Go On....... Tell Us A Secret!

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5 July 2016
Mr Brum here

My first marriage lasted 14 yrs and during that time I was a victim of domestic violence. Finally found the courage to leave after my 7yr daughter at the time stepped in between us one night and said stop hitting daddy. Took two years of counselling to get over it.
That's very hard for a bloke to admit and obviously very personal for you. Look on the bright side, that chain ignored events led you to where you are today.
B x
5 July 2016
Ok guys and right back in the room..
Secrets hmm.
I have a pretty demanding job.. i thrive on it.. ive jumped on a few chests.. nope not with rude intentions.. most rewarding feeling ever guess, im lucky.
I left home at 15 and lived rough for a while. And was raped at 16.
I am a widow.
All my family have recently gone to live in OZ. I plan to follow one day.
My eldest is in their 30's my youngest.. is 8.
Sexually i have no secrets ive done the usual.. and then some.. Ive done lap dancing.. in my younger days..and also put on a show in a club.. on a cross with a lady and a strap on..with a no touching policy.
Ahh n held a guy on a lead all night by my feet most enjoyable.. :D
Ive been around the block n then some ;)
Mrs.F very deep and personal. Loads of secrets there. You've obviously had some terrible things happen to you and it's to your credit that your such a lovely bubbly lady to talk to.

Wow what a life. Very insightful. That'd make some movie :tiphat:.
We hope it all works out for you sweetie, you don't strike us as a lady who takes no for an answer ;).

Hope you stay on SS when you get to Oz



Stud Muffin
11 May 2017
Quite a few years ago now but I suffered so badly with depression that I wanted to end my own life, everything finally became too much and my world fell apart. Its not easy when your in a dark place and can't see a way out. I was nearly sectioned to keep me safe and I had counseling for a few months. I finally come out the other side but it took so much effort. Occasionally it resurfaces but usually not too badly and I can gain control of it quickly.
5 July 2016
Quite a few years ago now but I suffered so badly with depression that I wanted to end my own life, everything finally became too much and my world fell apart. Its not easy when your in a dark place and can't see a way out. I was nearly sectioned to keep me safe and I had counseling for a few months. I finally come out the other side but it took so much effort. Occasionally it resurfaces but usually not too badly and I can gain control of it quickly.
Really glad you got through the worst of the depression. It's an awful thing to suffer from x
25 July 2016
Sorry huni yes i guess so.. so many assume its always the lady thats the victim.. xx of course this isnt always so... xx

No offence taken. It is a very common mistake, but it is starting to be discussed more these days. I have written many letter of complaint to BBC and various newspaper regards their failure to mention men being victims.
5 July 2016
Ok we'll give you all another secret about us:-

Baldrick:- many moons ago after a heavy night on the ale, I went back to my mates house with him and his GF to spend the night (not swinging). They started arguing so I went to bed. There was a loud bang and when I went to investigate, it had become apparent that my mate had hit his GF and knocked her over.
He was blind drunk. Well I was furious with him and he quickly scarpered. I spent the rest of the night cheering his GF up. Poor lass needed comforting ;):doggy:. To this day only me and her know.

Kaz:- without hair dye I would have lots of grey hair (I'm only 34:eek:). My second toes are longer than my big toes. I use Baldricks pj's to mop up the 'wet patch'.
When I wear heels Balderick makes me walk on the road and him on the pavement so he's not shorter than me :rofl:


No longer with us

Ok we'll give you all another secret about us:-

Baldrick:- many moons ago after a heavy night on the ale, I went back to my mates house with him and his GF to spend the night (not swinging). They started arguing so I went to bed. There was a loud bang and when I went to investigate, it had become apparent that my mate had hit his GF and knocked her over.
He was blind drunk. Well I was furious with him and he quickly scarpered. I spent the rest of the night cheering his GF up. Poor lass needed comforting ;):doggy:. To this day only me and her know.

Kaz:- without hair dye I would have lots of grey hair (I'm only 34:eek:). My second toes are longer than my big toes. I use Baldricks pj's to mop up the 'wet patch'.
When I wear heels Balderick makes me walk on the road and him on the pavement so he's not shorter than me :rofl:

You two are priceless :love:
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They say sharing is caring, or is it silence is golden?

We would like to get to know everyone on here a little better. Is there a secret nobody knows about you that want to get off your chest? Maybe a fun fact? Or a burning desire that you wish to shout from the rooftops? We're you once a secret agent? Have you ever saved a life?
Anything you like.

We'll kick start it off:-

Baldrick- is such a gaming & sci-fi nerd I genuinely think his pants would fall off if you started talking geeky stuff to him.

Kaz- (Big share here) has bi-polar disorder. Can be difficult to handle at times. Prone to changing her mind on a moments notice. At the moment it's under control and we're very happy.

Don't be shy, who's next? Don't make us start tagging folk.

Hi to you both may I say to share such a personal issues of bipolar takes alot of courage and strength and you have shown this in the thread you have wrote big ((((((hugs)))))) and it goes to show how much B loves you regardless a beautiful blessed couple :love:

I don't tend to share my personal life as I found over time you can love and trust someone with all that you are and get crushed I have too suffered with severe depression anxiety n ocd but when it takes hold its how you deal with it determines your strength to keep surging forward. I am a speaker for survivors of Domestic Abuse course if i can help change one person's life and the cycle they are going through that's makes me happy :love::love:
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Ok we'll give you all another secret about us:-

Baldrick:- many moons ago after a heavy night on the ale, I went back to my mates house with him and his GF to spend the night (not swinging). They started arguing so I went to bed. There was a loud bang and when I went to investigate, it had become apparent that my mate had hit his GF and knocked her over.
He was blind drunk. Well I was furious with him and he quickly scarpered. I spent the rest of the night cheering his GF up. Poor lass needed comforting ;):doggy:. To this day only me and her know.

Kaz:- without hair dye I would have lots of grey hair (I'm only 34:eek:). My second toes are longer than my big toes. I use Baldricks pj's to mop up the 'wet patch'.
When I wear heels Balderick makes me walk on the road and him on the pavement so he's not shorter than me :rofl:

Toes lol... alien. :D xx


3 February 2016
I'm not sure if this a secret or nor but, I have no concept at all how any one can find a man attractive this is why I have such a downer on my own appearance.