Hello All - Happy 2016!

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Hello and welcome again, I think you'll enjoy it here :D
Apologies in the delay, I am working on our server. Yes on NYD too. Damn....
Have fun! Have a few beers this eve and sink a few for me too. (y)
Thank you for the welcome :)
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Perhaps the video should be removed? Your profile states you are a single male.
Not a problem - I will only post media with my/both parties inclusion :) I will also get her/others to join the site beforehand so that they can agree to media being posted :)
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I will go back to the rules and regs of the site and read through all the info on postings, especially with vids and pics. So Im clear, if the vids/pics show me clearly, and whoever else is in the vids/pics gives consent I can post them. Also, if there are only pics/vids of myself with my face showing then Im ok to post the vids/pics - Correct?
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