Poll - Centralised Area For Your Personal Meets & Outcomes..

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Would you use a private area for logs of location info and any trouble with a meet?

  • Yes I would definitely use a service/feature like this

    Votes: 19 79.2%
  • No I wouldn't use it and have no interest in this

    Votes: 5 20.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


15 September 2014
Hi all,
Further to this thread I would like to ask for your votes and input on something..

The way I see it and after discussing with @Crezy - this idea is actually quite novel.. This is NOT about US being your safety net! This is about us offering you the chance to privately document in a separate forum, which only you the poster and admins can see - your arranged meets and if all went good or not.
But not good we mean as in trouble, not that you didn't play.

By doing this in one sense, it can centralise any issues with any potential people who could be deemed trouble.

Also it adds the possibility for you to leave a record or a trace if you like.
We are not your safety net and nor will we be held accountable as a safety net..
But what this does do is give you the opportunity in your own section, with only yourself and staff having access, to leave a small trace.

So the questions are this.
Do you think it's a good/bad idea
Are you concerned about privacy?
Would you use it and leave notes about your planned meets which could be used should anything untoward go wrong?

In the words of the OP;
Not so much a case of booking back in it's about someone knowing your last possible actions if there was a question of your wellbeing after x
To put it another way,,,,, we have all herd of the sad cases of people going missing and no one can shed any light, well this would be a start if God forbid it happend, and for the family it would, however distasteful this life style maybe to them it gives a start point, and hope,,,,,,,,,,,I don't wish to sound dramatic but this is what I think about, I apologise if it should offend but it would only be voluntary

So please, think carefully if you would use a private area for this.. Also please understand this would be for you to leave a note and possibly mention to us in confidence last location and also about any trouble, and not for us to be accountable for you or your own actions during that day/evening etc.
If the worst should happen, at least some of it can be traced.

Thank you


Hi all,
Further to this thread I would like to ask for your votes and input on something..

The way I see it and after discussing with @Crezy - this idea is actually quite novel.. This is NOT about US being your safety net! This is about us offering you the chance to privately document in a separate forum, which only you the poster and admins can see - your arranged meets and if all went good or not.
But not good we mean as in trouble, not that you didn't play.

By doing this in one sense, it can centralise any issues with any potential people who could be deemed trouble.

Also it adds the possibility for you to leave a record or a trace if you like.
We are not your safety net and nor will we be held accountable as a safety net..
But what this does do is give you the opportunity in your own section, with only yourself and staff having access, to leave a small trace.

So the questions are this.
Do you think it's a good/bad idea
Are you concerned about privacy?
Would you use it and leave notes about your planned meets which could be used should anything untoward go wrong?

In the words of the OP;

So please, think carefully if you would use a private area for this.. Also please understand this would be for you to leave a note and possibly mention to us in confidence last location and also about any trouble, and not for us to be accountable for you or your own actions during that day/evening etc.
If the worst should happen, at least some of it can be traced.

Thank you

I think I said before I think it's a splendid idea and yeah it will set the is site aside from others. Another safety feature should something awful happen. Let's face it there's always a possibility.
Definitely have our full support on this one. And we would use it xxxxx


15 September 2014
As I said overleaf it is a good idea but needs both parties in there to really make it safe.
If only one party is in there and the second isn't, or isn't even photo verified I am sorry to say that there is already a risk and a safe area can't help.
If in doubt
Don't go out!

I'm lost this time Stephen sorry..
Both parties in where to make it safe? In a section dedicated to individuals so they can leave notes?
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Ok just read through @Admin's description, it does seem like a good idea on the surface, but when you look at it in depth i think its too susceptible to failure, there are a few things that could go wrong with this kind of reporting system, i for one would not be happy using something like this, it smacks too much of gossiping for my liking. It might be a valuable tool if it was used right, but lets face it, there are just too many variables, so my vote is a 'no'


Ok just read through @Admin's description, it does seem like a good idea on the surface, but when you look at it in depth i think its too susceptible to failure, there are a few things that could go wrong with this kind of reporting system, i for one would not be happy using something like this, it smacks too much of gossiping for my liking. It might be a valuable tool if it was used right, but lets face it, there are just too many variables, so my vote is a 'no'
Thanks hun. I was curious on your opinion.... x

This is why im.still thinking... and wheying up the pros and cons x
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Ok if someone logged they were going on a meet, and something went tits up at 3 am, there wouldn't be any staff on here at that time so it would be a few hours before anyone could raise the alarm either
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Ok if someone logged they were going on a meet, and something went tits up at 3 am, there wouldn't be any staff on here at that time so it would be a few hours before anyone could raise the alarm either
This was my intial thought... but re reading its a different issue hun.
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15 September 2014
Ok if someone logged they were going on a meet, and something went tits up at 3 am, there wouldn't be any staff on here at that time so it would be a few hours before anyone could raise the alarm either
Yeah this is not the aim my friend.
It's about being able to log meets and meetings and should anything go wrong, even serious incidents, it can be logged by the member - only they and staff see it, therefore leaving a trail.
This is not incident response, this is offering members a secure and private area where they can make any notes of anything that may have happened which could be untoward, so they have a history of it.

It also enables us to see if there are repeat issues with any given member who could be trouble for the community. :)


I see @Admin, still don't like the idea though, it only takes one bat shit crazy bugger to start posting false allegations and we are in it upto our necks, and how many of those kinds of nutters have we seen over the years ? we are getting into the whole "he said, she said" scenario, and there are going to be the doubtless nonsense reports like he promised me jaffa cakes but he only had custard creams LOL


18 July 2015
I see @Admin, still don't like the idea though, it only takes one bat shit crazy bugger to start posting false allegations and we are in it upto our necks, and how many of those kinds of nutters have we seen over the years ? we are getting into the whole "he said, she said" scenario, and there are going to be the doubtless nonsense reports like he promised me jaffa cakes but he only had custard creams LOL
Good point there xx
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15 September 2014
I see @Admin, still don't like the idea though, it only takes one bat shit crazy bugger to start posting false allegations and we are in it upto our necks, and how many of those kinds of nutters have we seen over the years ? we are getting into the whole "he said, she said" scenario, and there are going to be the doubtless nonsense reports like he promised me jaffa cakes but he only had custard creams LOL
Yes this is half the problem..
There's a lot of pro's and cons for this one as it could be hugely beneficial for the community and for the members who use it as they will have a log, but it won't come without problems.. ESP if abused..
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