Photo Verification For All Onsite?

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Shall the site consider enforcing PV (photo verification) to all members?

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18 July 2015
Well since it has been made clear that everyone would like the site to be all verified, it seems a few accounts would like to be deleted so the future aim of this being a genuine site with no fake accounts is working.
If you haven't done a photo verification as of yet then you know what to do, please PM @Admin with the photo.
Many thanks all x


15 September 2014
Good morning. Have been thinking on this further and in order for us to enforce this, we will (obviously) need to make some preparations for this.
Some things may include reversing some already existing 'restrictions' we have in place.
Will follow this up when I know more and have made a clear decision.


15 September 2014
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15 September 2014
Hi all!
So a little update for everyone..
As you all know, we are getting the site prepared for it and one thing we've noticed is this;
We are asking existing accounts to be on a level playing field for new members to PV, by actually getting PV if they are not already.
Some people do, some people give us the runaround, some people deny it and some people are non-compliant and quite evasive over this.

Indeed and for those who are non-compliant, we will do restrict their accounts, and then ban. Two accounts as you know, we have banned recently and left the accounts open for all to see, so you know how to spot them. (fakes)

This already has had an effect as numbers are dropping, which we knew would happen.
We knew it would happen and it was discussed in length that doing this initially would have a negative effect.
We're banning people left right and centre..
And I've lost count in honesty, about the amount of accounts we've applied restrictions to.
It just goes to show really, how many accounts are on here, who may not actually be whom they proclaim themselves to be.

This is definitely the way forward for the site and whilst we will lose people, numbers and traffic, in the long run it means only one thing; more genuine people here. (y)


18 July 2015
What I will add is that I am in the process of messaging active members and just to let you know so far only one account has done the PV in the past couple of days, all other accounts will face restrictions until they comply. :whistle:(y)
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15 September 2014
Hi all,
okay @Stew asked me a question earlier regarding the approximate date for enforcing this as a site rule.

He's not alone, a few people have been asking recently.
I have been thinking about this all day and working on the site all day, in preparation for enforced PV.
I've made my decision, ETA = end of May. I will try my best to get on target for end of May. :) (y)


15 September 2014
What I will also say is that I will be setting things up and doing some testing over the coming week.
We've already made a huge head start in preparing the site for this, and are asking existing members to PV now so we're on a level playing field.

So with that there's a couple of things I'd like to mention.
Please bear with me while I set everything in place, there's going to be a brief moment at some point, where you may get locked out of things, but it will be as brief as humanly possible.

We have to hammer this out that we're enforcing PV and by the end of the month. We need to make sure everyone has been made fully aware and knows what's coming.
All I ask is kindly bear with us again on this one, while we send alerts site-wide to tell people what we're doing.
Thanks all :) x
28 May 2015
Honestly, I don't understand how PV proves someone is "of age". What if someone is a mature looking 16 year old?

Deleted member 3657

Honestly, I don't understand how PV proves someone is "of age". What if someone is a mature looking 16 year old?
It's not only about proving if someone is of age. It's also about proving people are, on the whole who they say they are. To eliminate fake profiles as some have already been discovered to be since this discussion started. It's to give members the confidence of chatting to a genuine person and not someone who could just be wasting someone's time. If someone is suspected of being underage then it's up to the staff to determine the next steps to verify their age. Withouth PV, we would not have a chance to even begin to not only weed out fake profiles but also underage members. This is a step toward both and a step towards a more secure environment for genuine people.
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10 March 2015
So, what happens to those profiles that don't PV?
Sorry if this has been covered, haven't read through the whole thread, just came on and saw the alert, thought I'd ask.
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18 July 2015
So, what happens to those profiles that don't PV?
Sorry if this has been covered, haven't read through the whole thread, just came on and saw the alert, thought I'd ask.
We did speak about meeting if you recall (y)x
10 March 2015
We did speak about meeting if you recall (y)x

We did, and we are still up for that, but I'm not sure how that solves the "photo verification" problem?
We have been "verified" by more than one profile on here, thus proving we are... "genuine", "real", (insert other appropriate word here lol).
We like this site, we should probably come on more.
When we joined, there was no requirement to PV, and now it is a requirement, will we be "sanctioned" in some way despite not doing anything wrong?
I think its a bit of a "sledgehammer to crack a nut" idea, and doesn't prove a great deal.

Does it prove that someone is a nice person?
Does it prove that they will turn up for a meet?
Does it prove they are genuine?
Does it prove they are not Press?

I like the idea that the site admin are trying to help members, but where do you draw the line?


18 July 2015
Does it prove that someone is a nice person?
Does it prove that they will turn up for a meet?
Does it prove they are genuine?
Does it prove they are not Press?
None of the above.... Absolutely none. It proves nothing. Aside from one thing; the person behind the account and using the account, are who they say there are.
Thing is hun, since starting this we've banned so many fakes you wouldnt believe. We genuinely had no idea just how many were here, yes it affects our numbers by doing so. But we would rather have lower numbers and a higher ratio of genuine accounts (people who they say there are) than higher numbers and lower genuine accounts.
So it does not mean they're genuine, swingers, not press, not timewasters, not pic collectors.
But it does mean that the person behind the account is who they say they are, such as a gent not a single female etc
Let's get that coffee morning sorted hun. :) x
10 March 2015
None of the above.... Absolutely none. It proves nothing. Aside from one thing; the person behind the account and using the account, are who they say there are.
Thing is hun, since starting this we've banned so many fakes you wouldnt believe. We genuinely had no idea just how many were here, yes it affects our numbers by doing so. But we would rather have lower numbers and a higher ratio of genuine accounts (people who they say there are) than higher numbers and lower genuine accounts.
So it does not mean they're genuine, swingers, not press, not timewasters, not pic collectors.
But it does mean that the person behind the account is who they say they are, such as a gent not a single female etc
Let's get that coffee morning sorted hun. :) x

We will definitely sort something out for a meet up.
So, what happens when we get to the end of the month, and we haven't PV'd?:hmm:


18 July 2015
We are flat out until Jaynes holiday, she is away from 31st to the 8th, so it would have to be sometime after that. x(y)
Then during this time your account will remain as is, we will make sure of it, I look forward to seeing you after the 8th. Were you at the Swansea Social the weekend the site launched? (y)x
10 March 2015
Then during this time your account will remain as is, we will make sure of it, I look forward to seeing you after the 8th. Were you at the Swansea Social the weekend the site launched? (y)x

No idea about the Swansea social, I've slept since then lol.
So, are you planning to take sneaky pics of us to PV us yourselves then lol?:ninja:


15 September 2014
Hi all,
Quick update to this. As from today, people wishing to PV are not to send them directly to me in a PM, rather create a thread and attach the image into a post in a section on the site. After this, we will remove the thread/images per members request.
You can find more here;

I know some members saw some test posts of mine earlier, but that was literally while I was setting things in place. As of right now, no one else will be able to see anyone else's posts in this area;
Thanks all,
Admin. x
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