Here goes... Coronavirus.

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19 March 2015
Good morning,
Coronavirus is spreading and reaching a bit more of a widespread problem.
We’re at the tipping point of reaching pandemic.
You probably couldn’t get more up close and personal than what we do with Swinging.
Swinging is the perfect playground for Coronavirus if you think about it.
So, the club environment is a fairground if Swinging is the playground.
Should we continue to go to clubs given the fact that it’s now coming, it’s coming right at us and I believe we’re not being given the full facts.

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9 November 2015
How do you tell if anyone has it ? ... I may be wrong but the symptoms are similar to flu so do you avoid anyone who looks like they have flu ? ? .wear a mask ? ... the media is good sometimes but they sensationalise things , from what I’ve read in Malta there has been panic buying of food and shops are empty because a rumour was started that it was on the island ....
If it worries anyone,then batten down the hatches and don’t go out until June ...... ?‍♂️

Deleted member 16044

How do you tell if anyone has it ? ... I may be wrong but the symptoms are similar to flu so do you avoid anyone who looks like they have flu ? ? .wear a mask ? ... the media is good sometimes but they sensationalise things , from what I’ve read in Malta there has been panic buying of food and shops are empty because a rumour was started that it was on the island ....
If it worries anyone,then batten down the hatches and don’t go out until June ...... ?‍♂️
Worse thing is its probably in the air we breathe
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Deleted member 16044

I was doing some research last night on it
Do I believe everything in the media, no way, I like to read what real people say like vets
Did you know that 66million pigs alone were culled only last year in China? ASF isn't in the news but should be, I also read that corona virus is SARS report was by doctors not media news SARS 2 is what we really have and do I believe the professionals over the media, any day xxx
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Deleted member 16044

I work in the pub trade and this morning i took stock of 300 hand sanatisers for staff who are required to carry them and use them at intermitant times of the day , and a school not 30miles away have closed due to students having mild flu like symptoms
Ordinarily we should be aware how germs are spread
Even dust is full of contamination
Found loads of it in my room at Stevenage
And was offered a lousy £10
Saga not finished with Accor Hotels
I mean thick dust

Deleted member 16044

I work in the pub trade and this morning i took stock of 300 hand sanatisers for staff who are required to carry them and use them at intermitant times of the day , and a school not 30miles away have closed due to students having mild flu like symptoms
Touch your hair
Touch your nose then pour a pint
Go to WC and don't wash hands
Basic hygiene standards xxx
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7 January 2017
The Corona virus is a type of flu.
The word "Corona" describes the shape of the virus, our homegrown winter flu is a type of corona virus, and kills more people.

The people at risk are the very young, elderly and immunosuppressed. Young(ish, healthy adults - thinking of the swinging demographic here) are at very little risk.

Like most people have said, you're at risk catching anything airborne when you go to Tesco, the GP or a club. Ever had a chest infection from a long-haul flight? The air is recycled and other peoples respiratory droplets find their way to you.

Personally, I'm not too fussed about corona virus. I've had the flu before, yeah, it was shit but I survived it.

I will only start being concerned when a news bulletin says "The dead walk the earth".
As soon as that happens, I'm getting in my car and going to my safe place.

Take it from a scientist ;)

Deleted member 16044

My understanding of it ,from the “media “ it’s not air borne but spread more from close contact ... ie tongues down throats :kisses: :licking::snogs::snog:r from sneezing on someone the droplets ... so keep at least 6 ft away from anyone and you should be safe ...:tiphat:

Deleted member 16044

Most viruses are airborne
Like SARS... Bat spit
SARS 2 is also bat spit been researching it
Symptoms are not flu like
You can't breathe
Your lungs pack up
Kidneys too
2 weeks to live from ICU x
Not in the media this is doctors
Media crap
Saying its from French kissing
Like you get pregnant from kissing
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9 November 2015
The Corona virus is a type of flu.
The word "Corona" describes the shape of the virus, our homegrown winter flu is a type of corona virus, and kills more people.

The people at risk are the very young, elderly and immunosuppressed. Young(ish, healthy adults - thinking of the swinging demographic here) are at very little risk.

Like most people have said, you're at risk catching anything airborne when you go to Tesco, the GP or a club. Ever had a chest infection from a long-haul flight? The air is recycled and other peoples respiratory droplets find their way to you.

Personally, I'm not too fussed about corona virus. I've had the flu before, yeah, it was shit but I survived it.

I will only start being concerned when a news bulletin says "The dead walk the earth".
As soon as that happens, I'm getting in my car and going to my safe place.

Take it from a scientist ;)
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Handsome and Debonair
25 November 2017
I let you all know our experience. In Italy schools and Universities are closed, many stores have changed their work schedules, all public events have been banned and about swinging scene, all swingers' clubs are closed. It's true that in any occasion you might risk to get coronavirus, but in a club the chances are more than in a supermarket. Anyway, pay attention but don't let the situation drives you all crazy. As for my, as you all can imagine, I'm a little bit scared by the unbelievable situation we are living in northern Italy, moreover I have to work necessary because of my type of job. When this terrible situation ends, we will organize a social on my second house on the lake and a big barbecue! Stay safe, sexy peeps.