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Here goes... Coronavirus.

23 February 2016
Port Melbourne
We here in Melbourne are now up to 428 new cases in the last 24hrs, 3 more deaths and many old age homes have multiple numbers and many Nurses and Doctors have come up positive. There has also been a new outbreak in Sydney as well. The bloody Victorian Premier refuses to lock the State completely down in a Stage 4 lockdown (currently Stage 3) even though all the medical professionals and Police are screaming for it
Reactions: Colin and Therapon
23 February 2016
Port Melbourne
As usual the bloody politicians will not listen...here in Melbourne we have now reached 532 new cases and the virus is rampant through Aged Care Homes killing people as it goes, 10 on Sat, 6 on Sunday. To think that we were hitting 0 new cases about 6 weeks ago. Victoria now has 4,542 active cases, with 683 of those connected to aged care and 400 cases in health workers. Even a 3 week old baby caught it.

Schools are open for the top 2 years here, Years 11 and 12 and my son is in Year 12 doing his last and most important year to get into University but last week we received a letter from our son's school saying it is now closed due to a positive case in my son's class and that we all had to be self quarantined. The family had to be tested on Sat and we are waiting for the results.

At the very start of this 2nd wave the politicians should have locked us all down but no, in the stupid idiotic state the decided that all was ok. It is the young people that are causing the damage as they just don't care. The Supreme Court has ruled that a Black Lives Matter city protest that expects thousands of young people can not go ahead for health reasons but the organisers, young people, are urging everyone to still attend and in greater force against the Supreme Court ruling.

To quote how I feel about this can be summed up by this little snippet from the Mile 22 movie:
23 February 2016
Port Melbourne
We are now up to 723 positive cases and 13 deaths in the last 24hrs in this 2nd wave
19 March 2015
We are now up to 723 positive cases and 13 deaths in the last 24hrs in this 2nd wave
It's rocketing everywhere seemingly. Hope it dies down for you ASAP.
I saw yesterday that from a swathe of immigrants in Alicante, a large number were Covid-19 positive. That means quarantine, but I think about those who also go under the radar and are carrying.

The illegal street/field party raves..
BLM marches.
Reactions: Colin and Therapon
19 March 2015
Well seems the UK is heading fast to a second spike. Who in their right fucking mind would go abroad mid-pandemic.

A pandemic that’s extremely dangerous, highly infectious.. which kills indiscriminately.

So what if you lose Costa Del Sol for a year.
Muppets. Muppets everywhere.
Now the country and Europe as a whole (and prob globally) is melting about a second spike. What do you expect when peeps think it’s okay to travel abroad?
March & protest. Ignoring all social distancing.. what do people expect?
23 February 2016
Port Melbourne
I see you guys are starting to get a 2nd Wave, hope you can get on top of it before it starts to get a hold.

We here in Melbourne (population 6m)have hit another daily record with 725 new cases and 15 dead including a 30 year old. Melbourne has gone back into a full lockdown with only essential services allowed out, curfew between 8pm and 5am, compulsory masks, 1 person only per household allowed out only once per day for 1hr for essential item shopping with general retail all closed and maximum distance from home is 5klm. This is expected for a minimum of 6 weeks and then a review.

19 March 2015
Yes have seen the news. Seems bad there. We’re definitely spiking here. Another lockdown today (announced only 20 mins or ago) up in Scotland - Aberdeen has a lockdown because of a cluster outbreak.

Compulsory masks in England, voluntary in Wales but I make sure we use them. I can’t stand these anti maskers as much As anti vaxxers.
Wearing a mask is about protecting each other. Not only yourself but fellow peeps too.
I just hope for a vaccine and while you may think I’m paranoid; I still firmly believe this is lab made and released either accidentally or on purpose.
26 July 2016
A second wave in the UK is inevatable in my opinion, if only people would be sensible when restrictions are eased but there not, give them an inch and they take a mile, I live in Kirklees an area which was on the news the other week as having to go back into lock down. It doesn't help when you get some young fuckwit go and get tested, but he can't wait for the result and goes out to at least 2 pubs, later it turns out his tests are positive and the pubs get shut. Thens the large groups of kids hanging round the streets, social distancing has gone out the window, people who think wearing a mask makes them invincible but have it stuck on their chin or not worn correctly.
17 March 2017
The point is that the over 50 have been brought up to respect others??

Deleted member 10361

Bedford is on the watch list, numbers of Covid patients in the hospital is less than 10, but numbers in the community are rising-especially amongst groups of women!
What shocks me is the number of people arranging meets ??‍
25 July 2016
This really is for none mask wearer's (if any at all )
Remember, according to social distancing, shop staff cannot “touch” you or come within 1 metre without breaking guidelines, (but of course they touch everything you’re buying) ?‍ and if you refuse to wear a mask in their shop they cannot physically throw you out, but can only call the police to enforce a government 'guideline'. The big problem for the police is that that would be breaking the Law if they tried to enforce a 'guideline', because police can only legally enforce Criminal Law.
If the police detain you, or arrest you because, naturally, you have refused to cooperate, they are then guilty of unlawful detention, which comes under the criminal code of 'kidnapping'.
If they try to fine you, without first 'kidnapping' you, you are not obliged to give them any information, not even your name, and without your name they cannot issue a fine.
If they find out your name, by whatever means and then issue a fine, you can simply state that you refuse to accept or pay any fine and they will then be obliged to caution you, which would be totally illegal since you will not have committed any crime (guidelines being optional to follow) and again, they would not be enforcing any law.
Know the difference: Guidelines come under 'civil law' and crimes come under 'criminal law'. The police are not allowed to enforce 'civil law' - only the local authority and the civil courts can attempt to do that. So, demand that the Court issue you with a date for an appearance, and when/if you go to court your defence will be illegal detention and kidnapping, and in the civil court you will be able to demand substantial compensation as a counter-claim from the police, plus insist that criminal charges are brought against the arresting and detaining officers.
Now, nobody says that it will get to that stage, indeed it would be very unlikely to, but can you imagine how the Courts will be clogged up for years, perhaps decades, trying to process those bloody awkward bastards who had the bald-faced cheek to know the Law and also know their civil rights.
PS: Ensure you use your phone and record the whole even, to be used as leverage and evidence. But just remember this one fact - the police cannot enforce civil Law and therefore have no rights in determining whether or not you have to wear a mask, just because the government says so. That process would be called a 'dictatorship' and we are not quite there yet, despite this government's valiant attempts to make it so.
Reactions: Lips_Pearls
19 March 2015
I am so pissed off with some people.
First we had the announcement of post Spain/Italy holiday lockdown for 14 days upon the return to the UK.

Now we’ve been issued with a 24h notice for the same for those returning from France. They’re crying, panicking. Prices of flights and train tickets have skyrocketed.

I’m sorry but what tool goes abroad mid fucking pandemic anyway?
Yes so you scrimped scraped and saved last year for your hols... insurance.
Who the hell in their right mind goes abroad in a global pandemic anyway? Bloody clowns ?


3 February 2016
I think we can all agree some people are idiots


24 August 2019
Totally agree, not going abroad even with it meaning I don’t get to see my only sister.
But what I really don’t get is the deadline - why is it if you make it home before a certain time you are fine, after the deadline hr, quarantine! So what the virus can tell the time! ?
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