Is This Right, Or Wrong?

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14 February 2017
Okay, couldn't find the actual link,.. but found this:

Now as for the reviews,... different subject altogether.

But on a more serious note, I think part of the problem is there'sone group of people who do not agree with the pre-existing ideas. That's fine, nothing wrong with personal opinion.
The problem begins when in a bid to convince everyone else of the same, and to follow their idea, they have not clearly defined their idea .. so no one knows what to think. Except being told what they've always thought is wrong.
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1 September 2018
And with the rise of social media, the views of those social media warriors are spread to all. And now once we have accepted the view that we should never offend someone and everyone is free to be offended by what they want, free speech and free thinking gave been subjugated by the safe space culture.

Xx G
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17 March 2017
Think some times Gender is being stretched by peeps preference not strictly Gender!
26 October 2018
There are only two physical human genders with the possibility of Androgynous, Hermophradite or as it’s called nowadays Intersex making a technical third though this is more an accident of birth.

None of these three accepted titles indicate indicate in any way how you appear or feel sexually ! which is what the 71 Facebook titles are indicating !

Where the fuck is it going to end !
I have no doubt that in the OP the TG person had an unfair advantage due to his stature and muscle mass and not down to his designated gender !
14 February 2017
Okay this is gonna be a 2 part post (once I find the but I need for the second part).

Disclaimer: The following may be uncomfortable to some. Fair warning.

So I found this article in a nutshell addressing the point whether female footballers should be paid the same as make footballers. On the simple basis if equality, I can see why many would say yes, and I'm inclined to agree. But when the pay is directly linked to what a person brings to the table, commercially, that doesn't work. The result is equality of outcome, irrespective of value or work done.

Example below: if the Women's American Football team (soccer in the USA) are losing 5-2 to an under-15 make team (so testosterone is I'm question) can they really argue they should be paid the same as the male world cup equivalents? Would one not argue the under-15 boys should be paid more?

Now let me find the link for the next post ...


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14 February 2017
... Okay, found it:

What No One Is Telling You: An Athlete Who Ran NCAA Track As A Man For 3 Years Just Won An NCAA Women's Title -

TLDR: Athlete born as a man ranked 200th in 2016 men's standings, ranked 390th in 2017, .. then transitions to a woman, and immediately wins the women's nationals, beating other competitors by a 1 second.

So, to those that argue "Men and women are the same, gender is a social construct" as an argument for equal pay, I want to ask "Explain this?"

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying men and women should not be paid the same, I'm merely saying I don't believe no one should be paid any more (ie, rewarded) or any less (is, discriminated against) on basis of gender alone.

If a lady at my workplace doing the same job as me, same level of experience and outperforms me on the same metrics, then ofcourse she should be paid more. But the reverse is also true. It's not rocket science.

But that's just me. Not everyone will agree.
19 March 2015
Good morning.
Indeed, if you read the OP you will see that’s what this is a trigger point for the discussion. (y)
... Okay, found it:

What No One Is Telling You: An Athlete Who Ran NCAA Track As A Man For 3 Years Just Won An NCAA Women's Title -

TLDR: Athlete born as a man ranked 200th in 2016 men's standings, ranked 390th in 2017, .. then transitions to a woman, and immediately wins the women's nationals, beating other competitors by a 1 second.

So, to those that argue "Men and women are the same, gender is a social construct" as an argument for equal pay, I want to ask "Explain this?"

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying men and women should not be paid the same, I'm merely saying I don't believe no one should be paid any more (ie, rewarded) or any less (is, discriminated against) on basis of gender alone.

If a lady at my workplace doing the same job as me, same level of experience and outperforms me on the same metrics, then ofcourse she should be paid more. But the reverse is also true. It's not rocket science.

But that's just me. Not everyone will agree.

Afternoon sexies. So taking a short break for lunch and catching up on some news and I found this;

As you can imagine, there’s uproar online with people saying she’s a male running in female races.
We’ve seen this happen in the UK too, in ladies cycling as well as swimming.

So, do you think this is right and that trans ladies should be allowed and entitled to participate in ladies sports?

Or do you think it’s wrong because ultimately it’s a belief not a physical state. Or for whatever reason, it’s simply wrong.

FWIW - Cece Telfer identifies as a lady.

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17 March 2017
Overpaid males, Costs our parents fortunes in currant strip. trainers etc I can not justify the salaries footballers are paid :palm: