying.
When it comes to buying presents for people I am definitely not right in the head

I just can't help it.
I love giving things to people.
When I had a family I was in heaven. We had to have two big Christmas trees, one in each reception room because of the number of prezzies I used to buy.

I recall one particularly amusing incident from the first Christmas after meeting the girl that later became my wife.
We met in May so had known each other for 7 months and were pretty crazy about each other.

Now she was quite sensible (and I have to say totally lacking in imagination when it came to present buying).
Whereas I would remember any little remark she made expressing a liking for something or even something that she mentioned she needed (I'm talking a vacuum cleaner in this instance)
So yes, I did buy her a vacuum cleaner, a far flasher one than she'd have bought herself of course.

but that was because I knew she needed one and would be really happy to have one as a present.
But I also bought her another 30+ presents, all beautifully wrapped.

I remember turning up on her doorstep Christmas morning, my car bulging with prezzies for her.
She was as shocked as I'd ever seen anyone as I made several trips to the car as they just kept coming.
I realised on reflection of course that it put her in a bit of an awkward situation as she'd been sensible and bought me a couple of small presents (and even those didn't display much in the way of thought)

I did try to explain to her that it is just the way I am and, although it's a cliche, I genuinely am not bothered about receiving gifts.
My joy is in giving. :innocent:
Another example is, a few months ago I met a lady and we had a rather exciting time together sexually and she expressed a liking for various "toys".

Well, that was like manna from heaven to me. Hardly a day went by without a delivery of some new sexy implement.
She may have thought I was mad but I loved it.
In fact, I was still receiving stuff I'd ordered weeks after she'd had enough of me.

I was sad then as I had no-one to buy things for.
So what did I do? (and am still doing)
Why I started buying prezzies for myself.

Believe it or not, I even had a delivery today!! Yes, on a Sunday. A nice new suit for Antogs. Oooh, it's gorgeous.
Oh look, I seemed to have got carried away and gone off on a ramble, not like me.
So the thing that saddens me about Christmas these days is I don't really have anyone to shower with gifts.
On the bright side, I'm going to a naughty fetish play munch at Purple Mamba on Tuesday night and you never know I might find a lady or two with whom I'll be able to make use of all that unused kinky stuff I've got, :lashes::smackpaddle::spank: