Grammar! To be or not to be?

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18 October 2015
I can't help but comment on this so please be patient
1 I have dyslexia which in my school years was not reconised hence a very poor English qualification that's the apologies over.
dyslexic people can be very sensitive about the condition and yes we can use spell check and other aids to help. But have you ever conciderd what it's like to know what word you want to use but you can't spell it and if you don't get the second letter (is it e or i) spell check can't help. What happens next is we tend to see what we think we is there not what is there its not like we're swearing or being rude. People who are good at grammar and spelling soon point out the mistakes to us I know I have had 28th as of looby doing this.

Unfortunately this normally leads to in (in mycase ) I will withdraw from any form of writen (probebly not a word) contact rather than leave myself open to a critical response or worse no response.
The shame is you can soon loose interaction with people like myself who become too cautious to post a coment and become disingaged from the chats.
I not posting this looking for sympathy all I am asking is that you concider when reading a post that the person responsible may have spent a long time on writing what would of taken you two minutes.
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15 September 2014
I can't help but comment on this so please be patient
1 I have dyslexia which in my school years was not reconised hence a very poor English qualification that's the apologies over.
dyslexic people can be very sensitive about the condition and yes we can use spell check and other aids to help. But have you ever conciderd what it's like to know what word you want to use but you can't spell it and if you don't get the second letter (is it e or i) spell check can't help. What happens next is we tend to see what we think we is there not what is there its not like we're swearing or being rude. People who are good at grammar and spelling soon point out the mistakes to us I know I have had 28th as of looby doing this.

Unfortunately this normally leads to in (in mycase ) I will withdraw from any form of writen (probebly not a word) contact rather than leave myself open to a critical response or worse no response.
The shame is you can soon loose interaction with people like myself who become too cautious to post a coment and become disingaged from the chats.
I not posting this looking for sympathy all I am asking is that you concider when reading a post that the person responsible may have spent a long time on writing what would of taken you two minutes.

Do you know what, I agree with you but I also disagree with you feeling the need to withdraw or shy away for any reason here..

Thank you for sharing that with us, there's no shame in it so I most certainly wouldn't feel that you should withdraw from anything written etc..

The point here is not the fact that people cannot spell. I posted somewhere before about dyslexia but mate, for love nor money I know I won't find it.. But anyway as I mentioned in that post, dyslexia is one hell of a thing..
This is more aimed towards text speak.
For instance, I can usually spot the difference between someone with dyslexia who TRIES - against someone who simply cannot be arsed to write anything decent in replies and posts to other people, on their accounts.

There's a problem and it's people who join a site, and write on other people's profiles;
wuu2. 2nite?
That's disrespectful and simply annoys people.. Or example in posts, where you can clearly see that the person or know that there are good grammar skills, only to be met with extremely badly constructed replies because of being lazy.

For me, I see a clear and distinct difference.

I can see very clearly, someone who may be writing with dyslexia, or spelling issues, against someone who uses text speak (txt spk)
And I for one, would never expect anyone to pass criticism over someone typing with dyslexia against text speak.

Even your quote above, is well written and well constructed.
Some of the examples in this thread are of no comparison to this.. This is entirely different. We're talking the one liners;
sry i didnt no how 2 do dat. thx iLL cu 2nite m8

Just my tuppence worth.


11 August 2015
Hi Lew.

I was in the middle of writing this when I saw Admin's reply so I'll not repeat what he has said, only to say I totally agree with his comments.

For me the problem around grammer is mainly aimed at companies, councils etc who have plenty of resources to make checks before they publicly publish something but don't. To me that comes across as "we can't be bothered to check things" and in turn that makes me consider if I could be bothered to deal with them.

English can be complex with many words sounding the same but with different spellings and I often get things wrong myself. And I am very good at typing away and, hitting the send button, and then reading my mistakes - you only need to look at some of my posts here :D

And text speak, well I'll say no more.
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18 October 2015
Yes but spelling I can understand with a lot of people, as there is dyslexia et al.
But extremely poor grammar and text speak is just laziness...

@Therapon @zebo I will be brutally honest with you with one of my biggest hates right now, hate being the operative word too.....
US 'English' and Americanisation of our language.

Now that pees me off no end. Don't even get me going on that one :D
@Admin is this the quote you were looking for?
As you mentioned earlier in the post reference words and used examples
learnt - learned
Earn - Earned
Skeptic - Sceptic I really chuckle at that one
That is the theme of my reply not really the text talk that was a seperate thread and quess what I can't text talk either and wouldn't understand it if you sent one to me.
beleve me when I say I become increadably frustrated with the English language and how it appears to me but unless the correct example is along side I probably wouldn't spot the mistake. On a lighter note which tw*t came up with the word dyslexia and then aplied it to people who can't spell. Applied I know I missed a p.;)
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Gramar, grama, gramer, grama...
sheesh.. wa u up2? Ow u doin bbe?
Is annoying..
honest spelling mistakes? So what? In my eyes do they make you any lesser of a person.. definately not.. or is that definitley? :D
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13 August 2015
Grammar and spelling is sort of a big deal to me. I have started to notice that as I get older (not that I am old haha), it is getting worse. I really detest text speak to replace English... As someone else has already said, the occasional acronym (LOL etc) is fine, but grammar in text messages is getting worse and worse.

That said, I'm not perfect... But grammar is important when you have to decode a message because the writer is completely ignorant!

Sorry for the rant!
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22 July 2015
I think Dyslexia is one thing, being lazy with no excuse is another. I know plenty of people who don't have dyslexia and their choice of words even when speaking makes me cringe. My own sister is a good example, while I love her to bits, she is what I call a "lazy linguist" - for instance she will call Birmingham, Birningham and the singer Barbara Streisand, Streisland. Why? Because it's easier. Her texts are often baffling. It's not text speak but something else entirely. For example "watch gangs of new York last night what brilliant film it long thou" which in translation is "I watched Gangs of New York last night. What a brilliant film. It is long though" - that's not dyslexia, that's just lazy. Fill in the gaps yourself. And most of her texts are like that.

So I get pretty angry when somebody who really struggles with words makes such an effort to get it right and then there's people like my sister who can't be bothered to. We always pull her up on things like this but she shrugs with the get out of all get out's "oh you know what I mean" - actually sometimes we don't. We really don't. But it's water off a ducks back.

I really admire people with dyslexia because they try. The complete opposite of those who think we are just going to ignore their laziness.

Good for you (y)


15 September 2014
I think Dyslexia is one thing, being lazy with no excuse is another. I know plenty of people who don't have dyslexia and their choice of words even when speaking makes me cringe. My own sister is a good example, while I love her to bits, she is what I call a "lazy linguist" - for instance she will call Birmingham, Birningham and the singer Barbara Streisand, Streisland. Why? Because it's easier. Her texts are often baffling. It's not text speak but something else entirely. For example "watch gangs of new York last night what brilliant film it long thou" which in translation is "I watched Gangs of New York last night. What a brilliant film. It is long though" - that's not dyslexia, that's just lazy. Fill in the gaps yourself. And most of her texts are like that.

So I get pretty angry when somebody who really struggles with words makes such an effort to get it right and then there's people like my sister who can't be bothered to. We always pull her up on things like this but she shrugs with the get out of all get out's "oh you know what I mean" - actually sometimes we don't. We really don't. But it's water off a ducks back.

I really admire people with dyslexia because they try. The complete opposite of those who think we are just going to ignore their laziness.

Good for you (y)
Agreed... Mr Driftwood..
This is exactly what I was saying and trying to say, just didn't get the wording quite right I suppose.
There's no need for it and dyslexia doesn't come into that. This is entirely different...
Especially at our friend @Looby&Lew ;) :)
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18 October 2015
I think Dyslexia is one thing, being lazy with no excuse is another. I know plenty of people who don't have dyslexia and their choice of words even when speaking makes me cringe. My own sister is a good example, while I love her to bits, she is what I call a "lazy linguist" - for instance she will call Birmingham, Birningham and the singer Barbara Streisand, Streisland. Why? Because it's easier. Her texts are often baffling. It's not text speak but something else entirely. For example "watch gangs of new York last night what brilliant film it long thou" which in translation is "I watched Gangs of New York last night. What a brilliant film. It is long though" - that's not dyslexia, that's just lazy. Fill in the gaps yourself. And most of her texts are like that.

So I get pretty angry when somebody who really struggles with words makes such an effort to get it right and then there's people like my sister who can't be bothered to. We always pull her up on things like this but she shrugs with the get out of all get out's "oh you know what I mean" - actually sometimes we don't. We really don't. But it's water off a ducks back.

I really admire people with dyslexia because they try. The complete opposite of those who think we are just going to ignore their laziness.

Good for you (y)
I know that Lew will really appreciate these sentiments. Thank you. I also know what you mean about lazy speaking. We have a daughter who insists in using the word 'like' all the time when speaking. It drives us demented. There is no need for it.:eek:
13 August 2015
When I was a kid, the 'in thing' to say was 'dissing'. E.g, "ohmigod you're totally dissin' me!". My dad and I got into an argument and I looked it up- it was an acceptable short form of 'disrespect'.
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18 October 2015
This is like the itch that you cannot help but scratch for me.
I was adam ant (80s singer for those who dont remember) that I would leave all future posts to looby. Just a quick point for all of the people who disregard posts with poor grammar or spelling you could be disregarding Richard Branson and some other equally famous peeps (dont know where that word comes from).
As for lazy posts could not agree more and I appreciate all the hard work that goes in to the site and keeping us all in order. Its like really cool and I aint dissin ya.(y)
27 April 2015
I get loads of the same sounding words mixed up, and spell checker does not help, been and being, their and there, @Admin is always picking on. me for it lol, you make the effort, and its rewarding to see your results, but don't ever apologise for something that is not your fault, it's just part of the person that you are, amazing !!
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18 October 2015
I get loads of the same sounding words mixed up, and spell checker does not help, been and being, their and there, @Admin is always picking on. me for it lol, you make the effort, and its rewarding to see your results, but don't ever apologise for something that is not your fault, it's just part of the person that you are, amazing !!
I live with 3 or rather now 2 dyslexics and they are all amazing people. Not that I'm biased in any way. X Looby If I get it wrong then it's me; no excuses apart from the fact that I'm a woman and so I am never wrong. Just ask Lew. X