Ok Just A Thought..

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15 September 2014
Well we discussed enforcing avatars/profile pics which we actually do now as a result of that.
However, because we enforce profile pics on registration, people add silly images such as elephants, or as we've seen recently, the backs of chairs...
What I do then is remove avatars, but then we are left with members having that dubious question mark "?" - the alternative is to go back to orange ducks and hopefully people will realise just how silly they look..
It's tricky, having a discussion about it is good, but the outcome is what's needed. There needs to be an answer, a solution to this. x
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Most people add media to their profile, (don't know the % of people that don't) if they don't then they will not get alot of interest or view other members media, so how hard is it to pick one of your pics as a profile pic?? after all you don't need to show your face if that's the worry.


15 September 2014
Most people add media to their profile, (don't know the % of people that don't) if they don't then they will not get alot of interest or view other members media, so how hard is it to pick one of your pics as a profile pic?? after all you don't need to show your face if that's the worry.
This..! (y)
That's exactly it.


Most people add media to their profile, (don't know the % of people that don't) if they don't then they will not get alot of interest or view other members media, so how hard is it to pick one of your pics as a profile pic?? after all you don't need to show your face if that's the worry.

If you are serious about being on the site and getting as much out of it as you can, then you take the time to find a fitting avatar that will get you noticed, whereas if you are just in here for a quick nosey round and a fumble in your pants then you put up the first thing thats comes to hand ( pun intended ). Some folks get a genuine interest in joining in and change their avatars to something more acceptable, some are content to just lurk. The solution ? no idea.


15 September 2014
Some folks get a genuine interest in joining in and change their avatars to something more acceptable, some are content to just lurk. The solution ? no idea.
Exactly and what we find is when the said members are comfortable and wish to contribute/stay, they will usually change it to something more suitable/fitting. :)
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15 September 2014
See a comment today about a lovely avatar which is a very nice one to. Can't see members wanting to meet Jo the dog, a coffee cup, a dick in ya face, a car back seat, a guy thinking his a woman, duffy duck or bugs. It nice to see a tasteful avatar even if the head missing give me a idea who I like to say hi too. Am sure this must take time to remove daft avatar's and does Admin head in. It called social swinging where hard work put in not Facebook. rant done sorry for a early one.
It does do our heads in and is extremely frustrating.
This is a swinging site.. Most people know what to add for their images, but it's a swinging site not Facebook..
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15 September 2014
I've been working on managing this for weeks and again all morning today, and I am one step closer to finding a solution..
We will get there. :)
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15 September 2014
So do I need to change mine? I think it sums up the devil and Angel in us all when it comes to swing,
I wouldn't say it's a problem with active, genuine members here @Crezy
I'd say the 'issue' here is people joining, no photos, no information, nothing at all going on except a dog as their profile pic.
I think that's the biggest issue I think to be fair.. :)
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