Maps or Satnav, whch get you lost quicker....

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11 August 2015
Had to empty the car out yesterday and amongst all the bits (literally) were my Satnav stuff and a UK map which got me thinking what other people do when travelling by car to somewhere new. I use my mobile and google maps for navigation most of the time but still use the map for those times the Satnav fails to work.
We have all heard the stories of people getting stuck because their satnav provided a "shorter" route but has it ever happened to you? My experiences have been mostly ok, apart from a few glitches such as telling me to turn right at a no right turn junction, telling me I had arrived when it was obvious I hadn't reached my destination and the usual North Wales thing where there is no signal so the bloody thing is totally useless.
So for those times I always left a real map in the car and I am normally fairly good at reading a map but will admit to the classic mistake of assuming I was looking North when in fact it was South and consequently having to ask a local where I was - which didn't help because the pronunciation of the name didn't match my interpretation of the actual spelling (I'm sure the Welsh do it on purpose :)).
So has your Satnav ever sent down a farm track, round the block or totally in the wrong direction and do you ever use a map today?
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18 July 2015
We have a satnav built into the car and I couldnt live with out it now, there was a funny time though when I was heading to Bridgend with a close friend and it took us around a roundabout 6 times :rofl: other than that its great, we also have a camera on the back for reversing but I still hit a lamp post, :rofl: xx


15 September 2014
I must say, I use Satnavs and like you, besides the odd glitch of 'turn here' - when there's no turning, I've had no issues really.
Sometimes you can't beat a map although they're hard to find nowadays...
The local garages used to be filled to the brim of them, for all cities etc, not so much these days now.

Only used Google maps once from my iPhone and I won't be doing it again in a hurry.
Nifty yeah slow as hell though!


18 July 2015
You were lucky, mine told me I had arrived just as I got to a roundabout with about 6 roads of it, needless to say my best guess was totally wrong.

I won't even ask about that :rofl::rofl:
I best not say how many times as Mr A will see but I have trashed his lovely car :rolleyes::notworthy::oops:
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11 August 2015
Only used Google maps once from my iPhone and I won't be doing it again in a hurry.
Nifty yeah slow as hell though!
My car didn't have built in satnav but I couldn't really justify buying a dedicated satnav so make do with google - it works, kind of, when it wants to. o_O
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26 October 2015
Hemel Hempstead
Being a trucker for the last 20 years only ever used maps , plus having been in the forces your tought to read a map proply. Plus used to have a woman telling what to do at home don't need it in my truck to :lol::lol:. No affence to the lovely females on here
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27 April 2015
We have to say, we've used a SatNav all over Europe, and from UK to Spain without a single glitch, We do print out a route off Google just in case though xx


@EvilS or the little old lady with the shopping trolley that keeps you talking for 10 minutes and you are still none the wiser afterwards
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18 October 2015
Lost Looby... ;) ;) << from now on.

Instead of Weirdo attracting, bust stop shelter lingering Looby - I mean of course. :D x
It's not exclusively bus stops...anything goes.x
I get lost with either :)
God you must be amazing fun on a night out! :p x
Put alcohol in the mix and stand well back. Needless to say I drink much. I have to do this whole texting thing with Lew to check I didn't show him up too much. X