Here goes... Coronavirus.

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25 January 2020
Good morning,
Coronavirus is spreading and reaching a bit more of a widespread problem.
We’re at the tipping point of reaching pandemic.
You probably couldn’t get more up close and personal than what we do with Swinging.
Swinging is the perfect playground for Coronavirus if you think about it.
So, the club environment is a fairground if Swinging is the playground.
Should we continue to go to clubs given the fact that it’s now coming, it’s coming right at us and I believe we’re not being given the full facts.

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The death rate is around 2% in most places, but in places in the UK and Europe the people dying are the elderly and those with underlying health issues. It wouldn't be as dangerous as the other outbreak in 1919 which killed more people that ww1. The majority of people will be fine
25 January 2020
the government have said that they are expecting it to hit us at 80% ....
There won't be 80% of deaths, they are estimating 80% of the population, so about 54 million people if there's 3.4%, based on that article of 82000 infected 2800, death rate that's over 1.8million people seems very high, but I don't think the UK has reported any deaths so far. I think that must be extremely worse case scenario. But there is nothing to worry about. So far about:
15% of the deaths are those over 80,
8% 70-79
3.6% 60-69
1.3% 50-59
0.2% for all other ages.