flea Bay I'm addicted.. What..

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15 September 2014
Only two peeps have read it.. :p
Yeah I last searched for one of those laser light sticks so I can wind our dog up :D


Ha my lil lad has one of those, for our cat, I went to work one night with it in my top pocket... Odd looking pen!
I last searched fish! Before that vintage knix, and vintage furniture


15 September 2014
Fish, knix and furniture? :cautious::cautious: Now I AM worried...
yeah must buy one have to. My lil pooch would go mad over it I know it!


Err, I have automatic searches running continuously.... Doesn't everyone....? :D


18 July 2015
I used to use it but havent now for a few years as found it got boring and I didnt feel I was getting a bargin xx


I use it to buy lots of things - Batteries, Fish chemicals, Taps, Camera lenses & accessories - loads of stuff..!

I do find that the site has become very slow, recently - right now I cannot get my Summary Page to load properly... grrr.
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Yay. Summary has now loaded....

So... a Shower Head, some Aluminium round bar, a set of Sink Taps, Fish chems, LED lights, Lube (yup....!!), a guttering Right Angle, a bit of Diving kit, a can of Blue spray paint, a longer Ethernet cable, a cuddly Toy, a Fondue set, ...... :)

I have Bought & Sold quite a bit of Camera stuff - and HiFi gear. My Electric guitar was from eBay. As was my Guitar amp. My personal limit is about £500 - I wont spend more than that. I have bought Camera bodies and Lenses which have got close.

Its very, very useful. Very happy to buy other peoples mistakes at around half the new price....!!
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Yay. Summary has now loaded....

So... a Shower Head, some Aluminium round bar, a set of Sink Taps, Fish chems, LED lights, Lube (yup....!!), a guttering Right Angle, a bit of Diving kit, a can of Blue spray paint, a longer Ethernet cable, a cuddly Toy, a Fondue set, ...... :)

I have Bought & Sold quite a bit of Camera stuff - and HiFi gear. My Electric guitar was from eBay. As was my Guitar amp. My personal limit is about £500 - I wont spend more than that. I have bought Camera bodies and Lenses which have got close.

Its very, very useful. Very happy to buy other peoples mistakes at around half the new price....!!
Yeah me to! Just purchased an ant farm no not for me, a telescope to. A rather lovely discus fish, I had to collect, obviously, and some led bulbs.. No wonder I have no wages left. Incidentally a young freind of mine made a fortune selling her worn shoes... A guy in Africa became a regular buyer. Hmmm
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Oh Mrs Focker, you really need to find the joys of shopping direct from Chinese sites. Miss FLC is addicted and there's bargains, bargains, bargains to be had!!
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Oh Mrs Focker, you really need to find the joys of shopping direct from Chinese sites. Miss FLC is addicted and there's bargains, bargains, bargains to be had!!
Yeah it's ok for you two skinny Minnies, I've bought from hand Kong lovely just stuff, my big toe fits in beautifully!! X
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FLC here.
Funnily enough my last bay purchase was for an armband for my phone to use at the gym.
You may find it hard to believe Mrs F, but it takes me shit loads of effort, sweating and getting all red faced to look this good!! lol.:mad:
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Am armband for your phone. This doesn't surprise me! I'm Sniggering at you all red faced on that treadmill.. :rofl: hot and sweaty.. Oooooooooo
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Hot & Sweaty...? You need a Shower..... My Shower Head has arrived..... Nice....;)