Real or Fake..

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11 August 2015
I just like boobs but do prefer natural however if it makes the lady feel more confident and sexier then good for her.
1 May 2015
Ok guys and girls what do you prefer natural or fake..Boobs bums Etc..
Ladies would you have surgery to boost those assets and men what do you prefer to see or have you men considered surgery?
I have a pair of natural double Ds and wouldnt change that but I do have botox and the usual beauty treatments..
Tbh there would be nothing I would change.
What are your thoughts.
with boobs like that and your sexy bum there is certainly no need for you to change anything you look absolutely fine as you are
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You can put me firmly *ahem* in the natural camp, I've never seen any done well enough to fool me but I'm glad to know it can be done!
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